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Comment Re:And still (Score 1) 196

The definition of "planet" is a fucked up mess that a small group of astronomers threw together with the intent of classifying Pluto as not-a-planet without really thinking it through.

Like it or not humans have been classifying things from the beginning of our species. Yes sometime we get it wrong or not quite right but we do try and refine our classifications using scientific principles.

Neither does Jupiter. There are about 100,000 trojan asteroids in Jupiter's orbit, so it fails the third criteria; "cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit."

That is just nit picking and is covered by the quote (see below) from your reference anyway. Basically all of that cosmic rubble (call them asteroids or chunks of rock if you will) are orbit crossing and are tiny in respect to the planet which is significantly different. None of the eight planets cross each others orbit however "Pluto" does cross Neptune's orbit which makes Pluto fall under a different criteria than what we classify as "normal planet orbital behaviour". Oh before I forget Pluto's orbital plane is different form the orbital plane of the other planets, read into that what you will.

As per your reference I quote:

In the end stages of planet formation, a planet will have "cleared the neighbourhood" of its own orbital zone (see below), meaning it has become gravitationally dominant, and there are no other bodies of comparable size other than its own satellites or those otherwise under its gravitational influence. A large body which meets the other criteria for a planet but has not cleared its neighbourhood is classified as a dwarf planet. This includes Pluto, which shares its orbital neighbourhood with Kuiper belt objects such as the plutinos.

Oh well maybe in the future Pluto will cross Neptune's orbit and Neptune will be waiting for it then the debate will be solved. Of course in a few billion years none of this will matter anyway.

Comment Re:Another Reason Businesses prefer BSD (Score 1) 264

The kernel is shipping in every single one of those android phones. If you guys are basing your decision on whether or not to use Linux vs BSD servers based on whether or not the releases are named, I think Linux can probaly do ok without you.

I concur I did not want to comment any further for what I consider a troll. Personally I don't have any issue with BSD Unix since it actually was the first Unix I ever worked on in 1980 but many business or at least those that want to make money want an OS they know is going to be supported and the track record of the company that is going to support that OS.

Comment Re:Another Reason Businesses prefer BSD (Score 1) 264

Ah the troll is strong with this one!

But well, it's just the kernel, so one could just use the number, but damn this sort of stuff is exactly why linux will never be taken that seriously, even if it is free. /rant off

Over one billion android smartphone and tablet users world wide might disagree with you and that is over 65% of the market.

Comment Re:Linux? Is that still a thing? (Score 1) 264

Back when I was reading slashdot in the 90s I was assured it was just weeks away from taking over the world. Now I'm looking for any serious answer as to why it's anything more than "work for embedded device manuafcturers without getting paid."

I suggest you look at your smartphone or tablet, over one billion people might disagree with you.

Comment Re:New version! (Score 1) 264

Yes, exactly. I'm running Debian Jessie and I'm not really comfortable with binary logs.

Have you ever heard to utmp and wtmp they are binary logs?

How do you think you can read an ASCII file since in reality it is a binary file? Don't believe me well try to open an ASCI file without the appropriate software to open that file. Examples of that software are: cat, more, less, pg, view, vi, vim, gvim, emacs, - I could go on if you like. Like it or not ASCII files are a binary file consisting of ones and zeros.

Reading so called binary logs with the appropriate software is no more different than reading an ASCII file with the appropriate software.

Comment Re:New version! (Score 2, Insightful) 264

"it does not respect the UNIX way of doing things" IS a valid technical argument.

What pray tell is the UNIX way of doing things?

I have been using Unix (BSD, Ultrix, Tru64, AIX, SunOS, IRIX, HPUX, Solaris, SCO (when they were the good guys) and others) for over 35 years and what you have just said would get you laughed out of a design meeting.

Comment Re:Cripes, what could possibly go wrong? (Score 2) 421

There is one thing that could be done. Pull CO2 out of the atmosphere on a large scale. That would take enormous amounts of carbon-free electricity.

Where do you suggest we put all this CO2? Over millions of years the excess CO2 of our planet was removed by plants and safely locked away until we decided to dig it up and released it. What is really needed is a balance but how to determine that balance and even implement it that is the question although planting more trees would help.

Basically we need to be fairly energy neutral and a balance between producing bio-fuels and consuming that fuel is essential. All fossil fuels do is produce more CO2 and other products although even this can be offset with some thought.

Please note I am well aware the pluses and minuses of bio-fuels not to mention some ridicules and possibly criminal choices of the type of fuels for certain areas. It is very important to decide on the appropriate bio-fuel that can be relatively cheap to produce and appropriate for area. In some areas such as those with high population densities growing of bio-fuels impacts on the growing of food so some sort of balance is needed and that is not easy when greed takes over.

Comment Re:Don't fucking do it. (Score 1) 421

Yes, let mother nature take care of us. All hail our Goddess Earth.

Actually Mother Nature could not give a hoot if our species lives or dies, likewise our solar system, galaxy or even the universe. The entities that should give a damn are our own species although that may be asking to much.

Comment Re:on starting with smaller-scale albedo modificat (Score 3, Interesting) 421

I suppose the first thing to ask is "What can go wrong?"

Our planet maintains a balance so far and if you start to upset that balance then you are going to have two possibilities. 1) The planet goes through a runaway greenhouse effect and effectively gets far too hot, although probably not as hot as Venus. 2) The planet goes into deep freeze and this has happened before. We can actually thank volcanic action for reversing this process.

I can understand concern over potential global warming and am in favour of reducing green house gas build up or better still to have a balance between consuming liquid fuels (example: practical bio-fuels without the hype) and growing them. Burning fossil fuels without some sort of balance is asking for trouble. Solar energy in all its forms should be seriously considered and the most suitable for each region implemented if possible and practical by all nations, although IMO that is basically asking the impossible but at least first world countries should set the example.

Another area to look at is the design and building of housing that is energy efficient in that there would be less need for heating and cooling. Practical solar solutions should also be considered here as well.

The things I have just mentioned are easily achievable with our current technology and would go a very long way in stabilising the climate of our planet. Of course this is but a pipe dream since we are a short lived species but if our life potential could be made to say 200 or more healthy years then most people in power would realise that they and not just their children are going have to put up with radical changes if they make stupid decisions. Of course human greed and fanaticism can still blind some even in the face of imminent disaster.

Submission + - What Do Old Techies Do After They Retire? writes: Peter T. Kilborn writes in the NYT about the generation of the baby boomer programmers, engineers, and technical people who are now leaving the bosses, bureaucracies, commutes and time clocks of their workaday careers to tackle something consuming and new, whether for material reward or none at all. “Retirement gives them the opportunity to flex their experience,” says Dr. William Winn speaking of a postchildhood, postfamily-rearing, “third age” of “productive aging” and “positive aging.” Nancy K. Schlossberg calls men and women who exploit the skills of their old jobs “continuers" and those who take up something new “adventurers.” Continuers and adventurers make up the vigorous end of Dr. Schlossberg’s retirement spectrum, opposite those she calls “retreaters” who disengage from life and “spectators” who just watch.

For example, 75-year-old Seth R. Goldstein, with four degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering from MIT and retired for thirteen years, still calls himself an engineer. But where he was previously a biomedical engineer with the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda with 12 patents, he now makes kinetic sculptures in his basement workshop that lack any commercial or functional utility. But his work, some of which is on display at the Visionary Arts Museum in Baltimore, has purpose. Goldstein is pushing the envelope of engineering and hoping to stir the imaginations of young engineers to push their own envelopes. For example "Why Knot?” a sculpture Goldstein constructed, uses 10 electric motors to drive 10 mechanisms to construct a four-in-hand knot on a necktie that it wraps around its own neck. Grasping, pulling, aligning and winding the lengths of the tie, Mr. Knot can detect the occasional misstep or tear, untie the knot and get it right. Unlike Rube Goldberg’s whimsical contraptions, Mr. Goldstein’s is no mere cartoon. It works, if only for Mr. Knot.

According to Kilborn, people like Goldstein don't fit the traditional definition of retirement, which according to Webster's Dictionary means the "withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from active working life. Retirement implies that you're just leaving something; it doesn't reflect that you're going to something," says Schlossberg. "But it is really a career change. You are leaving something that has been your primary involvement, and you are moving to something else."

Submission + - Harvard climate skeptic scientist has made a fortune from corporate interests (

Lasrick writes: Elected officials who want to block the EPA and legislation on climate change frequently refer to a handful of scientists who dispute anthropogenic climate change. One of scientists they quote most often is Wei-Hock Soon, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who claims that variations in the sun’s energy can largely explain recent global warming. Newly released documents show the extent to which Dr. Soon has made a fortune from corporate interests. 'He has accepted more than $1.2 million in money from the fossil-fuel industry over the last decade while failing to disclose that conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers. At least 11 papers he has published since 2008 omitted such a disclosure, and in at least eight of those cases, he appears to have violated ethical guidelines of the journals that published his work.' The Koch Brothers are cited as a source of Dr. Soon's funding.

Submission + - Antitrust case against Google thrown out of SF court (

Mark Wilson writes: Just a few days ago Google was threatened with legal action for anti-competitive behavior in Russia. While we don't yet know if that will amount to anything, there has been some better news for the search giant in the US. A San Francisco judge dismissed a case brought against the firm by two men who thought the inclusion of Google services in Android pushed up the prices of their handsets.

Submission + - ask slashdot: How can we improve the judicial system with technology? 1

An anonymous reader writes: Technology has improved so many things in our lives. I have found myself wondering if it is not time for us to consider improvements to our judicial system. One of the cornerstones of any democracy is its judicial system. Fortunatelly, most of us never have to deal with it. On the other hand, the fact that we so seldom interact with it also means that most of us are not constantly thinking about it. It is possible our judicial system would be much better if most of us had to spend more time thinking about it.

I myself had not put much thought into it until I watched a documentary about Aaron Swartz. It is frightening to think that someone could have been left in a position like that. I also hear about so many cases were people end up pleaing guilty because they do not have enough money to fight a case in court. Is this really the best we can do? The Marshal Project is also an interesting source of information regarding the shortfalls of our current system.

What does the slashot crowd think about it? How can we improve our judicial system? Is there any interesting way that techonology could be used to improve the system?

Submission + - Linux Foundation: Bugs Can Be Made Shallow With Proper Funding (

jones_supa writes: The record amount of security challenges in 2014 undermined the confidence many had in high quality of open source software. Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, addressed the issue head-on during last week's Linux Collaboration Summit. Zemlin quoted the oft-repeated Linus' law, which states that given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow. "In these cases the eyeballs weren't really looking", Zemlin said. "Modern software security is hard because modern software is very complex", he continued. Such complexity requires dedicated engineers, and thus the solution is to fund projects that need help. To date, the foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative has helped out the NTP, OpenSSL and GnuPG projects, with more likely to come. The second key initiative is the Core Infrastructure Census, which aims to find the next Heartbleed before it occurs. The census is looking to find underfunded projects and those that may not have enough eyeballs looking at the code today.

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