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Comment Re:Humanity is Sick and Twisted (Score 0) 608

No, I think you are essentially correct.

And this is the "Great Filter."

A successful escape from the gravity well requires a lot of cooperation. It's much easier to simply take the resources you wish, scarce as they are on the planet, than to expand and colonize off-planet. That's a dead-end route, of course, you and your descendents for a few generations rule a dying world, until it dies, and you with it. Whether you manage to hold out until the world dies naturally, or you purify it with nuclear fire, the outcome is essentially the same.

And those dead-end routes are the odds on favorites for any species in our position. Just a few minutes reviewing the news on any randomly chosen day should make that clear. Many nasty characteristics that have been selected for prior to this point suddenly become liabilities. Physical technology has improved dramatically, but our social tech level is little if any improved from its state 10k years ago. If we do not improve the social tech dramatically and very very quickly then we are extremely likely to exterminate ourselves with our physical technology.

I suspect there ARE other species that have crossed this threshold already, actually, but if there are the last thing they would do is let a primitive, violent race like ours know of their existence.

Comment Re:So how long (Score 1) 155

Nice strawman. It exists only in your imagination.

The alternative to regulation, which existed before the latter was invented, is law. Liability law, primarily, although other aspects could certainly be invoked from time to time as well.

Regulation was invented to shield business from liability law, so it makes perfect sense that repealing it would mean a return to liability. It makes no sense at all to assume the alternative is *nothing* but hey, it works better for dismissing me without the discomfort of thinking, right?

Comment Re:So how long (Score -1, Troll) 155

"So how long until the BPU commissioners get their nice cushy jobs as lobbyists for Verizon or a Verizon supported trade group?"

More importantly, how many times can someone see this happen and still cling to the absurd belief that government regulation leads to anything other than regulatory capture.

Comment Re:Implying Slashdot isn't guilty of the same char (Score 1) 180

"I'll be damned if an ad on this very site (Slashdot) not only showed a video ad but the damn thing even autoplayed"

Not to defend the crappy code (it's been crappy from day one and unlikely to improve) the other point of failure here is your browser. You should be able to configure it to pass on any website suggestions that involve executing "active content" without your explicit approval. Which is necessary for a large and growing portion of the web, I am afraid, certainly not just slashdot.

Comment Re:What a monstrosity posing as a webpage (Score 1) 216

"Okay, so among the changes you've made to your terminal is the automatic insertion of a tag to make your slashdot posts monospace to others."

Uh, no. I'm inserting no tags. I have simply made sure my browser is configured to use fonts that work well with my combination of hardware, software, and wetware. A basic task preliminary to actually using the web which one would expect, especially on a supposedly technology oriented website, most people should have already accomplished before they got here.

"But it's 'their browser settings'."

Yes, it is. It's puzzling this seems difficult for you to understand, it's simply the obvious truth. My browser settings do not affect you (or you would see your own posts in my font, which you do not - you are seeing the fonts you have chosen and I am seeing the fonts I have chosen.) Browser settings are stored on the local computer, not on some server somewhere.

Comment Re:The term is "regulatory capture" (Score 1) 410

"In case you hadn't noticed we have had a quite severe depression, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it could and probably would have been considerably worse without prompt intervention"

It's very much like treating a hangover with more booze. Yes, it can reduce the pain in the short term, but in the long run it's only making things worse.


Comment Re:What a monstrosity posing as a webpage (Score 0) 216

"Who the hell uses the tt tag?!"

I know, right? That was exactly what I thought when I found it. Slashdot is inserting it, not I.

"On that note, why is my browser even interpreting the tt tag"

That is a good question, and one my technologically illiterate stalker should ponder as well. It's probably good in that case for the browser to take the hint and use a monospace font, but it's certainly not required, and there is a reason we have the ability to change the default fonts. If a particular font looks bad on your browser the obvious answer is to choose a different font that does not have this problem.

I use monospaced fonts to render essentially all web content, which is why I see no difference in the font of my posts and yours. They both appear in a very clean easily readable font called anonymous pro. It's monospace so it does not mangle text elements that make use of positional cues, it has a proper '0' rather than a second 'O' misplaced in the numbers section, and these are critical requirements that default fonts lacked across the board.

Comment Re:What a monstrosity posing as a webpage (Score 0) 216

"Most highly read sites are using layouts like this now because they adapt well to both Mobile and Tablets,"

Except that's bullshit. Absolute and total bullshit.

Platform agnosticism is a basic feature of the web for a reason. If you want to be widely accessible construct and send an actual webpage and let the user agent do its job. Offering an executable instead is bad enough - offering it in the name of accessibility is not a little lie.

Comment Re:What kind? (Score -1) 115

"There's the Steam-type which let's be honest very few people complain about"

Bugger off with your kool-aid, mate. Just because a large number of you jack-asses drunk up and like to validate each others failure does not change facts. DRM is DRM and Steam is DRM and you either wear your masters collar or you do not.

At any rate, a new 'Witcher' game with no DRM? If true, I will happily buy it without any dickering. I will confess I am skeptical though. Too many of you idiots out there happy to buy DRM and try to pretend otherwise makes it very tempting for the publishers to simply lie and take your money, you know.

Comment Re: Well, what did we expect? (Score 0) 410

I disagree. It is a smoking gun. Incompetence rather than malice may be just barely credible, but incompetence at that level amounts to the same thing.

I can tell my employees to break stuff, or I can simply create an incentive structure that motivates them to break stuff and wait. There should be no legal difference between the two acts.

Comment Re:Just more bullshit (Score 2) 410

It didnt start with cable companies, but other than that you are right.

And it's not only in the provision of bandwidth where the big players have been determined from day one to kill the internet and build something they can control out of our corpse. It's also in your browser. They were perverting HTML before it was even standardized, and you see that today on every big website (and many small ones as well) - unconscionable bullshit sent out in place of an actual web page.

One tiny example - any blogger site that is flagged for adult content. You get an instant redirect to a non-web page, and unless your browser is configured to execute random executables whenever a remote server wants it to, you will see nothing but a blank page. I doubt many blogger users desire this breakage, but they are powerless, they are not customers, and neither am I. The customers are the advertisers, the lowest and most debased form of humanity.

I am not sure what the answer is. Rampant ignorance and stupidity among web users enables this, and I am afraid I have no solution to the problem. If it were only the willfully ignorant who suffer, that would be ok, but it's not. They destroy it for everyone.

Comment Re:THis is why I hide behind (Score 1) 236

"I've been running this setup for the last 4 years and have not had any problems with it at all."

When it works it's not a problem, obviously. But when something obscure breaks in new and interesting ways for no apparent reason - you'll probably find eliminating the double NAT fixes it.

"My daughter who is an avid gamer has no issues with latency either."

As long as your total latency is relatively low no one is likely to notice it of course. With a fast link and a slow router it might be as much as 10% of total, typically less than that, but that does not mean it's not there. Just one more stop among several but it's the one that can be eliminated and is not actually needed.

Comment Re:Vaccines (Score 1) 600

You are shifting the goalposts and you are not unique. When pressed, you fall back to a reasonable argument (the risks of vaccination are less than the risks of non-vaccination) but *only after* the initial blanket assertion of 'safety' was challenged.

This pattern will lead to people instinctively questioning your credibility, and frankly it should. Too many people think it's ok to lie as long as it's for a good reason - like convincing your stupid neighbor to do the smart thing when it could affect you both, am I right? No, it's really not ok. Convince her in the short term with a lie - in the long term she is less likely to listen to what you have to say at all.

TFA in the broader sense is fatally flawed as well. It purports to measure acceptance of science, but it measures instead acceptance of scientism, and the two are very different things despite the surface similarities. Scientific thinkers will 'fail' this test on several points, as they habitually doubt everything to begin with, and most especially e.g. cosmological theories developed on the basis of incredibly limited data which can be expected to be revised significantly many times over the next few millenia (if someone survives to do the revisions at least.)

What it's really measuring is whether or not people obediently recite the catechism of the state church, nothing more.

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