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Submission + - NIST closed due to funding lapsed? (nist.gov) 1

sonofusion82 writes: Not sure if this is a hacker prank or real, but all the NIST website just shows the following notice when I was trying to find some info about their PRNG:

"Due to a lapse in government funding, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is closed and most NIST and affiliated web sites are unavailable until further notice. We sincerely regret the inconvenience."

Submission + - 2013 Retina Macbook Pro Update Preview: What To Expect Read more: http://www.ap (appstorechronicle.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The 15 and 13 inch Retina Macbook Pros are (likely) receiving an update on October 15th, and tons of people have asked me “Will the Retina Macbook Pro have?”.
Based on these requests, and the quantity of misinformation out there, I’m releasing a guide as to what to expect for the retina macbook pro, which should be confirmed on the release date, of October 15th. If you’re interested, also check out our popular guide to Apple rumors 2013.

Submission + - Vacuum Dust Linked To Infant Botulism (ibtimes.com)

minty3 writes: According to a new study, the aerosolized dust vacuum cleaners create contains bacteria and mold that can lead to serious diseases including infant botulism.

Submission + - FreeBSD 9.2, FreeBSD 10.0 Alpha 4 Released (phoronix.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team has announced the release of FreeBSD 9.2. FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE has ZFS TRIM SSD support, ZFS LZ4 compression support, DTrace hooks and VirtIO drivers as part of the default kernel configuration, unmapped I/O support, and numerous other minor features. FreeBSD also announced FreeBSD 10.0 Alpha 4 on the same day, which is the next major feature release of the open-source BSD operating system.

Submission + - VMWare updates VMWare Fusion, VMPlayer, and VMWare Workstation lines (arstechnica.com)

Billly Gates writes: Virtualization is criticial for anyone in I.T. or runs Linux and needs to run some Windows program. In just a year's span VMWare has its next generation of client software releases using a Microsoft like release schedule. The information and features is here as well as here . Both the Mac oriented Fusion, and PC oriented Workstation include support for Windows 8.1, MacOSX Maverick (fusion/player on Mac), SATA drivers, integration with tablet features such as light controls and sensors, 64 GBs of ram support, 16 virtual CPU support, USB 3, and better SSD support. However, VMWare crippled its fusion product for the Mac and offers are more expensive VMWare Professional Fuse that offers the same features such as creating restricted or expired VMs as well as the VMWare Player. For those who do not want to pay $299 for the retail price or $250 there is always the FOSS Oracle Virtualbox which offers many of its features and is also cross platform for all major host and guest platforms.

Submission + - New Alternative to WiFi has a Range of Nearly a Mile (qz.com)

vikingpower writes: Robotics engineer Taylor Alexander needed to lift a nuclear cooling tower off its foundation using 19 high-strength steel cables, and the Android app that was supposed to accomplish it, for which he’d just paid a developer $20,000, was essentially worthless. Undaunted and on deadline—the tower needed a new foundation, and delays meant millions of dollars in losses—he re-wrote the app himself. That’s when he discovered just how hard it is to connect to sensors via the standard long-distance industrial wireless protocol, known as Zigbee.

It took him months of hacking just to create a system that could send him a single number—which represented the strain on each of the cables—from the sensors he was using. Surely, he thought, there must be a better way. And that’s when he realized that the solution to his problem would also unlock the potential of what’s known as the “internet of things” (the idea that every object we own, no matter how mundane, is connected to the internet and can be monitored and manipulated via the internet, whether it’s a toaster, a light bulb or your car).

The result is an in-the-works project called Flutter.

Submission + - Monster Storm Reveals Water On Saturn (csmonitor.com)

cold fjord writes: The CS Monitor reports, "A thunderstorm bigger than our planet churned Saturn's atmosphere like an egg beater, reaching deep into Saturn's gassy interior and flinging water up to the ammonia-gas cloudtops. ... From December 2010 through August 2011, a superstorm raged across Saturn. The storm moved west, leaving behind a wake so enormous that ultimately the head collided with its own tail, encircling the giant gas planet with a belt of turbulence over 9,000 miles wide and 190,000 miles long. And in studying it, scientists found water. This massive thunderstorm – the head alone was bigger than planet Earth – churned Saturn's atmosphere like an egg beater, reaching deep down into Saturn's gassy interior, finding water vapor, and flinging it up with "hundreds of miles per hour of upward motion ... Scientists have suspected for years that water vapor must be hiding in Saturn's lower atmosphere, but finding proof was tricky. "As far as water in measurable quantities, at the level of the visible cloud tops – this is the first indication," says Dr. Sromovsky. The first scientists who studied the storm noted its size and power, but missed the scent of water. " More at Universe Today.

Submission + - Leaked Documents Detail al-Qaeda's Efforts To Fight Back Against Drones (washingtonpost.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The Washington Post reports, "Al-Qaeda’s leadership has assigned cells of engineers to find ways to shoot down, jam or remotely hijack U.S. drones ... In July 2010, a U.S. spy agency intercepted electronic communications indicating that senior al-Qaeda leaders had distributed a “strategy guide” to operatives around the world advising them how “to anticipate and defeat” unmanned aircraft. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported that al-Qaeda was sponsoring simultaneous research projects to develop jammers to interfere with GPS signals and infrared tags that drone operators rely on to pinpoint missile targets. Other projects in the works included the development of observation balloons and small radio-controlled aircraft, or hobby planes, which insurgents apparently saw as having potential for monitoring the flight patterns of U.S. drones... Al-Qaeda has a long history of attracting trained engineers ... Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, holds a mechanical-engineering degree ... In 2010, the CIA noted in a secret report that al-Qaeda was placing special emphasis on the recruitment of technicians and that “the skills most in demand” included expertise in drones and missile technology. "

Elon Musk Admits He Is Too Busy To Build Hyperloop 253

DavidGilbert99 writes "It sounded like the future — a 600mph train taking people from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just 30mins. In fact it sounded like a future too good to be true. And so it seems to have proven. As Alistair Charlton at IBTimes reports, Elon Musk, the man behind PayPal, Tesla and Space X has admitted that Hyperloop is a step too far and he should never have mentioned it in the first place — 'I think I shot myself in the foot by ever mentioning the Hyperloop. I'm too strung out.' Oh well, let's hope SpaceX works out a bit better ... " Considering that SpaceX has already sent materials to the ISS and retrieved the capsule, it seems to have worked out pretty well so far.

Submission + - [Call to Arms] Fedora 19 Test Days starts this week (fedoraproject.org)

An anonymous reader writes: Hi Fedora users, developers and friends!

today Fedora 19 was branched from Rawhide. That means testing season begins now and will continue till Fedora 19 Final Release, which may be (or may not be) on 2013-06-25. Please, fasten your seatbelts, fire up your virtual or baremetal machines and enjoy this crash testing ride with us.

Remember: https://is0.4sqi.net/userpix/D1Y3XKHJVN4GIMRW.jpg

Before Alpha will (or won't) be ready on 2013-04-16, we have prepared some Test Days[0] for you. Starting this Thursday with KDE 4.10 [1] with one major innovation. You are invited to try how new KDE 4.10 [2] stuff not only using Fedora 19 Live test images, but also from updates-testing repository on your current Fedora stable installation, including both Fedora 18 and Fedora 17 releases. For first time, you can test new version of whole KDE platform before it rolls up and in as an stable update for your Fedora!

[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Fedora_19_test_days
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2013-03-14_KDE_4.10
[2] http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.10/

Well, you may already know about and use Bodhi[3] with karma voting process. But Test Day provides an opportunity to actually talk to developers before KDE 4.10 reaches stable updates and interactively report, explore, debug and fix your issues (or at least find workarounds for the time being). Together we can make this update less painful for everyday Fedora KDE users.

[3] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/

Join IRC #fedora-test-day on FreeNode and ask QA or developers for help, if you get into trouble. We can try to find workarounds and help you with debugging. Please report all bugs under appropriate component preferably at upstream bugzilla https://bugs.kde.org/ regarding common KDE 4.10 issues or Red Hat bugzilla http://bugzilla.redhat.com/ if you have problems with Fedora distribution integration. You can also report other Fedora bugs not related to this Test Day. Feel free to ask on IRC, if you don't know against which component or on what bugzilla you should fill the report.

See you in Bugzilla!


Submission + - Poor IT skills in UK potentially solved by iPads

super_rancid writes: On the BBC’s news site, Rapper William James Adams has spoken out about IT education in the UK. Infact, not only has he spoken about it, he's put his money where his mouth is and ponied up half a million quid to buy computers for disadvantaged youngsters. However, there seems to be some confusion among IT decision makers on how best to spend the money. Valerie Thompson from the E-Learning Foundation, which aims to provide learning technologies to children both at home and at school, is quoted as saying, "That [donation] would buy 2,000 children an iPad, and we've got 750,000 children who can't get online at home." Yet the same sum could be used to buy tens of thousands of Raspberry Pis, prompting hundreds of comments to the original story, which have in-turn spawned a debate on what CS education actually needs to provide over on TuxRadar.com.

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