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Comment You cannot generalize this (Score 1) 336

The question "How much C++ do you have to know for an entry level job" can be answered. The question "how much X do you..." not.

How much you have to know for an $X level job depends on the job. The more people can do X, the higher the level will have to be. Chances are that you need to know a LOT more C++ for an entry level C++ developer job than you need to know about some obscure assembler or industry machine language for an entry level job in that area, simply because there will be far fewer people with the relevant skill set and hence far fewer applicants.

Supply and demand, people.

Comment Re:Assertions not based on facts (Score 1) 445

Actually, even if you consider all the cold facts consistent with evolution "no hard evidence", then the soft evidence for it is still infinitely more than for any god.

There are hundreds of religions. If one assumes there is only one true religion divulged by god, the others are made up by humans. So, it is possible for humans to invent a religion. Now, about that "real" one... . Does it really trump the theory of evolution?


Comment Re:It's kinda cute (Score 1) 445

I don't remember which pope said it, but I think it sums up the general sentiments of the European Christians:

"The Bible doesn't tell you how the heaven works. The Bible tells you how you can get there."

And that's basically the position the Christian churches took here in general. Also because the mere idea of promoting new-earth-creationism would make them lose members faster than they already do.

Comment Re:It's kinda cute (Score 1) 445

Of course we have our stupid people. We just don't let them run the country. If in Europe someone stands up and claims that his imaginary buddy made the world and that we should teach this nonsense to kids, we don't sit down with him and discuss his valuable input and his interesting idea because every opinion is valuable and everyone has the right to speak his mind and other PC bullshit. We'd tell him to shut the fuck up so he doesn't embarrass himself even more by acting like a complete tool.

Maybe that's the difference.

Comment Ok, folks. Can we just? (Score 3, Interesting) 389

Can we just fuse them back into the "Democratic Republicans" and be done with the whole show every other year? It's getting tiresome and it's mostly a waste of money and TV airtime, and in general a huge insult to the collective intelligence of the US people.

Seriously. Why not change the whole election game to something like the American Idol election? Everyone can vote as often as they like, corporations get a mass text rebate so they don't lose their right to choose who's going to make their laws, and the money for the messages goes to a fund for nations with crippled economies. In other words, hand it to the IRS.

And the candidates don't have to lie to us about what they claim they'd do, they have to sing and dance for us so they at least entertain us instead of just making us mad.

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