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User Journal

Journal Journal: Sorry for the absence 14

Just been rather busy may still be for a while longer
Another thought, The princes and the pea story can be really bad for children , making them thing that royalty are born naturally superior ..
of course you could take it the other way, show you that some traits are natural .
who knows

User Journal

Journal Journal: libertarian 9

I will award 10 Euros to the first person to find me the first sane poor libertarian .. also they must know what it means totally and be actually poor , not I can't afford to fix my Porsche poor

User Journal

Journal Journal: Elvis sightings solved(Some of them) 13

A man called Barry William MacGuffin was recently arrested for prowling around downtown Graceland , decked in full Elvis gear .
After further investigation it was discovered that he had a history mental problems and was wanted for questioning in at least 5 states for similar offences and public indecency
In his current 2 room apartment which was searched by the police he was found to have records dating back to the early 1980's (Including photographs) of himself dressed as Elvis in nume

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fudging kyboard 10

OK my
my keyboard died , bastard .. um excuse the odd z's and missing punctuation , I am using a US kezzboard GAH .
I shall get used to it , but i tend to touch type so it is irritating .
I have been shut in my own head , mainly wasting time playing some more retro classics (This keyboard is annoying me , only one left )

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fidelcas extra 2 : Retro Games-----:::_---::: 13

Uploaded now , should appear on iTunes soon , Here is the link for those of you who either don't use iTunes or don't want to wait for iTunes to randomly update itself.

It was originally episode 5 , however I decided it was a bit to Off topic and rather me just explaining what I did all week .
I went on a buying binge of teH ReTro ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: New laws and theorys in South Dakota 4

1: Photographs steal your soul
2: Witches are non flammable
3: Evolution is blasphemy
4: the earth is flat
5: The sun revolves around the earth
6: Fire hot
7: Women lower beings than men
8: Women slightly above people of colour
9: Abortion a crime

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why we should all observe Shabbat

OK I am aware that some Orthodox Ashkenazi are against the Gentiles observing ha Shabbat .. but I am Sephardic and Reform/Masorti(I can't decide)
It is a wonderful thing , you know .
Just taking a break from the world and slowing the pace down , just screw any work and relax .
One day of the week you are just not allowed to do anything .
Since I started observing it properly(well nearly , I shouldn't really travel.. but I need to , or use tech , but it's fun for

User Journal

Journal Journal: When Spelling trolls fuck up 13

This JE is totally unrelated to the topic
Also , have you seen that Pre-Huricane Katrina Video of Bush getting debriefed on New Orleans .. That guy is screwed to a wall with concrete evidence.

User Journal

Journal Journal: We must not Respect other peoples Religious beliefes only... 35

We must not Respect other peoples Religious beliefes only allow them their rights to freely practice them (so long as they are within the law and do not harm other people).
You are all free to think my religious beliefs are bunkum and to point it out to me if you so wish(please stop telling me in person if I ask though) . I wish to be granted the same right.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Murder in Cudlywudly town

A long time ago in a land far far away, A police report was filed.
Sergeant E.Z. Dumpling was first to arrive on the scene .
It was in the Village of Cudlywudly town , Loveywuby street , house number 3 right next to Ms Smiley kittens biscuit shop.The Resident , a Mr Hugalot e. Squirrel was found with his wuvvelly head severed from his body .
Fluffy love foam was strewn around the room . and in red cuddle jam the Message "THIS IS NOT THE LAST" was written on the fluffy bouncy wall.

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