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Comment This one's actually good, imo. (Score 1) 33

The best /. April Fool's stories are the ones that are actual links to other sites doing actual funny things for April 1st.

And this one is pretty funny if I do say so myself, but then again I ate too many non-Euclidean Tacos with Bacon and, after meeting the Tentacular one himself, well, ended up like this: "You have a powerful temptation to make Linux your primary operating system and start coding in emacs. So this is madness..."

Apparently meaning that I was already mad/i..

Comment Re:aalib (Score 1) 102

There's an even easier way of noticing it's an output filter.

The switch when clicking between your current stream and the text stream, is instant. If you switch from low to high def streams it actually reloads the stream. You can click the TEXTp to normal links as many times as you like and it's instant. They probably did effectively convert aalib to flash in some form (at the very least use the conversion tables).

Comment Re:Reverse causation (Score 1) 512

Not really sure that there's much I can say. I stand corrected on the usage and goal. In some cases, antidepressants sound like they need to become a permanent fixture in the lives of some.

It sounds like you're still struggling and I hope you succeed. It sounds like you've got an incredible support network in your wife, boss and friends. I've found that to be invaluable, especially when I can trust them with what I've felt and thought.

Thanks for sharing and best of luck.

Comment Re:Reverse causation (Score 1) 512

Nope, I'm pulling the "shouldn't drive nails with a screwdriver" thing. Maybe for /. "shouldn't use Windows 98 as an edge router".

The goal of the meds, as explained by my doctor, psychologist and counselor are to get me to where I know what "well" feels like. Then consider slowly coming off them. They're a means to an end, not the end itself. A lobotomy tends to be the end. Maybe we'll disagree on this point, but I'm okay with that.

You mentioned that there's a chance that one medication isn't the right thing and that it's a coin toss. I won't argue that. I have a friend whose bipolar meds effectively turned him into Rip Van Winkle, which wasn't so good for his family life. However, when the medication works, it works great! That's the piece that so many folks miss because of the scary stories or comparisons made with a lobotomy (which tends to be very final).

Comment Re:Reverse causation (Score 5, Insightful) 512

This may be more than I should post in a public forum, but I'm tired of the horror stories over antidepressants. I bought into that for nearly 20 year and just about lost my life for it.

When I started taking my meds, my blood pressure was 200/140. I was significantly overweight and also had no energy. I would tell people that I was not a morning person and sleep until noon or later. I had no self confidence and no social life. I would cry unconsolably for the most minute things. I was a mess and there wasn't really anything that I could do to break the cycle.

Today, about a year and a half later, I have normal blood pressure (it dropped to normal during the first month!). I regularly get up at 5:30/6:00. I have interest in going places and doing things, I even got out and sang karaoke in public. I feel great, I have lots of energy and am losing weight. I've even gotten back into some of the interests that have waned over the years. In short, my life has been improving despite very trying circumstances (my wife decided that she would be better off without me in January and filed for divorce after 11 years and 5 children).

Certainly not a lobotomy. I'd say anyone experiencing that is on the wrong medication and needs to find something that works.

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