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Comment Re:Is there a reason? (Score 1) 127

Removing lab grown meat removes campaign contributions from the cattle industry. Anyhow, he is just echoing the former alleged president who also sees a global conspiracy to feed people. They aren't sure just how lab grown meat will be used to control people, they don't have to be sure. The spectre of it is enough to frighten the faithful. The paranoid have everything to fear.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score -1, Troll) 98

Many of them are fleeing their countries in S. and C. America because climate change has upended their way of life. I wonder who's responsible for this climate change? Who could that be? Why America, that's who. Welcome the newcomers, educate them, train them, and stop fucking whining about it.

Comment Re:That was dumb (Score -1, Troll) 142

The government controls us, oh yes. Is your little snowflake existence threatened by forces you cannot see? Are you paranoid that hobgobblins are chasing you? Are the aliens watching you? Rest assured that for $!9.99 in 10 easy monthly payments my company will save you from all this. Now bow your head in payment.

Comment Re:Not "Russia", the russian federation (Score 3, Informative) 233

Yeah, because the KGB was so intent on preventing organized crime when it was in its heyday. Rather, it WAS organized crime. When the new rulers took over, they took offense and paying these schmucks. So the KGB operatives simply moved their criminal businesses to the private sector. Then Putin came along and decided they could help run his new kleptocracy.

Comment Re:*Grabs popcorn* (Score 1) 54

The persistent myth was created by physicists who would tell their students not to work on the foundations of QM because Bohr and his ilk had the answers. It wasn't a myth you would have heard outside of physics. And until recently, there was definitely a bias against doing anything on the foundations of QM. Now that that QM and its, heir String Theory, have reached their limits, it is becoming recognized that without new foundational work, progress will not be made. The "shut-up and calculate crowd" never acknowledged that the initial progress was made because the foundations of physics had been work upon. The current String Theory cultists like David Gross refuse to admit other approaches and foundations matter.

Comment Re:Now this one is wrong (Score 1) 130

It sound more like Congress people are the one pining to screw up Chinese effort on RISC V. The Biden administration is merely using the well-known tactic of claiming to look into the "problem" that will require careful "study". I very much doubt his Commerce Dept. is that stupid to think they could effect the Chinese RISC V effort. If the a R administration took over, their Commerce heads would definitely be stupid enough to think this....America First: Screw up America First and then the World.

Comment Re: Now this one is wrong (Score 2) 130

Russia isn't trying to take over the whole of Ukraine? They made a good run at two years ago before they realized the Ukrainians felt they had a real country and didn't want to be a Russian stooge again. That and their invasion was designed by the Russian spooks, i.e., no sense of logistics. It also helped that the military and the spooks had been lying to Putin for years about Russian military might and that dolt actually believed them.

And given the chance, Putin certainly would try to take all of Ukraine because he doesn't consider it a real country but one of Russia's lost serf territories. The only thing stopping him now is the Ukrainian will to fight and NATO + American support.

And if Russia succeeds, China will take note of how to mimic that in order to take Taiwan. The one thing Xi Jinping and his CCP leeches cannot accept is a free country of Chinese not paying for the CCP. If they were to get away with that, the Chinese mainlanders might start thinking they'd do better by cutting off the head of the CCP snake.

Comment Re:AI is a refliection of humans (Score 1) 47

More like man created God in his own image. That's why you can never pin an Evangelical or Muslim down on just who this God-Guy really is. To a Muslim, God is so other that you cannot say anything about him, which is a contradiction right there. To an Evangelical, God is damn near everything they like, i.e., homophobic, love, power, etc. And if God is so powerful, how come he cannot fend for himself but needs these yokels out there virtue signalling him? And to paraphrase George Carlin, God's all powerful yet cannot seem to handle money.

The basic game plan for modern Muslims and Evangelicals, now that their "Holy" texts are all written, is to find something they like or dislike and then go back to cherry pick their "Holy" texts to find the bits that support their opinion. Just as an example, there is one (just about the only bit of their "Holy" text, Leviticus) which forbid a man to lie with another man. This probably had more to do with creating more Jews than anything holy. The very next verse says you are not allowed to wear a garment made of two different kinds of fiber. My guess is the Evangelicals do not ever see that bit. And which Evangelical has never done work on the Sabbath. You are not supposed to have pointed beards either. Ah, but the Evangelicals posit the New Testament supersedes the old, yet they have no problem cherry picking the old. And besides, homosexuality back then wasn't recognized as a life style, it was just something that happened. Race also was not a concept they ever considered. So much for White Christian Nationalism.

And if God is "Love" and proclaimed thou should not kill, he seemed to have no problem for the Israelites to slaughter the Canaanites, every last woman and child. What the commandment probably meant in its context is thou shalt not kill Jews. The "Christian" and "Muslim" religions today are nothing like themselves in the context in which they were born. Words have changed meaning because their context has changed. Yet the Christians and Muslims cannot get that concept into their heads because they want the religion they've created. It makes them feel like victims so they can feel justified in screwing everyone else.

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