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Comment Here's a thought, lets ask actual women (Score 5, Interesting) 329

Yknow, like Susan "HedgeMage" Sons? She certainly had some choice words about this entire tempest in a teacup.

Also it's worth pointing out that computer science degrees are something like 10% of all degrees conferred in the US, and women utterly *dominate* every single aspect of education from K12 through college, even earning nearly 2/3rds of all bachelors degrees. I would think the fact men are barely over 1/3rd of college graduates in the first place is a bit of a bigger problem than what major women choose.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 338

You mean why dry my clothes in a way that prevents enormous humidity build up in my residence, takes incredibly long, and results in stiff, scratchy, and often still soggy moldering clothes? Or were you seriously suggesting trying them outside where they'll wind up filthy, filled with pollen and bugs, and still probably mold from not drying completely unless it's the height of summer in a hot country?

Comment Re:ugh... white knights. (Score 1) 748

No, denying, minimizing, or outright erasing the actual real world actions and character of a movement totally dominated and utterly defined by those crazies is misrepresenting it. People on the internet insisting "feminism is nice and friendly!" do not outweigh people in real life committing felonies and violent crimes.

Comment Re:Manners vs. Censorship (Score 1) 748

Fark's dominated by people who when confronted with evidence of men in africa being beaten, paraded naked through the streets, mutilated with razors and broken glass, and then many of them left to die of infections afterwards mock people for "whiny dickfeels".

The only "justification" behind this is an ideological purge to turn fark into a jezebel hugbox.

Comment Re:Because narrowly defining "sexism" will work! (Score 1) 748

Fark is dominated by SJWs who regularly get away with everything up to and including mocking people who have a problem with men dying from circumcisions performed with broken glass in the street as "whining about dickfeels", and who think the very idea that men can be raped is laughable.

This is just officially announcing that fark is a tumblr style echo chamber.

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