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Comment Golly, you think? (Score 2) 234

Is the OP aware the Dune milieu was intended as a commentary on the West and Middle Eastern oil?

IIRC, in the story, as ridiculously profitable as Dune was for the Emperor, the cost of his army assault ate up some 40 years worth of sales, which was almost spot on to the first Gulf War vs. Iraq's profits, which were not even taken to pay for it

Comment Re:Recent arrests, perhaps. Old ones, no. (Score 1) 271

Too much government power stomping around here. But the real issue isn't about some innocent guy's arrest record.

It's whether we want to grant government the power to censor, even for well-meaning reasons. History shows you don't. Many European countries lock down private lives of politicians as first principles of this. Politicians protecting themselves and their power.

Comment my most unusual hack was.. (Score 1) 210

when i got sick of my cable modem getting so hot it would shut down i put it, my Ethernet router, inside a mini soda fridge. after that the modem could handle playing warcraft III The frozen throne 12 hours a day and spend the entire night providing a local mirror of files that were important at the time via bit torrent.

Comment Re:alogrithms aren't racist (Score 1) 352

To cite one example, ACORN staffer Clifton Mitchell was arrested and convicted (and did time) for creating fictional voters through thousands of bogus voter registrations. ACORN as an entity was fined $25k for its supervisory role in just his conduct alone. The entire organization dissolved itself while it was undergoing investigation for identical behavior in multiple states.

Comment Re:I can see it now (Score 1) 44

In Live Free of Die, humanity buys a replication device and some older weapon plans from some advanced aliens for war against other, less-advanced aliens.

They divide its time between producing cool stuff and cloning itself. Very RTS-like strategizing.

Of course with enough replications, you can have an army of replicators spitting out ships like the Starforge, no Force assist needed.

Comment Re:Oh get over it. (Score 2) 188

One needs to "starve the beast" the beast being our own tendencies to vote to lavish on ourselves, with disproportionately wasteful government super-markup.

It is voracious, and always spends as much as it can get, and is always chronically short, needing to borrow. Actually, most borrowing is viewed as income to spend -- they can get away with borrowing X percent of GDP. It has nothing to do with need and everything to do with more money to spend.

Starve that beast. Shut off new inventions of income.

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