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Comment Re:OK, Whatever... (Score -1, Troll) 156

Most of the times it is...

No, that's not so, and you know it. Usually it's some basement dweller who hacks into some system, downloads a shit-ton of data, and after getting no response from the bottom tier Help Desk, publishes it in the Intertubes in an attempt to get "street cred" as a "security researcher".

Comment OK, Whatever... (Score -1) 156

industry's top researchers are being threatened by lawyers and law enforcement over their efforts to track down vulnerabilities in internet infrastructure.

Yes, it's surprising when companies get bent out of shape when random "security researchers" hack into their systems uninvited.

Sure, it's nice to know if you are vulnerable, but still, it is difficult to take at "face value" when some random "security researcher" claims to have altruistic aimes when caught hacking your network...

Comment Re:But (Score 2, Interesting) 107

He doesn't have the pointy hair necessary to manage the project

And I, a DBA who took a little extra math in college wonder why people don't take me seriously when I pontificate about World Affairs.

You know, it's the same thing with rock stars and famous actors, they start thinking that they are the smartest people in the world who can bring civilization into a uniform fold of unbridled love...

Johnny Depp, "Bono", many others with way too much money and platoons of Latino housekeepers...

Comment Re:About time. (Score 1) 128

Shit, just compare Tesla sales to those pussies and Ford, Toyota, and GM and it becomes immediately clear that Tesla FUCKING OWNS the car market now!

Reading comprehension must not be taught in Troll School. With regards to the Tesla, we're talking about electric . Not gas, not diesel, not hybrids.

Comment Re:Cue "Space nutter" monomaniac in 3... 2... (Score 2) 128

The problem with most private commercial flight companies is that they usually end up serving exactly one customer: the U.S. Government. I don't think it's fair to characterize that as "private." The harsh fact is that, aside from satellite launches, there is pretty much no reason for any other entity to go into space

Believe it or not, the US Government (and other governments as well) are not the only people launching satellites or other spacecraft...

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