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Comment Re:Big Whoop (Score 1) 86

What I "bitch" about is the wording. It's worded like you could, if you want to, for your own convenience, connect your Steam account with a PSN account. It nowhere informs you that this is the only option and that you have to open up your Steam account to their shabby security practices that pretty much amount to handing over your private information along with your credit card info to whatever ID thief that wants it.

Comment Re:Big Whoop (Score 1) 86

The requirement was on Steam before you buy (someone here claimed), not sure how prominently.

I'm currently on the Steam page for Helldivers2. A search for "PSN" delivers 8 results, all of them in the reviews. A search for "Playstation" allows you to find "Playtation PC LLC" as the publisher, a ad link for "all the games by Playstation Studios", two more links for Publisher and Franchise, a link to the data protection shrink-wrap blurb on, an epilepsy warning link on and finally, in the area nobody would be looking for a line saying "requiring third party account Playstation Network (supports linking to Steam account)".

Emphasis mine.

What would the average user expect? That he may link to his Steam account for convenience.

What "supports" does not exactly convey is that such a link is mandatory.

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