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Comment Re:Too good to be true? (Score 1) 196

Oh, I'd certainly be in favor of such a feature, and I'm a little surprised that none of the 'throw things at the wall until some of them stick' Android vendors seem to have tried it; but I'm just not wildly optimistic. On the low end, they just use junk, on the high end they love that SKU tiering ability, and none of the mobile OS vendors seem particularly enthusiastic about the fact that local storage even exists, since it inconveniences their assorted 'cloud' nonsense and sometimes adds little slots to the otherwise sleek-looking handsets.

Comment Re:Some of these are overreaction (Score 4, Insightful) 173

The nice thing about the knee-pin move is that, while it lacks the drama and blood of a good mag-lite to the face and thus plays comparatively well for the cameras, there is a relatively thin line between 'pinning' and 'compressive asphyxia'. Just a matter of how much weight you put on that knee...

Comment Re:If they were interested in upholding the law... (Score 5, Insightful) 173

There are plenty of good cops out there, but by not punishing the bad cops it makes them all look bad.

Does it merely make them look bad? A bad cop is a more dangerous criminal than most of the people the cops are there to deal with. If the 'good cops' aren't enthusiastically hunting them down, I'd say that they are ineffectual at best and complicit at worst, not merely sullied by unfortunate proximity.

Comment Re:Milk that cow! (Score 1) 202

And DVRs are stupid with On Demand Viewing like Netflix available.

Why would I want to have a DVR, when there are perfectly good alternatives that COULD fully replace it? I used to buy Tapes and DVDs for access to movies and whatnot, but with the advent of Hulu and Netflix, why should I? These companies maintain a library and I get shelf space back.

Granted, there are a few BluRay movies that are probably worth it (1080P, 7.1 stereo etc) but those have got to be spectacular IMHO.

Comment Re:It's shown with Google Apps, no thank you. (Score 2) 196

You obviously do not understand Google "Android" certification process. To be called "Android", officially, you must be certified by Google and have the Play store (and other apps) installed.


Google Play is a service operated by Google. Achieving compatibility is a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Google Play software and branding. Device manufacturers should contact Google to obtain access to Google Play.

Other companies have other "stores" (Amazon Kindle is Android, Nook is Android) and do not necessarily use Google Play. And of course you could side load all your apps from your list of "trusted" sites like Nickolai's Android Marketplace if you want. These phones are not "rooted" but are likely to be very easy to root. And I'm sure there will be an ASOP branch you can have, without Google Play services in short order. But chances are, you're already putting Google Play on your ASOP Roms anyways, so ... what is your point again? Oh right, "privacy" ....

Comment Re:No SD slot == No thanks. (Score 1) 196

The problem with SD slot, isn't with the manufacturers, it is with Android itself. Google as depreciated the usage of "external" storage, because of issues with SD storage. Some are actually good reasons (security), while others are to protect App developers from idiots who want to move apps to SD card.

Read about it here:

Comment Re:I'd dump my iPhone for one of these... (Score 1) 196

Because Most People HATE itty bitty keys on phones. You might like them, but I'll never go back to a physical keyboard.

Generally speaking once you figure out Swype (Swiftkey or similar), you'll also never go back. I can type nearly as fast as a regular FULL size keyboard on my Android Phone.And for short messages it is even better than mashing who knows how many keys trying to type on microscopic keys.

Or ... you know ... you could just Google for Sliding Keyboard case for your phone ...

Comment Re:The world needs plumbers too (Score 1) 367

The tricky bit is that 'stability and job security' are apparently bad for shareholder value or something, so people hunting it are racing against (generally successful) attempts to crush it like a bug and bring in the temps and subcontractors and offshore peons and whatever else seems handy.

This doesn't make their dumb plan any less dumb; but the number of good plans that they passed up to chose that dumb plan is something we are actively whittling away at.

Comment Re:Too good to be true? (Score 2) 196

I certainly wouldn't doubt the use of non-upgradable internal storage as an effective price discrimination and margin padding tactic; but there is the issue of flash and controller quality.

If you are running something nearly the weight of a full OS (and a RAM constrained one that spends a lot of time killing processes and trying to reload them before anybody notices), you want good performance from your flash and controller (consider the user happiness that the first gen Nexus 7 created before it gained TRIM support and the flash was fragmenting and I/O going to hell). That costs more per gigabyte, more in line with what a decent SSD would (which still isn't all that much, these days; but it's a bit steeper than a basic SD/SDHC card).

If you just want bulk mostly-read storage, lousy flash doesn't matter nearly as much.

Unfortunately, there really isn't a terribly elegant way, and mobile OSes tend to adopt the 'the filesystem doesn't exist if we don't show it to you' theory of UI design, in any case (unless you have onboard/SD to serve as an obvious boundary) to present multiple flash subsystems of nonuniform performance to the user, even if some of them really would be better off with 16GB of bat-out-of-hell flash and 128 or 256 of cheap as chips stuff for their media storage and playback.

Maybe we'll see some of the stuff designed for server and SAN use, with the assorted designs for using faster devices to increase the overall performance of a larger pool of cheaper storage, make it down to phones at some point; but until that happens, non-uniformity is unlikely to be a crowd pleaser.

Comment Re:1/8 and 240/8-255/8 (Score 2) 306

285 million addresses reserved for no compelling reason. sure, let's push onwards to ipv6, but saying "our hands are tied" when over 1/16th of the entire space is still available is a bit irritating.

Would you want to be the guy who pokes every existing and legacy system that makes stupid and/or dangerous assumptions about reserved blocks being reserved permanently? You'd hope that that wouldn't be an issue; but finding out could be exciting indeed.

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