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Submission + - Valve Opens Up a Steam Deck To Explain Why It Thinks You Shouldn't (

An anonymous reader writes: Valve has posted an official teardown of its upcoming handheld gaming PC, the Steam Deck. Before diving into the teardown, though, the company spends about a minute to strongly caution against taking one apart unless you’re sure you know what you’re doing. "Even though it’s your PC — or it will be once you’ve received your Steam Deck — and you have every right to open it up and do what you want, we at Valve really don’t recommend that you ever open it up," a Valve representative said in the video. "The Steam Deck is a very tightly designed system, and the parts are chosen carefully for this product with its specific construction, so they aren’t really designed to be user-swappable." Despite its warnings, however, the company likely understands that people are going to take the Steam Deck apart anyway, so this video could be a handy resource for people who are considering doing so.

In the video, Valve shows how to swap out two parts of the system. First, Valve shows how to replace the thumbsticks. The company cautions that they are completely custom, but says that it will offer a source for “replacement parts, thumbsticks, SSDs, and possibly more” in the coming months. After that, Valve shows how to swap out the SSD, which could be helpful for people who may have reserved the cheapest version of the device with an eMMC hard drive with the intention of upgrading it themselves. Be aware that all versions of the Steam Deck use an m.2 connector, including the version with the eMMC drive, so if you plan to make a swap, you’re going to have to reinstall the OS and bring over any games you might have had loaded on your other drive.

Comment Re:Practice, practice, practice (Score 3, Informative) 139

Congratulations. Most junior developers take a good couple of years to realise that they're shitty developers. That might sound like a troll, but seriously, there's a point (well, several actually) in every good software devs career that they realise they actually suck at software. That's when they can start to really get better.

Comment Re:Wood burning is not clean (Score 2) 111

I'm rather skeptical as well (I'd hate to see wood burning become a long term "solution" to coal), but this should answer some of the questions in your post:

The source is likely to be biased as it's the uk pellet council, who have a vested interest in the fuel, but it does provide *some* useful information.

It looks like trees *are* replanted in the UK. It also seems that wood pellets are a tad different from tree wood, so you can't really compare your wood burner to an industrial burning plant. You may well still be correct about the fuel, but some of your post looks mislead.

Comment Re: Summary insufficient, click through the link. (Score 2) 786

But this should really be the last straw. If you've been polite and respectful in your previous rejections, and ultimately asked the person to stop contributing in a firm but kind way, then it's on their head if they refuse to accept the rejection and get a much tougher response.

Yes, I agree it's not a personal attack, but being too aggressive too soon will make it look like it is.

Comment Re: Git manual (Score 1) 325

Merge conflict resolution can be taught in a very small amount of time. It's not very complicated at all. If you're training a team who are new to version control, this will not take long and will avoid the additional training needed should the team crossover to git later. I'd stay a million miles away from training a team on SVN instead of git if I had an opportunity like this.

Also, please note, I'm not simply pro-git. If you really don't want to use git, use mercurial. I've used a fair few different version control tools in my professional career, and I'm a little tired of developers having to re-train and move away from svn when they could have started with the tool they have migrated to in the first place.

Submission + - European Commision Will Increase Use of Open Source Software (

jrepin writes: The European Commission has updated its strategy for internal use of Open Source Software. The Commission, which is already using open source for many of its key ICT services and software solutions, will further increase the role of this type of software internally. The renewed strategy puts a special emphasis on procurement, contribution to open source software projects and providing more of the software developed within the Commission as open source.

Submission + - Ellen Pao Loses Silicon Valley Gender Bias Case Against Kleiner Perkins (

vivaoporto writes: As reported by the New York Times, USA Today and other publications, a jury of six men and six women rejected current Reddit Inc CEO Ellen Pao’s claims against her former employer, the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

Ms. Pao’s suit, that allegged employment discrimination based on gender, workplace retaliation and failure to take reasonable steps to prevent gender discrimination, asked $16 million in compensatory damages plus punitive damages.

The jury decided, after more than two days of deliberation and more than four weeks of testimony, that her formed employer neither discriminated against the former junior partner for her gender, nor fired the complainant because of a high-profile gender discrimination lawsuit against the firm in 2012.

She alleged that Kleiner Perkins had promoted male partners over equally qualified women at the firm, including herself, and then retaliated against her for raising concerns about the firm’s gender dynamics by failing to promote her and finally firing her after seven years at the firm after she filed her 2012 lawsuit.

Submission + - Notel media player helps North Koreans skirt censorship (

An anonymous reader writes: A small portable media device, costing roughly $50, is allowing North Koreans to access and view foreign media despite tight government censorship, according to a Reuters report []. The ‘Notel’, a mashup of notebook and television, is being described as a symbol of change in the repressed society. Used to watch DVDs and shared content from USB sticks and SD cards, the media player can be easily concealed and transported among families and friends. According to correspondents in the region, as many as half of all urban North Korean households have a notel and are swapping a broad range of banned media such as soaps and TV dramas from South Korea and China, Hollywood blockbusters, and news clips — all of which is strictly forbidden by Pyongyang law.

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