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Comment Re:In Will Reynold's case (Score 1) 34

You can change your mind and take amputation later

Ability to change your mind is a great idea..... especially if you can grow an entirely brand new body and have your mind transferred to the new body through a simple process, with your choice of keeping or changing your physical appearance, that would be ideal.

It would be even better if this mind transfer could be done almost entirely in "software", so only select physical parts of your brain actually need to move at a time, and essentially, your mind and body will be completely replaced with new cells, but you'll retain every memory and all knowledge and such you had before, even if your newly built body is 30 years younger than the one you are changing mind from.

I'm sure this will be a matter of routine within twenty years or so. You'll be able to 3D print a new body and download your mind/personality into it as easy as installing an operating system from a thumb drive.

As a bonus, our new cyborg bodies will be powered by cold fusion so we'll be able to live on Mars (or in Interstellar Space) indefinitely without needing any external life support or human contact.

Comment Re:Obligations (Score 1) 581

So, the result is that we must allow "vile" speech even if it is distasteful. THAT is the most ethical way to proceed. Anything less than that is simply vile censorship ;)

Look, no one is saying that it should be a criminal offence to insult Barack Obama or fat people, or whoever. You can be as vile as you like. But you can't expect everyone to give you a platform for your vileness, and say that if they won't they oppose free speech and are evil because censorship.

A site like reddit is perfectly entitled to say that being associated with borderline child porn, stalking, hate speech or whatever they like is wrong and you'll have to go elsewhere to say it.. They're not the government.

Comment Re:For an alternative (Score 1) 581

So free speech for anyone who can afford to buy themselves some, then?

While this is true to some extent, fortunately the internet has made the barriers for entry so low as to be effectively zero.

But if you're, say, the proprietor of a national newspaper, you most certainly have more weight and volume of free speech than a teenager in his bedroom posting on a forum with three users.

Comment Re:For an alternative (Score 1) 581

Localized censorship is still censorship. Eg you might think you're being censored if you live in North Korea, but since you can always move to a different website/country then you're not being censored -- except there's a limit to how much trouble people will go through to express their views

The point about North Korea is that (a) it is the government doing the censoring and (b) no you can't move to a different website/country if you're locked up in a labour camp.

Whereas, if someone takes away your /r/paedophileracistsagainstwhales sub-reddit you can find a million other places on the internet to post your interesting ideas. With little effort and no money.

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