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Comment Re:Sucrose question (Score 1) 630

The point is that avoiding artificial sweeteners will certainly not do you any harm, and unless you have a very weird diet it's unlikely you won't be getting enough sugar naturally in your food.

So unless you feel you have some sort of moral obligation to support the Pepsi and Coca Cola corporations, stick to water.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

Why do I get the impression that eating your daily quota of McDonalds in the US is some sort of legal requirement?

No one I know who has ever tried to lose weight would go into a fast food shop in the first place. It's like an alcoholic not visiting pubs.

Saving a couple of hundred calories by having a revolting-tasting diet drink instead of a slightly-less-revolting tasting normal drink seems beside the point to me.

Just don't have the shit-burger and shit-fries to start with.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

I go to McDonalds somewhat often, and typically I order a spicy chicken sandwich off of the dollar menu with instructions to go light on the mayo (otherwise they glob it on there) and add mustard and a slice of tomato and a small fry with no salt.

I don't think you can customise your orders at McDonalds here in the UK, although I am not prepared to test this out, as it would involve going into a McDonalds sober.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

I find the consistency regular soda to be unpleasantly syrupy.

Drinks like normal coke and pepsi have one function only: to make you feel slightly better when you're hungover. Some sugar and liquid for when you can't face eating anything, but still have to get up and go to work. Otherwise, I just don't see the point.

And "diet" drinks baffle me entirely. If you want a tasteless cold drink, ask for a glass of water.

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