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Comment Re:Other Systems (Score 1) 127

Tunnels & Trolls (abbreviated T&T) is a fantasy role-playing game designed by Ken St. Andre and first published in 1975 by Flying Buffalo. The second modern role-playing game published, it was written by Ken St. Andre to be a more accessible alternative to Dungeons and Dragons[1][2] and is suitable for solitaire, group, and play-by-mail gameplay.

Judging from the above blurb I'd say D&D influenced T&T which in turn influenced you.

Comment Re:Sensationalist summary (Score 2) 435

"The IT company I work for is full of young, sporty guys."

There, a similar statement going on the most common stereotype for men - that only geeks work with computers. The GP's post likely meant that despite these women having the looks 'necessary' to just sit at home while their husband earns all the money they have chosen to go into the IT field. It's a stereotype BREAKER, not a stereotype ENFORCER.

Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 65

Because at some point the red tape would become counter to conducting business.

If one of these employees is the store manager or even regional manager, why WOULDN'T he have the authorization to grant access? Would they need to call the AT&T HQ every time they need to look up a record to have access granted from within?

Comment Re:multiple cell towers too, or grocery stores (Score 3, Insightful) 347

This is why there would be multiple ISPs AT THE DATACENTER.

Do you have ten different sets of plumbing running to your house so you can pick and choose between the best supplier of fresh water? A dozen different power cables so you can switch power company easily?

Comment Re:Wait a sec (Score 1, Insightful) 772

It is the belief that Darwin's Theory of Evolution (with later minor revisions and adjustments) is the explanation of how evolution works. As long as something is a theory you are open to other explanations, but you can believe that this particular theory is the right one due to overwhelming evidence that still does not prove it as hard irrefutable fact.

Comment Re:Well, of course. (Score 1) 437

Which is why the car should have a series of profiles installed, perhaps fingerprint reading or voice recognition to determine which person is 'driving' the car.

So when little Bobby gets in the car and with his squeaky six year old voice says to take him to Kentucky the car just goes "I can't let you do that, Bobby." Because little Bobby has two allowed destinations: School and Home.

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