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Comment Re:Fucking Lawyers (Score 4, Interesting) 181

So, what exactly does this do to the Open Source movement?

It was my understanding that Java had been open sourced and that made what Android did allowable, and long as the open source agreement lived on is Androids code

Now we see Oracle applying copyright law to Java...
So... did Oracle remove Java from open source?
Are the parts of Java that Oracle claims copyright over not open source?
Has Open Source just been ignored (and invalidated) by the federal court system?

Comment Re:Looks like the second stage ruptured (Score 2) 316

They had just gotten a tight long-range picture of it and were switching between that and the shot from inside the second stage when the long shot went all star-bursty

Long silence from the commentator on the space-x broadcast, probably shut off all the mikes while they cursed a blue streak

Comment Re:root problem (Score 5, Interesting) 136

That has an effect over hundreds of thousands or millions of years, it is possible that an artificial atmosphere would remain usable to us in human timescales without leaching away

High energy particles from the Sun would be another matter.

Without magnetic fields to prevent them from hitting the surface they would continue to be a threat to us an our electronics

Submission + - Supreme Court rules, Obamacare stands (

Noah Haders writes: It's all over the news, SCOTUS decided the challenge to Obamacare and is letting the law stand. NYTimes says:

The question in the case, King v. Burwell, No. 14-114, was what to make of a phrase in the law that seems to say the subsidies are available only to people buying insurance on “an exchange established by the state.” Chief Justice Roberts wrote “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them,” he added. “If at all possible, we must interpret the act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter.”

INB4 "but but but news for nerds!": yes this isn't for nerds but how come it will get hundreds of comments? must be relevant to /. duh.

Submission + - Hackers watching 'Hackers' (the movie) (

An anonymous reader writes: In honor of Hackers turning 20 this year, we assembled a group of actual hackers (from Hack Manhattan) to watch the cult classic and comment amongst other things: misconceptions about hacking, wearable technology, its nuanced view on law and order, and why 90s fashion had so many pockets.

"HACKER 2: I think one of the most unrealistic parts is taking a floppy that you wrote on a machine, putting it in another one, and all of the files had no read errors.

H&F: Or pulling it out of the trash and still having it work.

  HACKER 2: Yeah, with the gum on it.

  HACKER 3: Floppies were resilient!

  HACKER 2: No, they were not!”

"HACKER 5: Why don't you see more Hackers-era Angelina Jolie cosplays?

HACKER 1: I cringe watching this movie because I'm so embarassed at how much I modeled myself after Cereal Killer when I was like 16.

HACKER 5: 90s was such a pragmatic fashion. So many pockets!"

"H&F: I think the one thing that sets it apart was the styling, the outfits are really good, even kinda believable for the 90s. Not enough leather dusters though.”

Submission + - Supreme Court Upholds Key Obamacare Subsidies writes: Retuers repots that the US Supreme Court has ruled 6 — 3 in favor of the nationwide availability of tax subsidies that are crucial to the implementation of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, handing a major victory to the president. It marked the second time in three years that the high court ruled against a major challenge to the law brought by conservatives seeking to gut it. "Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," wrote Chief Justice Roberts adding that nationwide availability of the credits is required to "avoid the type of calamitous result that Congress plainly meant to avoid." The ruling will come as a major relief to Obama as he seeks to ensure that his legacy legislative achievement is implemented effectively and survives political and legal attacks before he leaves office in early 2017.

Justice Antonin Scalia took the relatively rare step of reading a summary of his dissenting opinion from the bench. "We really should start calling the law SCOTUScare," said Scalia referencing the court’s earlier decision upholding the constitutionality of the law. SCOTUS is the acronym for the Supreme Court of the United States.

Comment Re:Shades of Methuselah's Children (Score 1) 57

One of the biggest issues in the UK is prion disease, and the US, Canada, New Zealand, Poland, etc... restrict blood donations from people who have spent a significant amount of time in the UK or France

Blood donations that have expired in the US are frequently shipped to the UK for use since they are in dire need of blood that is guaranteed to be prion disease free

Submission + - Yet another study suggests that Sixth Extinction Event is underway

garyisabusyguy writes: This is not the first time that it has been proposed that an extinction event is underway. However, this new study takes into consideration many other factors that may be tilting the data, and still come up with the inevitable conclusion that we have triggered a large die-off, and that we may become victims of it as well.

From the paper summary:
"Even under our assumptions, which would tend to minimize evidence of an incipient mass extinction, the average rate of vertebrate species loss over the last century is up to 114 times higher than the background rate. Under the 2 E/MSY background rate, the number of species that have gone extinct in the last century would have taken, depending on the vertebrate taxon, between 800 and 10,000 years to disappear. These estimates reveal an exceptionally rapid loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, indicating that a sixth mass extinction is already "

But wait, the authors suggest that rapid work to avert the worst of the die-off is still possible. The question may really be whether we can get past paid trolls, fud and finger pointing in order to act wisely in a timely manner.

Feed Techdirt: New Hampshire Legislators Propose Law Banning Warrantless Use Of Tracking Devices (

New Hampshire is continuing to lead the way in privacy. After becoming the first state to ban the use of automatic license plate readers, its legislators are now attempting to rein in warrantless tracking of cellphone users. A couple of false starts (dating back to last year) resulted in no changes (and complaints from app makers that the wording might make some of their offerings illegal).

But it now appears to be moving forward again after the implementation of some changes. The heart of the bill is this paragraph:

No government entity shall place, locate, or install an electronic device on the person or property of another, or obtain location information from such an electronic device, without a warrant issued by a judge based on probable cause and on a case-by-case basis.
As points out, the spirit of the law is somewhat undermined by the letter of the law.

There are noteworthy exceptions, many of which appeared in previous iterations.

Tracking is permitted without a warrant with the informed consent of a device owner, unless the owner knowingly loaned it to a third party. You can track calls for 911 emergencies. A parent or legal guardian can provide informed consent to locate a missing child. The government can track its own property or employees in possession of that property. And alcohol ignition interlock control devices placed by court order would also be traceable without a warrant.
The other problem with the bill is a problem with all bills introduced by state legislators: it can't lock out federal intrusion, at least not in its present form. The bill states that it does not apply to "federal government agencies." So, if local law enforcement wants to engage in warrantless tracking of cellphones, all it has to do is partner up with a federal agency.

On top of that, there are the loopholes that have always been exploited. Stingray use -- one method of tracking location -- has routinely been hidden under more innocuous paperwork, like pen register orders. Obtaining cellphone records -- including location data -- is primarily done with subpoenas, considering most laws still treat these as third-party business records. While the law would force some of the latter requests to take the form of a search warrant, it doesn't make a clear distinction between real-time tracking and historical data.

What it does appear to outlaw is the warrantless, real-time tracking of GPS location, meaning tracking devices can only be deployed after obtaining a warrant. This is certainly a step forward, one perhaps partially prompted by the Supreme Court's US v. Jones decision. However, this would go against precedent in the First Circuit Court (which covers New Hampshire), which has found that warrantless GPS tracking devices may constitute a "search," but not to the extent that a lack of a warrant should automatically result in suppression of evidence. (Also somewhat aligned with the Supreme Court's reluctance to declare all GPS tracking worthy of a warrant.)

The court then held that it was reasonable for the agents to use the GPS device in Sparks case based upon reliance on clear precedent.

However, the court noted that they did not decide the issue of whether any exceptions to the warrant requirement exist for future installation use of the GPS device to monitor suspects movements. Therefore, future use of such GPS monitoring is governed under the United States v. Jones.

As such, the court of appeals affirmed the denial of the motion to suppress.
Although this case appeared before the judges after the Supreme Court's US v. Jones decision, the events of the case proceeded that finding. This may change rulings in the future, but for now, the First Circuit has not made it expressly clear that tracking devices require warrants.

As the proposed law pertains to physical tracking devices, it's much more closely aligned with the Supreme Court's decision. Left unclear is its application to Stingray devices and obtaining historical cell site location information from telcos -- both forms of "tracking" that don't involve attaching a monitoring device to a "person or property."

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Submission + - Using lasers to trigger a mouse's happy memory gives it the will to struggle on (

the_newsbeagle writes: With optogenetics, scientists can tag neurons with light-responsive proteins, and then trigger those neurons to "turn on" with the pulse of a light. In the latest application, MIT researchers used light to turn on certain neurons in male mice's hippocampi that were associated with a happy memory (coming into contact with female mice!), and then tested whether that artificially activated memory changed the mice's reactions to a stressful situation (being hung by their tails). Mice who got jolted with the happy memory struggled to get free for longer than the control mice. This tail-suspension test was developed to screen potential antidepressant drugs: If a rodent struggles longer before giving up, it's considered less depressed.

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