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Comment Re:"Surprising"??? (Score 1) 567

"There's alot of ppl. who don't believe in climate change (or its cause). I doubt Swedish farmers are the only group so I wonder why they are newsworthy while the groups are not?"

It's because when they were still called Vikings, they followed a guy named Eric the Red, a famous Global Warming believer, to Greenland where they perished almost all.
Now they are cautious.

Comment Re:The Earth is big. Really big. (Score 4, Insightful) 567

"Farmers also spend a lot of time outdoors, unlike researchers, and have a better idea of how minor human effects are."

They also shat in their fields for millenia giving all the population worms and other parasites before science told them to stop.

That was a 'human effect' too.

Comment Re:consent (Score 1, Insightful) 130

"There are laws governing obtaining informed consent from humans before performing psychological experiments on them. I doubt that a EULA can override them. This should be interesting..."

They can do whatever they want, it's their site. They decide what to show you, if they show you something and when.
And they have the right to sell that information about you at any price they choose.
It's their business.
You are the product, the psychologists are the customer.

Comment Re:People living in the polar regions (Score 4, Funny) 567

"...don't believe in Global Warming"

A little polar bear goes up to his mum and asks her, “Am I real polar bear?”

“Of course you are” his mum replies. “I’m a polar bear, your dad’s a polar bear, so you’re a polar bear”.

“But are you sure I don’t have any brown bear or grizzly bear in me?” he asks.

“Listen, if you don’t believe me go ask your grand-dad”

So he goes and asks his grand-dad

“Grand-dad, are you sure I’m a polar bear. I don’t have brown bear or grizzly bear in me?”

His grand–dad looks down on him and smiles.

“Listen, my boy, I’m a polar bear, my mum and dad were polar bears, and your granny, she was a polar bear, so your dad is a polar bear and so is your mum and her mum and her dad and her grand parents. We’re all polar bears so you are a pure, 100% polar bear”

The little polar bear doesn’t look convinced so his grand-dad asks him’

“What’s worrying you?”

“Well” he replies, “If both mum and dad are polar bears and all my grannies and grand-dads are polar bears, and even their mums and dads were all polar bears, and there’s no trace of grizzly or brown bear in methen why am I so fucking cold?”

Comment Re:Fuck them (Score 1) 138

"www.google.com/ncr bypasses this censorship and is now my new default search engine."

It has been mine for years! I'd like to have other sites like the Huffingtonpost etc have some of the same.

I change proxies every couple of minutes when surfing an it's annoying that I have to select a US one to read US news on many sites instead of Quebecois, French or German ones getting served automatically.

If I wanted those Id' use .de or .fr

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