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Comment Re:Always delete (Score 1) 177

"This is why I kept telling people to delete emails. Don't save everything, get rid of it. Set Outlook to auto delete on exit and don't give people the option to delete."

Exactly! There is no philosophical wisdom in there that could benefit mankind.
Only dickpics.

Comment Re:Screw data retention policies (Score 1) 177

"My company deletes emails after 90 days unless you jump through burning hoops to save a limited number of them. And has IM logging forced to disabled. This REALLY sucks when you want to go back to refer to something. "

Is sending a BCC to a personal account and a filter to forward incoming mails to the same account also forbidden?

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Eight planets found by Kepler Telescope verified by NASA, taking Kepler's tally (

Consolidate Times

Eight planets found by Kepler Telescope verified by NASA, taking Kepler's tally ...
Consolidate Times
NASA recently verified eight new planets that were found by the 600 million dollar Kepler Space Telescope. This verification takes Kepler's tally to 1000 habitable worlds found by the telescope, which is a big feat as the telescope's main purpose was to...
NASA releases three posters depicting Earth-like alien worldsAmerica Herald
NASA Releases Exoplanet Vacation PostersVoice Chronicle
Kepler exoplanet tally passes 1000: NASAZee News
Columbia Daily Tribune-NDTV
all 69 news articles

Submission + - NASA's New Horizons to arrive at Pluto with Clyde Tombaugh's ashes (

hypnosec writes: NASA’s New Horizons is bringing with it the ashes of Clyde Tombaugh – its discoverer – as it cruises towards the now dwarf-planet or ‘plutoid’. The probe will be close enough on January 15 to start observing Pluto. Clyde Tombaugh discovered the ice and rock-laden Pluto in 1930 and one of his final requests was that his ashes be sent into space. Tombaugh died on January 17, 1997. Fulfilling that wish NASA has fitted the upper deck of New Horizons probe with a small container containing Tombaugh’s ashes alongside a total of 7 scientific instruments. “Interned herein are remains of American Clyde W. Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto and the solar system’s ‘third zone'”, reads the inscription on the container.

Comment Re:Thank god (Score 4, Insightful) 35

"My favorite is when seeing a (seemingly) healthy person get out of a car from a previous hard athletic workout, with a smoothy in hand, and proceed to walk into the Target store. This car is allowed for handicapped parking.

Either this person is borrowing the car of a person who truly is handicapped, or the entire system of what defines someone as handicapped is more broken then they are."

Or they come and get a person in wheelchair in that persons' car whom they brought earlier.
That's how I do it.
I'm aware of the looks that people throw at me.:-)

Comment Re:I guess that means ... (Score 1) 340

"The problem with online casinos (the ones that are not regulated) is that if the online casino decides you're winning too much, they can just decide to make you lose when you're betting the most (this has actually happened a lot)."

And in the regulated ones, you play against 3 teens that in reality are sitting on the same table and showing each other their hands.

Comment Re:I guess that means ... (Score 1) 340

"The issue is that ignoring the betting element of poker when claiming a system is perfect or optimal is nonsense. A 'perfect' poker system would need to be able to decide based on opponent behaviour etc the right amounts to bid to minimise losses and maximise winnings."

The botoxed face, sunglasses and cowboy hats don't mean anything, those work only to impress newbies.

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It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
