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Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.Markets will Rule (Score 3, Interesting) 253

Prediction is Greece will exit the EU because of inefficient use of all forms of resources. They have been pseudo-socialist giveaway state for so long w/1 in 3 workers working for the state's institutions, they've collectively forgotten market economics is what runs countries effectively.

Venezuela is the prime example of wasteful redistribution policies by a government which collapse a society (military takeover is next.)

Greece will change fairly soon and it will be somewhat painful or they will deteriorate toward Venezuela's position, in which case it will impoverish Greece's working class.

Comment The younger generation will eventually rule! (Score 4, Interesting) 57

Christian Amanpour, a journalist, who visited her young relatives in Iran when journalists could finally return to Iran, talked with young relatives. She noted those young people just wanted to finish their education and get jobs, homes and families just like their relative who were in Europe; who they communicate with using VPNs, of course.

The young people in Iran are generally sharp and educated (more on VPNs than US kids) and they will eventually change Iran. Even the top leader recently noted they need to break up the monopolies in Iran (read controlled by the Republican Guard) so more innovation and business activity can grow & create more jobs.

Right now, many women in Iran, given half a chance, escape to Europe and never come back. Iran will change whether the Mullahs like it or not.

Comment Re:One of these days Mother Nature is going to dec (Score 4, Informative) 71

Indeed, major pandemics have been documented throughout the last 2000 years. Air travel today, just means they happen much faster.

The average person thinks modern medicine and hospitals can "take care of everything" but plans can't be made when a pandemic strikes 20 or 25% of the population who all want to go to the hospital in the same time period.

The WWI-1918 "Spanish Flu" was perhaps the last major pandemic, infecting 1 out of 3 people in the world and killing 10% of the world's population in about 18 months.

Comment Re:How is this even remotely legal? (Score 4, Insightful) 192

"We are the law."? No! They invent the law out of thin air. Plus legislators can't be held liable for what they say or vote for in Congress (unless you can prove a bribe or conflict of interest.)

This is the sort of attitude that eventually destroys institutions from within, though it takes awhile.

I do tend to agree that secession is inevitable in the US, just as it seems heading in that direction in the EU. What that will do is return some semblance (notice I said some) to States rights and hopefully smaller government, which currently redistributes about 50% of all earnings in the US. That is double what serfs paid in around a thousand years ago.

Comment Measurements & Modeling (Score 1, Interesting) 264

But then Correlation vs Causation doesn't often exist. Since mankind was not causing mega-droughts in the 1100-1300 era, what leads us to think it is now carbon emissions causing droughts? Could it be other long term Solar variation & then seawater circulation issues that reappear regularly on long cycles.

Then when data appears to be tweaked in some field measurements or too sparse, it seems that unjustified claims are being made that can't be backed by solid science.

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