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Comment Re:...but why? (Score -1) 144

Very astute observations.

I actually hate the office.
I don't usually talk much to anybody sitting near me. I am trying to get work done most of the time.
Other people's conversations are a source of noise which makes it harder to concentrate.
I can understand that there is a social network that needs to be exist for a smooth running corporation to function optimally, but, honestly, I don't think my job, or personality, fit into that mindset at all.

Just let me work. That's all I really want.

Comment I don't know about the hardware, but . . . (Score -1) 138

. . . the software - Z OS, and the standard interface to it (ispf, TSO) - sucks ass.

There is a good reason other companies like apple, Microsoft exist. It's because their products actually improve over time.

Anyone who thinks ispf is useful for anything has clearly lived under a rock for too long.

Comment Are they going to subsidize the farmers ? (Score 0, Troll) 31

You can't *fucking* grow plants without CO2 in the god damned atmosphere.

We're at about 0.04 percent (yeas, that's 4/100th of a percent for those of you who didn't learn basic math)

At 0.04 percent, we're still way off optimum CO2 for plant growth.
At 0.02 percent, plants don't grow !

Stop fucking around with shit you don't understand !

Comment Amazing what happens when Govt. subsidizes a tech. (Score 0) 133

So, I'm not complaining. I'm all for clean power - but - let's get real, NUCLEAR is the solution.

Modern nuke plants are way, way, way more efficient than anything else on the market. They're super safe. The by-product can be rendered essentially harmless.

If we really care about this, let's subsidize Nuclear.

Comment Re:Imagine what else they don't know (Score 0) 115

OK, smarty-pants.

Statistical mechanics is all about statistical predictions of the collective motion of particles.
Classical thermodynamics studies interactions between large collections of objects.
Those two concepts are essentially identical. I am sorry if you can't see that.

Atmospheric thermodynamics is the application of the principles to earth's atmosphere as seen as weather or climate.

My point is that these systems make many huge assumptions in their models, and also rely upon a relatively tiny number of "particles" when applying the model. Furthermore, their conclusions are extremely vague, and subject to huge variance as a result of relatively insignificant changes to initial conditions.

Comment Re:Imagine what else they don't know (Score 0, Offtopic) 115


Thermodynamics is anything but simple.

You can model a stream flow with a few particles and have a very vague idea about how that stream behaves in a few locales. You can identify where eddy points *might* show up, etc.

The more particles you introduce, in order to get a "more accurate" idea - remember , this is based upon a *model* - the more compute power required, and the more inaccuracy is introduced. The more the elements in your model, the more inaccuracy. Basically, there isn't enough compute power in the world to perfectly model all the molecules in a single 1 sq mm stream cross-section of water.

That's just a single *TINY* stream in ideal conditions. and we can't do it to anything like accurate.

And you want to model the entire planet !

That's *just* Thermodynamics.

What you have been doing in your apparent dabbling "in and out" of research, is being indoctrinated into the fear mongering.

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