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Comment Re:Unions (Score 1) 132

For some reason I've lost the previous message. These districts represent high self-made middle class - not the uber-rich people. And high middle class is indeed more Democratic-leaning, because they generally understand that government help is necessary to make poor people lives bearable and give poor children a chance.

Comment Re:This is why I became a leftist (Score 3, Interesting) 132

A few years ago I read a financial magazine on an airplane (quick googling tells that it was WSJ, I can't find a direct link but this blog post describes it: ) about how companies should watch their stock options closely and do not allow 'unnecessary' employees like chefs to get them. Because if a company grows big then these peons might actually become members of the Rich! And little people totally do not deserve it.

I wanted to break a window and throw this magazine out.

Comment Re:Unions (Score 2) 132

That may be true, but it's still misleading. $75k per capita is high middle class, and if it's California then it's probably a self-made middle class rather than inherited. Such people usually understand that help from the government is sometimes necessary to make poor peoples' lives at least bearable and to give their children a chance of success.

We're talking about uber-rich rich, the ones that have hundreds of millions in the bank - THEY are mostly Republican.

Comment Re:It all winds up on a dinner table (Score 2) 188

Well, yes. Both are true. If you eat raw food then you'll most likely be losing weight, as it's very hard to get enough calories from raw food to sustain overweight. So if your aim is to lose excessive weight then avoiding cooked foods is probably a good ides.

If you're thinking from a perspective of a shipwreck victim stuck on an island then cooking food (especially meat or starchy food) is a very good idea, because you'll need much less of it.

Comment Re:This is a propaganda war first of all (Score 1) 623

By that time it was a slur, as was the word "moskal'". I know perfectly well that Slavic languages are different - I can speak a bit of Czech and I understand Polish. BTW, the word for 'friend who is a girl' in Czech also sounds like 'farty' for Russian speakers.

As for the letter - _read_ it carefully. It lists examples of his enemies, it doesn't say to kill all the Jews who are also USSR collaborators. No, it says that ALL Jews are enemies. In the first chapter it says (transliteration first then my translation):

Menshineva poltika. 16. Naconal'n menshini podljajut'sja na: ... b) vorozh nam, moskal, poljaki, zhidi. .... b) Vinishhuvannja v borot'b, zokrema tih, shho boronitimut' rezhmu: pereseljuvannja v h zeml, vinishhuvati golovno ntelgencju, jako ne vl'no dopuskati do njakih urjadv, vzagal unemozhlivljumo produkuvannja ntelgenc, sebto dostup do shkl t.d. Napriklad, tak zvanih pol's'kih seljan treba asimljuvati, usvdomljujuchi z mscja m, tim bl'she v cej garjachij, povnij fanatizmu chas, shho voni ukranc tl'ki latins'kogo obrjadu nasil'no asiml'ovan. Provodirv nishhiti. Zhidv zoljuvati, pousuvati z urjadv, shhob uniknuti sabotazhu, tim bl'she moskalv poljakv. Koli b bula nepoborna potreba ostaviti, primrom, v gospodars'km aparat zhida, postaviti jomu nashogo mlcjanta nad golovoju lkvduvati za najmensh provini. Kervniki poodinokih galuzej zhittja mozhut' buti lishe ukranc, a ne chuzhin – vorogi. Asimljacja zhidv vikljuchat'sja.


Minority policy 16. National minorities are classified as: ... b) our enemies, Russians, Poles, Jews ... b) Extermination, especially the ones who will protect the old regime: move into their lands, exterminate their intellectuals which shouldn't be given access to government, and we should even make it impossible the reproduction of intellectuals by not giving access to schools, etc. For example, so called Polish peasants should be assimilated, understanding that they are Ukrainians of Latin persuasion, being forcibly assimilated. Their leaders should be exterminated. Jews should be isolated, expelled from any government positions to prevent sabotage. If there's no pressing need for a Jew's services, for example, in a local enterprise, put our militiaman over his head and exterminate for any smallest misconduct. Jews can't be assimilated at all.

(ugh, I have to go and wash my hands after typing this)

No, no. Of course, Bandera wasn't a nationalist and anti-semite. No, siree.

And my point is that Bandera knew perfectly well about German atrocities - and still sided with them. He knew for sure about German policies towards Jews and Poles and cheerfully supported them. In a few cases German troops had to _stop_ OUN from massacring too much population!

And you might notice that I'm not saying anywhere that NKVD and Stalin's regime were nice. But Russians don't make national heroes out of Katyn's executioners! And I think if it ever happens, then Russia should be invaded ASAP.

Comment Re:This is a propaganda war first of all (Score 1) 623

No, this is a _direct_ _translation_, it's not an interpretation. And yes, I speak Russian and Ukrainian.

And by saying that Bandera was not an antisemite you simply show a total ignorance. Here's his program document: in Ukrainian. It clearly says: "[racial slur for Jews] are an alien as individuals and as a group" (on the page 129 of this document). He certainly knew about the "Massacre of Professors" in Lviv, about Volyn' massacre and so on - he orchestrated them.

Comment Re:This is a propaganda war first of all (Score 1) 623

Well, you're wrong. The first Californian constitution recognized Spanish as an official language, for example. Several states had German as the main language. Fortunately, most states try to accommodate Spanish speakers and provide Spanish translation for lots of documents. For example, my car registration renewal form from the DMV is bilingual.

Comment Re:This is a propaganda war first of all (Score 1) 623

Bolsheviks were quite willing to build a peaceful society. And they have actually tried to do just this - for several months, at least. They immediately stopped the participation of the (yet-to-be-called-so) Soviet Union in the WWI and even tried to build an army where officers were elected by the enlisted personnel. Of course, that could only last for so long...

Bandera is definitely a criminal. His _official_ party program included a clearly specified that all Jews should be killed. I'm not joking, it stated: "Jews should be stealthily destroyed, with as little disturbance to the general population as possible" (my translation).

And you should note, that Bandera was released by Nazis and they supplied him with weapons - he was definitely a collaborator. His official proclamation of Ukrainian independence read: "Independent Ukraine under the German Protectorate". So yes, he struggled for Ukrainian independence from the USSR (though dependence on Germany was A-OK), you can say that. That doesn't make him a hero or justifies his crimes.

I have actually studied these things and I can gladly provide you with references.

Comment Re:This is a propaganda war first of all (Score 1) 623

The US has a Constitution that expressly forbids such laws, and that's great. However the fact that it was the VERY FIRST proposed law is a great example of the true colors of the post-revolution government. They can talk all they want about how they are not nazis, but their actions show that they really are.

And if you think that these two examples are exceptions - there is a lot of other such instances. Here's the captured Kiev Administration building: This portrait hung there only for about a day, a much larger portrait appeared inside the building in about a week (and I think it's still there, I'll go and check tomorrow). If you're wondering, that neurotic individual on the banner is Stephan Bandera ( ).

You want something official? Not a problem - here's the envoy of Ukraine in the UN saying that Bandera was a hero ( ).

As for Mexicans in the US - they have a right for self-determination and Spanish should probably be an official language in at least several states.

Comment Re:We need a US base in the Ukraine (Score 1) 623

Why is it impossible? And why are you so sure that people were prevented from voting? The official turnout is 82%!

Lots of foreign media correspondents are in Crimea and they can't find anyone on the streets who doesn't support joining Russia. They see lots of jubilation on the streets, though.

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