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Comment Re:Smart (Score 1) 291

Frankly, no. The next-gen supercharger will be able to provide current at 200kW, and that's about 600 miles per hour. So short commutes (~100 miles) will be easily covered by 10 minute supercharge and for longer commutes the limiting factor is the battery capacity.

Of course, if we get 3000-miles lithium-air batteries then all will change.

Comment Re:Smart (Score 1) 291

Tesla owners usually charge overnight to 80% of the battery capacity - that's about 220 miles. So you need to exhaust more than 180 miles of your range (that's 3 hours of highway-speed driving!). Then you suddenly need to remember that you have to go to an airport another 150 or so miles away (2-3 hours of driving, again) and you don't even have 30 minutes for a charge.

That's a pretty exotic set of circumstances.

And don't forget that new 160kW superchargers can recharge an almost empty battery at 400 miles per hour, so you get about 65 miles of range in just 10 minutes. Supercharger availability may be a problem, but it's much easier to build new charging stations than battery swap stations.

Comment Re:Smart (Score 5, Informative) 291

I have a Tesla Model S. And I've participated in the battery-swap beta.

It works, almost as on the video - except you have to carefully position your car and attendant manually blocks your car's wheels from rolling.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, though. The price ($85) is not worth it, it's just easier to wait 30 minutes for a supercharge.

Comment Re:Why build one (Score 1) 465

There's already a rail connection between China and Europe. It's hardly used, the amount of traffic through this route is pretty much negligible. Most of the Chinese manufacturing is close to the Pacific Ocean, so it's much more efficient to actually _ship_ goods to Europe. The shipping time matters, but not that much.

Comment Re: So much stupid (Score 1) 111

Of course something can be done. But it's politically incorrect to do so. The most violent gangs are thick with illegal aliens from Central America.

That's actually not true. The most violent gangs (how do you measure that, btw?) are made from local citizens. Chiefly out of 'ghetto' neighborhoods.

Comment Re: So much stupid (Score 1) 111

I said there aren't enough SWAT teams around to all handle the gangs

So right now all SWAT teams are at 24/7 utilization, barely having time to sleep and eat?


A typical SWAT team is deployed less than once a week. That's a reason why we have increased cases of excessive force used - the idle SWAT teams just make it too easy to over-react.

By the time SWAT got there, they'd have scattered like cockroaches.

Another BS.

Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

Over the top, much?

So you don't have any other objections to my post? And no, it's not over-the-top - children statistically are at greater risk from your gun than from being killed by intruders.

So in essence, you want to kill small defenseless children.

There's one common thread in these murders. The overwhelming majority occurred in a "gun free zone" but hoplophobes refuse to acknowledge or address the fact that cowardly murderers prefer defenseless victims.

So you want everyone in a theater to be on guard 100% of time and be ready to shoot back at the sound of a gun discharge? Ok, so you're a nutty idiot. That's pretty clear now.

It's people that ignore reality and push to disarm law abiding citizens and prevent them from protecting themselves, their families, and others that create helpless victims.

No. YOU are ignoring reality - the advanced countries with less guns have less crime and far less murders than the US. So it's you who want people to be killed by guns, especially small children.

Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

You quote a NIH study when the NIH is ideologically opposed to firearm ownership to begin with. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. I dismiss this for the same reasons you'd dismiss a study funded by the NRA that contradicts it.

I won't dismiss a study that is conducted properly. Even if it comes from the NRA. And NIH studies are pretty accurate - they are actually used to working with clinical studies.

The Wiki page you cite does not address mandatory licensed firearm instructor run safety courses in any way.

So pick 5 states. I'll give you details. For example, Washington (where I'm staying right now) doesn't require anything but a cursory background check (which can be avoided through the 'gun show' loophole). No training necessary.

You outdo yourself here with both a baseless ad hominem *and* a sweeping generalization with no evidence whatsoever. How "open minded" and Progressive of you.

So tell me, why do you want to KILL CHILDREN?? Do you hate them so much?

Since you've been in the military, you are a high risk for PTSD. So then, you're fine with being forbidden to obtain a driver's license and placed under constant surveillance, since you might snap at any time and decide to plow through a crowd with your 2-1/2 ton missile or go nuts with an axe, right?

I haven't seen combat so I'm not at higher risk of PTSD. And to get a driver's license in my home country, you actually do have to get a certificate from a mental health hospital that you're not under observation for any mental disorders.

A free and open society comes with risks.

Can I shoot you in the head, please? After all, you so want to live in a free society! And I totally should be free to minimize potential harm to me, right? In ANY way that I'd like, including gunning down all the gun owners.

Comment Re: They're not going to arrest him! (Score 1) 312

Care to explain the (any) logic in that?

I'm more at risk of dying from my spouse shooting me or from a weapon-related accident than from being shot at by criminals. See here:

There are laws requiring mandatory safety & competency training for legal handgun owners in nearly every jurisdiction.

Incorrect. There are no such laws in pretty much EVERY state in the US: In most states you can just come in and buy a handgun with only a cursory background check (if that). A nice article:

FYI, most legal gun owners are more competent and safe with a gun than many, if not most, law enforcement officers, and LEOs carry 24/7, even off-duty.

Complete BS. Most gun owners have trouble distinguishing which end of a gun actually shoots bullets.

It's your right to be a defenseless victim for any armed criminal that comes along. You have no right to make that choice for others.

I also have a right not to be shot by you, because you mess up the safety switch.

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