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Comment Re:You are wrong! (Score 1) 25

But how it came to be in the first place? A different question. Not by evolution - evolution works on a population with alleles, there was no such population, no alleles, before the first life. So by definition, whatever gave rise to it, it was not evolution.

So is the argument that evolution, itself, evolved? Now, I failed a Biochem course once upon a time, which isn't to say I learned nothing.
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology had been understood to mean that the information flows just the one way. Retroviruses made a lot of heads 'splode.
(a) I'm all for more research. If I was some trust fund baby, I envision I'd be a professional student, and just keep on taking fascinating courses.
(b) I've no confidence that we're ever going to replicate the conditions, quantum accidents and all, by which the Periodic Table became Biochemistry. While I hold the Bible to be true at all points, along some literal/figurative spectrum, I don't think ANY of the ideas in circulation is terribly accurate.
(c) In fact, I doubt the very KNOWABILITY of the origin of life, past the poetic, high-level overview offered in Genesis. I typically skirt the question entirely, as I doubt the profitability of going past a cursory nod on the topic.
(d) Same goes for the origin of the universe. Some day I hope to survey papers, and graph estimates of the origin of the universe over the last century. Take the log of the age estimate against time, I expect to develop some nice, steeply sloped line.

Comment Re:the solution: (Score 4, Insightful) 651

We have to make the laws that are reasonable to our time. The Constitution allowed slavery, for instance, and no vote for women.

Yeah, and when times changed it got amended. But the right to bear arms hasn't been amended, and until it does, it still stands as the law of the land that all arms are included.

Does it make sense now for individuals to buy and sell full-auto weapons? "Assault rifles"? Flamethrowers? Surface-to-air missles?

Absolutely! How else is the public supposed to support a revolt against tyranny? (That is what the 2nd Amendment is for, you know... it's a rule written by violent revolutionaries for violent revolutionaries.)

Comment Re:Prius (Score 1) 261

Vipers are both so expensive and so terrible as daily-drivers that almost everybody rich enough to have one a) can afford to pay admission to drive it at a track, and b) can afford to also own a more comfortable car to drive everywhere else.

Comment Re:Bad statistics (Score 1) 261

The trouble is that "infractions committed without a ticket being issued" is impossible to measure, since (by definition) issuing tickets is how you're supposed to measure infractions.

Of course, cellphone/GPS tracking and/or ITS could make un-ticketed infractions measurable, but entities (e.g. Progressive Insurance) are only now just starting to do so.

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