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Comment All runtimes crash (Score 1) 382

It randomly crashes for no apparent reason while running code that has run cleanly thousands upon thousands of times in the past.

And are you implying that doesn't happen with the C runtime?

Or seriously implying this happens less often when developers code in C/C++?

Comment Would be funny if it where true (Score 2) 382

...but then, they fire up Eclipse, or NetBeans, or Guiffy, or enable the Java support in their browser, or try to run an app on their favorite feature phone. And they wait for it to become responsive... ...and wait...

Would be funny if it where true, but Netbeans on my computer loads faster than Visual Studio. And both runs equally as fast.

Comment Java is fully open source (Score 4, Informative) 382

But Java was the important thing we couldn't let die. And it isn't open source so the community couldn't steal it away from oracle.

Java is fully open-sourced and the most open-sourced programming language I know. OpenJDK is the same source code Oracle uses for its JDK. It's easy to download and compile all Java executables. Here is a guide and a Youtube video detailing how to build the JDK.

Java is defined and updated by the JSR process, which resembles RFCs. And also by the JEP process which tells you exactly what's being built into Java and when. You can also use their bugtrackers and mailing lists to track Oracle engineers' work.

I've learnt a ton just by tracking those lists.

Comment More than PR (Score 5, Insightful) 385

The question is, would he have done this even if not running for president?

The answer is obviously yes, based on past behavior. Rand Paul has been one of the few people willing to go on record voting against things he does not agree with, instead of not voting at all.

So while of course some element of it is PR, that is not the core reason as to why he did this.

Comment Re:Article doesn't answer two biggest questions (Score 5, Informative) 108

I have had a Zenfone2 for over a month now. I am at about 50% after 16 hours with moderate usage- checking email connected to Zenwatch, streaming music for a few hours, and checking a few websites through out the day, and play a few games.

Everything feels smooth and no lag anywhere. While I have heard of some folks with applications not working on an Atom, I have not experienced any issues. Hulu, Netflix, Youtube all play smooth and cast to my Chromecast fine. Games play fantastic.

Overall it has been a very nice phone and I am more pleased with it than my prior Nexus 5.

Comment RTFA (Score 1) 116

The article has a picture of the CURRENTLY WORKING drone. It doesn't have large tanks of anything, it has two small tubes of hydrogen.

I think you have greatly miscalculated the pressures needed by this system. It's not storing pounds of the stuff, just 4oz or so across two fairly large tubes...

Comment I laid out the facts, horse will not drink (Score 0) 102

I did - the facts are that the Clinton foundation claims to be a charity, but uses almost none of the money collected for charity. The facts are that the foundation gained a huge boost in donations from people while Clinton was in the state department, from people/governments who had matters being decided by the state department...

If you want to ignore the facts, fine. Just don't claim to be for them at the same time.

Comment "Limited" defined (Score 2, Insightful) 102

Sure, if by "never contacted" you mean "given lots of money, along with other people on the panel, to vote a specific way".

Are you really so naive? You don't even have to dislike the clintons to understand the fundamental flow of money involved here and just how easy it is for that to have an effect on the results.

It's also stupid on the face of things to claim Clinton had no influence when donations to her charity fell drastically after she left the state dept... You don't need a tinfoil hat to pick up the subtle single there.

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