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Comment Re:What does that even mean (Score 4, Informative) 95

Show your math please.

A mountain at 42,164bkm would have the peak in geosynchronous orbit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G...

The moon is 384,000 km up and even it has to maintain an orbital velocity considerably faster than a jumping person to avoid falling to Earth.

But if someone built a tower 384,000 km high, it would travel faster than the moon. And if you jumped off that tower, you'd also never reach the ground.

Comment Re:Why not just... (Score 1) 384

Belligerent? Are you sure you know what that word means?

http://dictionary.reference.co... "given to waging war." Synonyms: combative, quarrelsome (others trimmed)

UDP and TCP are completely different protocols,

Good so far

and the only thing they really have in common is that they are (usually) built on IP (the "IP" in TCP/IP and UDP/IP).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_protocol_suite The Internet Protocol Suite is called TCP/IP. UDP is a subset of The Internet Protocol Suite. Thus, UDP is a subset of TCP/IP. There is no UDP/IP. That's a typo of TCP/IP or UDP.

You are just making it clear you don't know what TCP/IP means, or belligerent, for that matter. You are being deliberately contentious. You are ignoring cites that support my position, and can present none that support yours.

Comment Re:Camer was owned by the school (Score 5, Informative) 379

The school owned the camera he used. Therefore all work from that camera belongs to the school.

No. It does not work like that. If you borrow my guitar and write a hit song, it's your song, the copyright is yours. If you borrow my camera and take a Pulitzer-winning photo, it's your photo, the copyright is yours. Copyright goes to the creator of a work, not to the owner of any tools incidental to the creation.

Comment Re:Solution (Score 1) 384

Traditionally, netbooks are x86 based.

Traditionally, they also aren't running a full OS. Chromebook is a netbook. Windows 8 running on a small laptop isn't a netbook.

Perhaps you're confused with tablets.

Nope. My phone has more cores, more RAM, and more software options than the last "netbook" I saw (a recent HP chromebook). Setting a phone on my desk, connecting HDMI to it, and a bluetooth mouse and keyboard, and it'll out-perform the netbook. The reason they don't compare is that the netbook comes with the larger screen, and can't make calls.

Comment So what (Score 4, Interesting) 81

What if it's a smear job on Take Two? At taxpayer expense?

1. This isn't at taxpayer expense. It is at television owners' expense. Only people with televisions have to pay the television license that funds the BBC, not all taxpayers. To conflate the two is disingenuous.

2. So what if it is inaccurate or a smear job. That is part of having a free press: the right to get it wrong (and if you do, be eviscerated and/or humiliated by everyone else). The BBC has a very good record and deservedly good reputation, because despite the occasional imperfection, by and large their reporting and documentaries are first rate.

This lawsuit is an attempt to undermine the free press and apply inappropriate pressure to the editorial process, and frankly, Rockstar and Take Two deserve a severe smackdown for trying to do so, irrespective of the program's content.

Comment Re:Why not just... (Score 1) 384

Why are you being belligerent? "TCP/IP suite" wasn't made up by me. I gave a cite. There are millions more where that came from. It's not an obscure thing I made up. Go read any of the large number of good books on TCP, and they'll include UDP as a subset of TCP/IP. Something like TCP/IP Explained by Miller is a good book to start with.

UDP is a subset of TCP/IP.

That you don't know what TCP/IP is is a separate issue. Try learning something, rather than accusing everyone else of being wrong, when you don't know what you are talking about. You once heard TCP and UDP are different. I understand. But you don't know what TCP/IP is. Learn that before you make a fool of yourself. Oops, too late.

Comment Re:Won't save most of the 4000 lives (Score 1) 615

Nope. When you take classes from the same institution that teaches highway patrolmen how to determine fault, you pick some things up. But you don't keep every piece of information catelogued with the source, so you can quote it back to some jackass on the Internet. Why, is your unsubstantiated opinion more important than everyone else's?

Comment Re: North Pole (Score 1) 496

I tend to see a trap as well. Admiral Ackbar is laughing at everyone here.

If we assume that the earth is a perfect sphere, then the answer is the North Pole. The earth is not a perfect sphere. This leaves us "near" the North Pole. The earths shape at the North Pole tends towards that of the Geoid as it is ice/water. As modern geodesic research has produced a good mathematical model of the Geoid, it should be possible to derive a good approximation of the actual location (or locations) with respect to the North Pole. I'd approach this problem with a recursive style of algorithm.

Please Elon, hire me.

Comment In a nutshell (Score 4, Insightful) 81

In a nutshell, what they're saying is:

"If we can't control your editorial content in reporting about or dramatizing our behavior, we're going to sue you in an attempt to make it not worth your while to report on or dramatize our behavior"

Fuck them. I hope the BBC has the backbone to stick up to this sort of corporate bullying. If the show isn't flattering to Take Two, they can suck it up like anyone else.

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