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Comment Re:Until... (Score -1) 130

Run away to space stations - unlike the Bible Exodus across the divided Red Sea running away from the big dark Egyptian cock your women find resistible and can't stop sucking, this time it's gonna be an Exodus into outer space (using Mt. Everest as a ramp) running away from the GMO contraptions that are gonna kill us all that your profit greedy purely biotech focused corporations (like Monsanto or Agilent, both of which used to focus on other technology, like rubber or electronics) can't resist popping out one after the other, telling you it's safe, and it's Roundup resistant, unlike all the 1 billion year old "weeds" or 4 billion year old e-coli bacteria "germs" they will displace. Oh well, at leaast biotech is not as scary as AI research, like self driving cars that can tell the difference between a deer or a plastic deer lawn ornament 500 yards ahead, because Exodus into outer space is an easy solution against it, same with nuclear holocaust, you can simply run away from the problem your exploration and curiosity created Star Trek style leaving behind a big mess, but AI is gonna be smarter than you and screw you over with tricks and chase you down, come Exodus after you, no Exodus for you foolish earthling. Just watch Screamers 1996 movie for a dose of reality to lose your naiveness about these advancements in progress, or progress in advancements. You can't hold back progress. That's the argument commies used against "obsolete" capitalists.

Comment Re:Who expected differently? (Score -1) 204

The only thing that ultimately guarantees "publicly accountable" is the 2nd Amendment, once your 1st Amendment rights to bitch have been squashed by corrupt conspirators. If it can be called corrupt in a moral sense, but not in a legal sense, then there is something wrong with the law and the legislators that pimp it. Such as a customer does not have to buy anything such as insurance or lottery tickets he does not want to buy for any reason, most often that is price, or benefit returned for that price, but even simple things, like when shopping for a TV, some sales clerk offends you, you have the right to not buy a TV, even if you get an extreme bargain, even if you get the TV for free. He can walk out of the store and not do business with them and the lesson is that if they do it to the other customers too, they too don't have to buy, the customer is king in the Land of the Fre and the Home of the Brave and he does not have to do business with you unless he feels like he is getting a deal, or becase he likes you, or whatever his reasons are. If you offend a customer he has the right to walk out of your business and boycott it as far as removing his life from yours goes, he does not have the right to come back and bomb that business maffiozo style, but he has the right to shun you. That's how Amish people treat each other - they shun each other when circumstance require. They don't beat you with a stick, they don't hang you, they don't bomb you with explosives, they don't shoot you with a gun, they simply remove the benefit of what their life provides to you from you, called shunning. Usually you can take it for a while but the end result is most often just the person shunned leaving. I have the right to shun counties that have been abusive to me. Such as cutting my wildflowers. For instance, look at this picture and look around at the girl's feet. A butterfly or other bugs would find this terrain absolutely gorgeous, because they could easily survive on the nectar collected from the abundant, natural wildflowers. If your sense of beauty is distorted when the only beautiful thing is a perfect green 8 millimeter tall grass lawn devoid of any red, yellow, blue or white, then I think you need to go to a shrink to get your head checked out, but in any case you have the right to be the best way you see fit for you, including cutting you grass, and I have the right to be the best way I see fit, such as not cutting mine. The argument that nature untouched by man is ugly does not fly. Nature does not need a constant human touch to be beautiful. Ask all the jungle people around the world what they think. And even if you cut the grass and steal it from my land, don't send me bills that cost more than $10 for the 20 minutes it takes to cut it per incident, which would come to $30/hr when going from neighboring lots to neighboring lots. We have a clash here over what's beautiful, and a couple hundred feet away at the end of he street there are a ton of standing wildflowers behind the fence on the lot of the public rail transit system and that is not attacked or constantly cut, so it's also a discrimination case. Under the circumstances I have the right to refuse accepting a job within county borders, over corrupt county government abuses, and withdraw the benefit my existence would provide to them, such as paying taxes. If the county attacks me financially to devastate me, I have the right to try to shun them financially in return. And then after considering the attacking from the county on the financial front, here comes Obamacare, a direct attack on my financial world straight from the Federal Government, trying to force me to go on government aid under my social holding me responsible for the bankrupt government's financial problems too, while making enormous payments on arbitrary prices on this on line Health Insurance Marketplace puppet show. I'm a customer and the basic rule is that I don't have to do business if I don't want to, I don't have to buy. Duh. I failed kindergarten but even I can comprehend this much of basics in Liberty, I think Obama and his cabinet need to go back to kindergarten, because they are failing at these very simple concepts miserably. So now my health is attacked, I get the fuck xrayed out of me, infected like crazy, just to show up at a hospital unable to pay, without insurance, to make an example case for Obamacare. Fuck this bullshit. I have the right not to show up at a stupid hospital and take my chances with my plain immune system with any disease. I have the right do die if I so see best fit, to make an example case out of Obamacare. Give me liberty or give me death, literally, to the letter, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Comment Re:Aluminum Foil Wallpaper? (Score -1) 290

Aluminum beats copper on a weight basis in electric conductivity, and is used exclusively for intercity high voltage overhead cables. At household voltages is does have contact oxide coating resistance overheating and corrosion issues compared to copper, but internally it's an excellent conductor, especially when you consider the price too.
So an aluminum siding should successfully block out the whole electromagnetic spectrum, other than very low frequency that goes around it like through the roof what's not covered with metal, or the sides of the attic not covered with metal, i.e. holes in the Faraday-cage, and at the other end, beyond microwave, terahertz, infrared, visible, UV, only x-ray and gamma-ray can penetrate aluminum siding, so for imaging you cannot really use diffracted waves like FM or AM radio ones that go along unpredictable paths, so these guys must surely be equipped with x-ray and gamma-ray cameras, otherwise they are wasting their precious time for every house they pass which is covered in aluminum, or garage doors which are aluminum. And it's all a minor issue on the radiation exposure front, except when one of your neighbors gets one of these cameras and constantly keeps it on you, and the radiation dose keeps adding up, giving you cancer, or just simply suppressing your immune function, and then they call it AIDS, as in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and what it really means is that you Acquired a Neighbor who Acquired a portable or non-portable X-ray camera or just the X-ray gun part of it, and constantly keeps it on you, for, oh, I don't know, trying to own the block reasons to chase other people of different ethnicity away, kind of like intentionally littering the grounds around your home, trying to make you move, this is now ours too, you gotta go, take over time. Welcome to America, where if you're a homosexual or we just don't like what you do, like you have a problem signing our intellectual property slave contracts, you have an increased chance of acquiring what we call AIDS, which has nothing to do with infections or biology other than radiation exposure.

Comment Re:Academic wankery at its finest (Score -1) 154

If an intergalactic invasion looks like this, possibly with some pulsating electromagnetic propulsion we still don't know much about, it may be STL not FTL, i.e. slower than light not faster than light:

And you could have a couple million years to get your 22 stage Teller-Ulam contraptions ready for a welcome, especially if the convoy of messengers you send ahead for a treaty never signals back at the speed of light, meaning they don't respect the don't shoot the messenger to begin with the basics. The Milky Way is very hazy though, and it's hard to see which way they would be coming from, or even if they arrive, it may be a while til they arrived to get hostile in your neighborhood, if ever. Maybe, like Star Trek officers, they know how to coexist with other life forms without trying to attack everything in their path. But the Dzenghis Khan gang of Mongols taught a very good lesson to any naive douche bags who blindly expect other intelligent creatures to be peaceful. You never know, and because of that skill in defense in important. Even the Native Americans were better off with bows fighting against gunpowder, than if they only had leather strap stone/wood handle battle axes. Though Shaka did win battles against the British with spears and very quick troop movements, but even simple spears used for hunting hogs in the jungle have more action to a distance than a caveman stone/leather strap/wood handle axe. You have a good fighting chance even with inferior technology, not much, but much better than nothing. Neither the Indians nor Shaka said OK, because you have superior weapons, therefore we welcome you as our new intercontinental (as opposed to intergalactic) overlords.

Comment Re:Yikes! (Score -1) 105

I used to not be a big fan of the Mars program because it's so far compared to the Moon, however no matter how bad you fuck up Mars with your experimenting, it's not gonna affect us on Earth, unlike the Moon. However I'd still like to see minor mining on the Moon for global warming shades to put up at the Lagrange point between the Earth and the Sun, that cover, say 1% of Earth's surface area, possibly be aluminum backed single space grown crystal silicon solar power stations too at the same time. But I would not want the Moon to be gone completely in 500 years, but I have no problem with Mars being ripped to pieces via mining and space stations made out of all of it.
Venus is gonna take a while to terraform. I'm thinking 10,000 years to 10 million. But it's never too early to start, especially if near miss incidents out there that occur once every 10 million years, such as a mega asteroid/comet almost knocking one of Jupiter's moons out of orbit, and you could direct that to actually do knock it out, in a way where it goes round the Sun and impact Venus just right to get it spinning and higher up in orbit from the Sun, with possible consequences on Earth's orbit, which I don't know about. However if you could get it in one shot in the same orbit as Earth on the exact opposite side of the Sun, that would be great, or if you had 3 such planets composed running equidistant on a circular Earth-like orbit, that would be cool too, because you'd have line of sight that way too, but otherwise no orbit interactions, like one going faster than the other. And even if you left them alone eventually they would naturally accumulate water, such as captured hydrogen oxygen from solar wind, and not boil/distill it off out of the atmosphere like Venus does, because they would be at the right distance. I think before pounding stuff into Venus, there has to be stable and self sustaining space station life, and then Life from Earth is guaranteed to make it even if some mega comet half the size of Earth comes out of nowhere and slams into it at high speed, and you didn't see it coming. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket if you can afford not to. A possibly very fast way to start terraforming Venus would be to put up semitransparent huge shades for it too. That's what you do at the beach, when he Sun is burning too hot, you put up an umbrella.

Comment Re:Academic wankery at its finest (Score -1) 154

Or our present problems of melting glaciers and mountaintop snow, and icebergs, all covered under the global warming issue we blame on rise of atmospheric CO2 levels started around 1700 with the industrial revolution and the move from beast muscle power to coal/steam, then gasoline/diesel. If anything the nuclear things helped in this picture, as they avoid emitting CO2, and the big issue with them was that people kept blowing them up and scattering the emissions into the troposphere constantly, until above ground tests were banned, or even underground tests are no longer conducted much. The biggest function of nuclear today is to cut out CO2 emissions by providing like 20% of electricity needs, and in the future, we have this quack prophecy of cry wolf an asteroid is gonna hit Earth a few days from now on Jan 26, and it's gonna pass like the year 2000 problem, without as much as a fizzle or much smoke, but eventually it's a possibility that a huge collision with another large size meteorite would happen, the chances are minuscule but collisions do occur out there in the Universe, and if one came our way and we had no tools like the Teller-Ulam designs, we'd be sitting ducks. It's like it's better to have a gun when a bear attacks you, or if you're a small sized person a large muscular person attacks you with a knife, it's a great equalizer, and it's better than a knife or a sword or even a stone/wood handle battle axe the caveman had. Facing an asteroid coming at Earth with conventional explosives is like forcing a person in the wilderness of Alaska infested with grizzly bears to carry a stone/wood caveman axe as protection. It's not the weapon that matters, but what you do with it. If you keep making test explosion mushroom clouds and spew the emissions all over the globe, then yeah, you're an idiot. If you make all electric from it, and not emit anything, and only hold these high power weapons for outer space ping pong tasks, or as a defense against some intergalactic invasion of some hostile alien species that try to eat you, then you're not an idiot. But they should add an 11th commandment to Moses' stone tablets, that says "Thou shalt not drop an atomic bomb on thy neighbor's head, especially if he's not dropping one on yours." I don't understand what's so complicated about this stuff?

Comment Re:Obligatory Onion link (Score -1) 314

Yeah like my mother's radio needed one of them 2 prong 110V power cables, because the old one got frayed underneath the plastic jacket, and Radio Shack had it, for like $13, I don't remember, but I could have spent more on gas trying to shop around to see which store has it, like where would it be at Walmart? You'd have to check out alarm clocks or something to see if they come with one, for like 6 or 7 dollars, just for the cable, and you could spend an entire day going from Walmart to Target, while in Radio Shack they have it. Later I ordered some 90W 18V laptop power supplies from China on Ebay, and I won the biddings at like $4 a piece for like 4 of them, and they come with such cable, 2 prong, which she uses now, but they took over 30 days to ship, via free shipping, imagine that. Radio Shack has a place in the world, it's a name like Coca Cola, or HP, or Caterpillar or Harley Davidson, that's American and holds a special place in people's hearts, even if all of the above may be overpriced compared to the competition, except HP, which now is a purely computing company after spinoffs like Agilent that used to be the core of HP before computers, which now spun it off as Keysight Technologies and Agilent became yet another purely biotech company like Monsanto that spun off old school things they used to be involved in, such as rubber science and equipment. It's hard to keep track anymore what's where who's called what, but the traditional high quality military grade measuring equipment that HP used to be before computers appeared on the scene is now called Keysight.

Comment Re:64bit (Score -1) 640

Win2k did not have the glitter and looks of XP, but it came with much less garbage also, like no messenger install that's hard to shoot, and it was also the last version of Windows that worked without activation on specific hardware for retail versions, which fail to work after 3 or so items in your hardware fail and need replacement, then you have to reactivate, and Microsoft may tell you sorry, we no longer support XP, go out and buy a new computer that run Windows 8, or something along those lines. Win2k shines in this respect that it is like a diamond, forever, unlike XP which is meant to die fast, if you bought a retail version per copy license of Win2K that you can carry from dead hardware to dead hardware forever, the OEM copies being more iffy on the legality, but even in an apocalypse where the Internet or phone systems are defunct or Microsoft is simply no longer in business and nobody takes over issuing activation keys for old versions of XP, you can keep running Win 2K if you have a large enough cache of hardware to replace failed ones along the way, and it does not care what it runs on, nor does it monitor or keep track of hardware items that get replaced as they fail and start moaning that it's no longer running on the same computer it initially was installed on, please reactivate. Reactivate with who, in an apocalypse? Reactivate with who 200 years from now? Win2K is forever, XP and later are not. Of course Dell, Hp, and similar versions of XP work without activation, because they check the bios in the computer, and as long as you keep replacing failed motherboards with another from the same vendor, they should keep working. However they tend to be nonstandard cases and don't accept standard motherboards, if you feel like putting something else into them, and also they feel to me like they all have remote kill switches, and not as trustable as a generic motherboard from say Gigabyte, Abit or MSI, and the like.
I'm only running XP on this HP Mini 200 (with like a 5W Intel Atom) netbook with 9hr battery life, because that's what HP let me get after I found it to simply crawl too slow in performance with Win 7, and it kinda rocks with XP in speed, but I don't really like XP because it comes with too much snooping garbage hiding in the background when I'm on the internet with it, directly from the HP/Microsoft gang, and for long term I'm digging in my heals with Win2K as the last OS for offline, noninternet home use, and presently lots of people are dumping XP capable computers on Ebay simply because Microsoft end of life'd them on it, and I'm like yeah baby, gimme gimme give it to me this awesome treasure at these unbelievably low prices. Other people's garbage is my treasure, because they don't realize what insane value they are throwing away. Starting with XP life is in the fastlane with Windows, but Windows 2000 and prior are forever, as long as you can find hardware that runs them.

Comment Re:Free? (Score -1) 703

Here, after all this bitching and thinking I came up with something more constructive. If you want to socialize health care, some kind of price control is almost mandatory, as in you can't trust a goat with a cabbage, or a wolf with a goat, when taking them across a river puzzle way, just like you can't trust insurance corporations to come up with fair prices, even if free market competition is supposed to help, but when you remove the buyer's option not to buy, then things are even more dire compared to price fixing and monopoly/oligopoly issues even in the regular free market. For instance back in the 1930's, outside US jurisdiction, I think centered in Switzerland, there was a price fixing scheme where tungsten filament electric lights were tested from different suppliers, and if any of them surpassed the 1000 hr lifetime, the companies were punished, in a sort of cartel agreement that was equivalent to price fixing, or creating lower quality parts on purpose than a free market would have allowed. There are various collusions like this, sometimes tacit, or understood and not openly agreed on between various suppliers whose demand is very hard compared to price, such as gasoline, and often gasoline companies rake in the biggest profits in world history by charging abnormally high prices when the consumers are addicted to or a slave to that purchase. So it's not so silly to create a universal healthcare marketplace where the buyers list their prices, and the corporations get the government aid, like GM or Chrysler but not Ford. You could have a tax table, with a range, such as a 22 year old male can pay between 50-75/mo for health insurance, and list it online, knowing that if he pays 50 the insurance company he buys from will most likely require more government aid because of him, while if he pays 75, then less, and for a 40 year old between 100-150/mo. Then insurance companies would get a chance to pick the higher paying ones fantasy football style one at a time, and when none pick the lower paying ones, then we force them to accept on an equally distributed burden basis, trough lottery picks, or some one at a time in sequence. If a lot of people voluntarily pay at the high end of these spectrums, then you could kind of increase the ranges for the next tax year, and if everyone pays at the low end, then it's like a vote that nobody has that extra money. There could be negotiations between insurance companies and government agents on these ranges, just like weapons suppliers negotiate price too, but there would be better oversight on the costs by knowing how much government aid each insurance company had to get that year. You could still have government agents and insurance CEO's play golf together, or play corruption games, but you would at least have some tax table, like the gas tax, that's equally distributed in the population, and "soft welfare" in the sense that individual citizens would know they are contributing to government aid going to the insurance companies they are buying from if they pay on the low end of the range, but it does not come as a hard direct hit under their individual social security numbers they have for life, and are responsible to care for.

The very idea of a incorporating is irresponsibility, in an effort to enhance entrepreneurial risk taking and business activity, without any of the owner's personal assets being at stake or backing responsibility. Incorporating is like getting a new social security number for a company, who has its own taxes, but it can freely go in and out of existence, and restarted under a different name as a different company, while people with social security numbers don't freely go in and out of existence, because nobody likes to die, and they haven't invented easy reincarnation yet. As a sole proprietor of a business one acts under their own social, and when they get sued, their house and car are at stake, while an LLC is a setup where there is at least one person or officer or owner whose personal belongings is at stake, and everyone else is protected in a corporate sense, and their private assets are safe from lawsuits and only the business assets are at stake, or responsible. (Often these officers are some grandpa in a nursing home without any assets left, or someone similar, and it's cheaper to LLC than to Inc., on the state fees and legal fees, as long as you can find a poor sucker who has nothing that you can list as the responsible one on the list of owners.) Promoting corporate responsibility I hear on PBS is like an oxymoron, the very purpose of incorporating your business is to protect your personal responsibility in its actions, and it's easier to start a business and undertake risk that way, and create jobs. All major companies in the stock market are Inc's.

So what I'm getting at it's better to shame the insurance corporations with government aid, because they don't care, they don't have ethical objections or mental roadblocks against accepting government aid, because they are free to die and be reborn with a clean slate EIN, while the employees of such corporations, or customers buying insurance are stuck with their social for the rest of their lives, and the record follows them around for their entire life. This way you can soften the blow, or create "soft welfare" where individual citizens know they are contributing to dragging the country down by paying insurance at the low end to corporations that will most likely need more government aid, but without a hit on their credit, so to speak. And insurance corporation CEO's could still buy their yachts and play golf with the government officials, because government agents are corrupt, but there'd be more direct oversight over insurance company expenses, and nitpicking at what they do, and individual citizens maintaining freedom from being on government aid, and by that the free and open right to shop for nonessential items on Ebay for a good deal, and their individual spending habits are not nitpicked, but the insurance company internal finances are. This way you could maintain the benefit that a for profit or nonprofit insurance company that pays millions to its CEO's provide, which is they in turn nitpick at hospital costs, and tell their clients to go to one hospital vs. another, or negotiate deals with various doctors, which in itself is hard work, and best done by private self interest agents as opposed to fixed price government bureaucracy red tape machine. But you do have to regulate the price in some sort of even distribution way like you do gas tax, where individual citizens are not discriminated against but by knowing what age they are, what sex, and the like, can look up their own cost from a tax table, and choose a number within that range, in a sense getting a bill from an insurance company at the higher end of the range if in the past 5 years their total hospital expenses were high, vs. being able to be on the lower end of the range for their age and sex if they've been successful in staying away from health care needs.

So here are some constructive ideas - flexible price control, universally distributed cost on an equal or fair basis across the population, and not penalizing someone requiring high healthcare costs more than forcing them to pay at the high end of the range based on their age and sex, and the rest of the country bearing the burden, as opposed to the way it's set up now, where the insurance companies will try to shake these high cost people off their balance sheets with unscrupulous techniques, because if some requires 50,000 surgeries 4 years in a row, there is no amount of Obamacare payment under their social that makes it profitable to keep such people for those insurance companies, other than charging 50,001 dollar at least each year for the premiums, so they would try to shake these customers, even with Obamacare, while if there is government oversight and direct aid to the companies themselves, in an FDIC way that banks are protected, they don't have an incentive to shake the sick people on an individual, discriminating direct hit to the bottom line basis, but the actual, overall statistics would matter, where the government picks up the tab of the unlucky insurance companies like the FDIC picks up the tab for the unlucky banks, but individual citizens know their maximum cost, which is negotiable on a yearly basis by insurance and government agents, then submitted to a general vote like a school levy, as the rates increase, unless some insurance competitors can find a way to drop their cost, and the government only accepts say 50% of the pool of a willing insurance company candidates, who are guaranteed government aid profit, at their bids, or 80%, while the 20% not accepted and not done business with learn they should have bid at a lower price if they wanted to make money. Managing and overseeing a relatively small pool of insurance companies is a lot easier than insuring fair dealings with millions of individual citizens at the mercy of policy prices and willfull shakeoffs if they happen to get sick, even if it creates even more government red tape, and corrupt agents golfing with their insurance buddies where they either had a job or will get a job when their government tenure is up, but here, if you want forced healthcare purchases, you have to get involved in the fairness part, and it's easier to regulate and nitpick and private corporation finances, who don't really have ethical objections or mental roadblocks against accepting government aid and being monitored and regulated, compared to millions of individual citizens who want to maintain their right to clock deals on Ebay, and their finances not to get nitpicked at on an individual basis, and their healthcare payments equally and fairly distributed with rules that are know ahead of the game, such as based on age, sex, and actual cost in the past 5 years, encoded and tabulated into tax law.

As if the tax code is not complicated enough as it is.

Comment Re:Free? (Score -1) 703

Let's have a buyer's Affordable Care Act Obamacare, where we violate free market transaction rights of the seller, of not entering into a transaction they don't find to be a good deal for themselves, instead of the present way it's set up. Where the financial nonperformance dragging the government into further debt over not being able to manage own finances and needing government aid shame gets credited under the campaign contributor insurance company's Federal EIN, instead of the individual taxpayer's social security number. That way tax payers can stay as honest citizens, and we can institute universal coverage by forcing insurance companies to sell at whatever price the buyers feel like paying, and if the insurance companies accrue a loss at the end of the fiscal quarter or year, the trillions of dollars bankrupt government being dragged into further debt is gonna be ascribed as their fault, not the individual taxpaying citizens. Insurance companies will not be allowed to go out of business, because the government will guarantee payments to them to keep them alive, and once some taxpayer lists the price they are willing to purchase health insurance at, such as a 22 year old broke college student listing $5/mo assuming he's not gonna get sick anyway so he's overpaying on the gamble as it is, and then if no government sustained campaign contributor insurance companies are willing to sell at that price, then we roll some dice or take turns on equally distributing the burden, to come up with which insurance company is forced to sell at that price. That's what I'd call fair online marketplace for health insurance where the government forces parties to a deal to transact even at prices they don't find to be a good value for themselves, and ponies up the dough for them when they are unable to live up to those prices. I do not want forced government aid listed under my social security number as much as I can help it, because I want to maintain my freedom, in such things as being able to shop on Ebay, which, when the government pays my bills, I no longer have the right to do. I would have no problem where I keep a clean slate, and the government aid is written off under the insurance companies federal tax EIN instead of my social security number. Let's have a vote on this, see what the taxpayers think?

Comment Re:Free? (Score -1) 703

Bleh. Quack. It's like this: in Canada they have socialized health care, tax supported, but inadvertently they make you wait forever, and do a poor job, like Free Clinics in the US, which have been available even without Obamacare, and if you want really high quality health care, you go to a private for profit hospital in Canada too, that's gonna rape you in the ass with the bill later, and you may spend the rest of your life trying to pay it off, but you can get toppest quality health care in the Milky Way Galaxy, the only issue is that you cannot afford it, but you have choices. Even with socialized healthcare like Obamacare, you're gonna end up with a Canadian like setup, where the socialized insurance bankrupts the country or you through inefficiently directed payments or allocated funds in and economic sense, going into insurance company pockets and kept away from doctors and hospitals who would buy equipment on it, compared to a pure FREE market economy, where the only major abuse is monopolistic competition cutting behavior and price fixing, such as not enough doctors or hospital systems. In a free market a doctor is free to ask for any astronomical amount, and you don't have to buy, or he can refuse service Seinfeld's Soup Nazi style, but he can provide top quality care unheard of in the entire galaxy for these astronomical prices. Once people are forced to make purchases by the government, then the nitpicking at prices starts. Such as doctor salaries, price of goods, and the commies tried running an economy with fixed prices, such as salaries based purely on level of education completed and GPA achieved, without regard to anything else, or even regulating prices of goods, such as every canned vegetable had a factory printed price and it was illegal to sell it for a different one at Walmart where the shelves are hand stacked, or Aldi's where they throw it out before you on a skid like feed to pigs, and you're a pig that loves low prices, so you don't mind, but you'd expect these places to charge different prices based on quality of service delivered to you, but in a price regulated world they can't. The FREE market solves things so much better than the commies did, with government intervention in everything, where you cannot be forced to shop at either Aldi's or Walmart if you feel like shopping at Costco or Sams Club, or vice versa. Even in communism the peasent market at arbitrary free prices sustained the whole show like putting the daily bread on the table, not the government run corrupt red tape machine, where you had party idiots without any skills in charge of companies and factories that were not allowed to be shut down over bad performance, and the whole system collapsed. The government has to butt in with running a military, or police or even roads, but it butting in into mandatory education, law, healthcare or religion purchases will inadvertently cause price issues, or people paying for things, like excessive insurance company profits, and money kept away from the hospital and thereby receiving a bad quality care of bad deal for all that money they spent, as opposed to the way we believe in the FREE market, that ultimately such schemes are doomed to fail and shut down and people will take their money to health care places that give them a better value per dollar, self regulated, in a you can trust a person to get the best deal for himself in everything in life including healthcare and education than the government butting into his purchases. If anything, as a lesser evil, Obama could force people to pick a hospital and make monthly, quarterly or yearly donations to it, like to a Church, to keep doctors in business and available even in absence of a disease, and that way you could cut out the middle man the insurance guy running off with your money for almost no benefit provided to you, other than a gamble, and then every dollar lands in the pockets of the doctors or hospitals that way. Or even having to pick a family doctor. But for one, I don't have a personal family doctor, or a car repair shop, and I've taken my car around, including to some places where a guy I know well, whose customers are mostly black, would run into issues doing quick repairs for me in a hurry if I'm willing to pay more and cut me as a white guy in line of his other mostly customers still waiting for an estimate for many days now, so he has to chase me away and not do business with me at all yelling that I'm always in a hurry and cannot leave the car, saying he'd love to work on it, he loves working on cars, it's how he makes a living, but he cannot deal with me if I'm always in a hurry and unable to wait, and his livelihood depends on the black folk that live in the neighborhood he runs his business in, and I understand completely, and I drive another 40 minutes to a far out fancy suburb in the middle of a mall that still stands in the USA today, and take an ass raping on the price of repair from some strangers at top quality service and with having my car available ready the same night to go to work without much sleep that day, as opposed to having to rent an expensive car at quarter of the repair cost per day. So you can't really make me pick a car repair shop or even a family doctor, that I'd keep in business even in absence of car failures, and they rely on actual demand and price, the fancy repair shop sitting mostly empty and ready to take care me at a high price, and the low cost shop make me wait in line, just like the fancy grocery stores might be empty but the low cost ones crowded, in a you get what you pay for sense. The government butting in leads to price regulation, and inefficient allocation of resources economy such as people forced to pay insurance profits and keep the money away from doctors, compared to direct out of pocket payments. And they are free to support their family doctor, hospital, car repair guy or lawyer through donation payments even in absence of service, like they support their church or public television or wikipedia, if they have excess money to work with and want to maintain such luxuries available, in a sense purchasing insurance where every dollar lands in the pockets of the high skilled long education needing service provider and insures high quality service, like a car repair guy, lawyer or doctor, as opposed to some middle man insurance gambling low skilled not even a high school diploma needing the streets is my alma mater salesman running off with most of it as profit. But as an insurance it might bite you in the ass too, as in you might be paying a family doctor or car repair guy all your life for decades without needing much service and then when you actually need it, they both suddenly die, and you have to take your car or your body to another repair expert, and pony up some new dough for it. In a FREE market you have these options, but you don't have to exercise any of them, and the service providers have the right to refuse service, like the Soup Nazi, in a go somewhere else to make your purchase, way, when you're discussing payments, if you're bogged down with money issues, which is a shame when it comes to education, law, healthcare and religion (but not that much shame with car repair.) It's like being bogged down acquiring oxygen to breathe by a teacher, doctor, lawyer or priest, and having this perverse insatiable desire for more, more, more oxygen, like the gas in the Russian Sleep Experiment, like your life depends on it. And it does, but it's like you need some oxygen to function, and that should be enough, and then go focus on the real thing, education, healing, justice or soul sheperding. And even in education, having better tools like computers or science lab equipment, makes things better, but you get very well educated people from very poor regions of the world like India and retards out of really expensive schools, and in law and religion it's like you almost need no tools other than your own mind and body, and a few chairs, maybe a court recorder, while in health care true you need equipment and substances more than you do in schools, and in this sense you could be told to donate to the hospitals like to a church which in turn send you a brochure of what all equipment they bought and have available for you or your village should anyone get sick, including expertise to use it, but even with top of the line equipment you might have stupid doctors and bad health care, like bad teachers with top of the line computers, and good health care like good education provided with barely anything but the very basics like a chalkboard or proper medicine like antibiotics available. Btw these substance control acts are all bullshit too, I should have the right to go to a pharmacy and purchase some penicillin, today, instead of overdosing on heavy metal toxicity bismuth like over the counter pepto bismol, as opposed to being forced to go to a doctor and ask penicillin from him, who instead sends me to the nut house and I end up shot up with Haldol I don't need and destroys my abilities to function for a whole year til the healthcare professionals finally take me off of that bullshit I hated being on in the first place. I cannot be forced to trust any doctor with my own health, if I can't find a single doctor I can trust I have the right to puchase penicillin myself, just like I cannot be forced to have to trust any lawyer, or hire a lawyer as a consultant, and have the right to self represent in court, without a hired agent. People have the right to DIY in everything. I don't understand what's so complicated about all this? I am my doctor first and foremost, and have the right to hire a consultant or not to, and I have the right to purchase medicine that's right as opposed to the inefficient and maybe toxic over the counter stuff, like bismuth, roach killer antifungal borax sold as washing powder, or selenium sulfide sold as anti dandruff shampoo. What I really need is erythromycin and penicillin, and it's available in pharmacies but I don't really have the means to manufacture them myself, such as temperature controlled citrus mold growing, on philippine soil fungus growing right now, and I cannot get to them in pharmacies where they are for sale, because the doctors all wanna send me back to the nuthouse if I show up with a throat infection at them. These things are the very simple basics of justice and liberty people in charge don't seem to comprehend, the right to free market purchases of medication, and you are your own doctor first and foremost, because doctors do not know with certainty what they are doing, because the human body is complicated, and they don't understand it, but are playing guessing games. They know a lot, but they cannot guarantee what they are doing, when push comes to shove they have to admit they are guessing, and because of that I'm the proper authority in charge of managing my throat infection, even in absence of price discussions, and when it comes to price discussions, I have the right to refuse serice, or even if I ask for service, I have the right to refuse paying for piss poor service. If I take my car to a car repair job for a muffler repair but in his best judgement as an expert he thinks I need the breaks changed and the car painted from green to blue, and goes ahead and does them without my consent, and refuses to do the muffler work, I have the right to refuse paying him for it, and if anything, I have the right to sue him for painting my car a different color (or even changing my brakes when I did not ask for that, such as I was going to get that done with another guy, it's not his business to decide for me what's best for me and my car) and wasting my time not doing what I asked for, I don't care what kind of expert he claims to be I am the proper authority over my car, just like I am the proper authority over my own body. A doctor cannot cut me if I don't consent to it, and has to let me take my chances dying. There was a gipsy woman in the old country, where the doctor pressed her to abort a pregnancy because she and the baby will certainly die. She told him, you know what doctor, "Kill ya own kind," and she went ahead, gave birth and everything was fine. Doctors are guessing, and ultimately you are in charge of your own life, your own health, not some doctor, and you have the right to buy penicillin at the pharmacy without a prescription, unlike the corrupt laws have it these days. The one thing I cannot perform on myself is brain surgery, at least without some good mirrors, risking to pass out while doing it, but even if a doctor is absolutely certain I will die unless he jumps my head with a knife and starts cutting, I am in charge of my health and my life, and have the right, like the gypsy woman, to take my chances through a natural course of events and not get cut, and the doctor has no right to jump me with a knife unless I agree, or administer forced injection of substances into my body, unless I agree, and I have the right to cut myself or administer substances if I feel I need them. These are the very basics of Medical Ethics 101, the right of a client to refuse service, or the right to take care of himself, as he sees best fit, including DIY self procedures, or self medication. The right to purchase medicine in absence of a signature from some corrupt doctor, called a prescription. How can you trust others, like a doctor or a lawyer, with your interests better than you can trust yourself? The very basics of the Declaration of Independence is inalienable INDIVIDUAL rights because the CROWN, or the monarch, or the state, pretending to represent the best interests of the hive, tends to be corrupt, as proven over and over in the long run. The 5th amendment protects the INDIVIDUAL interest in face of the interests of the many, such as not being forced to testify against yourself such as what religion you practice, such as a Pilgrim or Quaker, when everyone else around you is Anglican, or even the right to INDIVIDUAL Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, when you're a Jew as an individual, and the CROWN representing the interests of the many happens to be Hitler. What more of a Socratic Method of arriving at the truth when you seek it do you need than that? The whole creation of the USA is about WE THE PEOPLE send a message to WE THE KING OF ENGLAND, that we believe that all men are created equal with INDIVIDUAL rights. As in you're a Boston Tea Party member, and the CROWN happens to be King George, wanting to extract profit into his treasury from his new colonies, while the colonials escaped from Britain in the very first place to escape the abuses of the Crown, and the Tea Tax, a relatively minor thing which was an obvious precedent for a whole lot of taxes to follow with very heavy burden and lots of economic hardship was the straw that broke the camel's back, and they finally got it off their chest what really bothered them, including not having religious Liberty in Britain, under the dominance of the CROWN, nor the rest of the Bill of Rights for INDIVIDUALs, that were not respected in Britain, where everyone was assumed to be a patriot LOYAL SUBJECT of the CROWN, putting aside their INDIVIDUAL concerns for the interests of the CROWN. In the USA being a patriot is not being a loyal subject to a monarch, or some other persons having priviliege as a birthright, but an equal citizen with equal rights protecting the form of government as a Republic. The interests of the many count, of course they do, but not in some abstract, monarchic sense, but in a sense where the INDIVIDUAL rights of the many are protected best, and you cannot blindly trust authorities who happen to be in absolute power at the moment, like Hitler, or King George, including judges and doctors, and you have the right to protect yourself against abuses of the leaders or the many, including 5th Amendment ones to remain silent, or presently no amendment to administer penicillin to yourself if you see fit, while telling no to a doctor trying to administer whatever she wants to into your body, or cutting you with a knife. You have the right to refuse treatment in healthcare, and you have the right to refuse paying for it, and in turn, if they want to, they have the right to refuse service, or in practice they can do misservice such as sending you to the nuthouse, if they feel like it, which is a corruption case pretty much, it'd be much better if they just sent you away over reasons of money than teach you a lesson by providing bad service, but that's what is. You have the right not to trust doctors and you have the right not to show up at a hospital, and if they don't do what you ask, you have the right not to pay them, including not paying them in advance via some insurance. These are INDIVIDUAL rights. Unfortunately the best way to run a ship or a business or even a country is to have a captain, a leader, who we put in charge and almost blindly follow what he tells us to do, but the very first 2 amendments, the right to express dissent, and the right to bear weapons for the very purpose of overthrowing a corrupt leadership, in a sort of mutany against a corrupt captain or doctor, still stand in the Land of the FREE and the home of the Brave. Even with bees, a species with highly complex societies that have been through a lot longer evolution than human societies, and have sort of specialization of function that go all the way to birth rights, such as a queen who's the absolute captain of a hive, and lives for many years, while the workers she all mothers die after a few weeks each, even there they have a procedure of overthrowing a failed queen, often for simple reasons such as she has run out of sperm after the many years and all the eggs she lays are infertile, and this procedure is called "balling", where the worker bees whose function has been as a royal aid, feeding jelly and helping the queen in her egglaying duties, they gang up on the queen and ball her by suffocating her blocking her trachei and stinging her to death, and once her royal scent dissipates, the hive switches into a new queen rearing mode, and if they are unsuccessful after a few attempts, with the scent suppression gone for too long all the worker's female sex organs develop, and the hive is doomed because all the eggs the workers lay hatch as males, and there is no queen to lay queen eggs or worker bee eggs. Even such naturally privilege by birth containing societies have overthrow or mutany mechanisms, and, in 3 billion years humans might have alien queens and worker bees and privilege by birth, but even then there is still a need for mutany procedures, like the 2nd amendment guarantees it under an equality Republic today. How long til Obama nitpicks at the 2nd Amendment. Remember when he first got elected all the gun stores went empty, people fearing he will take away his guns? And he might, and then we'd all be ready for even more abuse from the leaders on top, or another Pearl Harbor, this time hitting Portland or Seattle instead. In Switzerland it's like a duty for every citizen to own a weapon. Don't fuck with our guns, we don't care how many terrorists or lunatics run rampant with guns, that's a small cost to pay compared to living under a dominant abusive leader like Hitler who fails to protect everyone's rights equally, but efficient overthrow mechanisms, such as the attempt Rommel partook in, are lacking.

Comment Re:Free? (Score -1) 703

What you need, before libraries, schools and public infrastructure, is money in the bank and food on the table. Yes health care is a need, but pimping mandatory gambling policies over it is bullshit. I have the right to show up at a doctor uninsured, with an unsure promise that I will make an effort to pay him later, and if he's not willing to work on me like that, that's fine, I don't want him touching me then. I have the right to keep him in suspense whether he's gonna get paid or not, based on the kind of work he does, and I'm the one to decide whether he did a good job or not, not some insurance company. A doctor pokes around in uncertain territory, because the human body is too complicated, and when he's unsure, I definitely want him to err on the side of not doing anything compared to making extra cuts or performing extra procedures, because some insurance will pay for it anyway. Just look at the situation with car insurance paying for repairs, and some corrupt shops having a sledgehammer used as a "moneymaker" between the time a car is dropped off and the insurance adjustor arrives. I'm not saying doctors are that corrupt, but if any doctor is so money focused, then he might be too tempted to make that extra dollar in a way I don't agree to. Having doctors work on you while you're uninsured is like a right, as he will work in a way where the only things he does are ones that are absolutely necessary in his mind and he'd do them for free too, just to save your life, and he will not do "extra." And then I'm willing to exert a lot of effort to pay that doctor later, or more like the hospital, because the healthcare billing bullshit has deteriorated to where you show up at a hospital, and some doctors see you, they send you a "SEPARATE" bill for like $100, while the hospital, performing procedures based on the instructions of that doctor, sends you a $5000 one, for a few hours of stay. Like what the fuck, it's the same fucking brothel, why are they billing separately? Because they can guarantee calibrated results on blood tests and CT scans, but not on doctors opinions, and in case of a lawsuit, you get back the couple cents the doctor charged you in case he turns out to be in error, but the hospital bill is undisputable, even if it was under command of that doctor, under command of that captain. As far as I'm concerned it's the same maffiozo gang sending you the bill, and they rape you pretty bad on it, because they don't tell you an estimate when you show up, unlike with a car repair, where you can take your car from shop to shop for an estimate, in a hospital they don't let you take your body from hospital to hospital for an estimate. As long as we're talking money, right?
Btw mandatory insurance policies are pretty much forced gambling policies, as nobody will sell you health insurance over a certain cost procedure that's about to be performed on you in 10 minutes, they'll tell you to pay out of pocket, or pay more for the policy than that certain cost. It has to be a gamble to, if you're lucky, cost less than the actual procedure, but in general, for each dollar invested into such gambles you get back less than 50 cents, like on lottery tickets, which is why gambles like lottery or health insurace are for stupid people who did not pay attention in math class, because they are all horrible investments. If anything the government has more right to force you to invest in the stock market, and make you buy stocks you don't want to buy, where at least they could claim they are looking out for your best interest with some historical track record, with an uncertain future of course, so still being a gamble, while the historical track record with all insurance is that for every dollar invested overall you got back less than 50 cents. Mandatory insurance policies are forced gambling policies at ass raping profit to those selling them, and insurance is just a fancy word for a gamble like royal concubine is a fancy word for a hooker. I demand they use the word gambling policy every time they shove a government document under my nose that has the word insurance policy on it, like Obamacare tax documents, or driver's license corrupt law documents they force me to sign at the license bureau. Corrupt motherfuckers all over in the government.

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