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Comment Re:Apple effect (Score 1) 137

You own the food you swallowed unless they force you to regurgitate it, and then you don't own that either. Usually, in a society you have your own underwear, unless your girlfriend steals it from you, in which case you don't really own that either, but you have your coat, your knife, that are personal property, then also your house or your tent, even under a nomadic way of life. Nomads don't have land as property because they have vast amounts of it, and usually none of it is very fertile, or agriculture is just not worth it - for instance, because of military reasons, as in someone steals your harvest, so you're not gonna spend a whole year tending to land just to watch the crops stolen, even in a very fertile land situation. In a stable, honest society, where people respect each other, agriculture and private land property is possible, but even that gets abused into the naturally tending weak get weaker strong get stronger feudalist landlord/tenant or serf situation, to where, when you compare, you are not that much better off than you used to be as a nomad without land property. Similar situations go for intellectual property, it has two sides to it, the good and respecting side, and the bad, abusing, and exploitative side, and it's all often simply a matter of a number, as in price. The feudal lord had a yearly 10% of your property confiscation tax - he'd enter your private home, and take 10% of everything you got - which, btw. might have been less than present democratic tax rates. But the very fact that someone can enter your home and just take personal stuff, just because the two of you were born into a situation where one is assumed as an "owner" of all surrounding land - by birthright and what not, whatever went down a couple generations ago, - and everyone else owes him for that, is not a very tasty one. The founding fathers of the US envisioned a self reliant, landlord- tenant free (as in huge property owner vs. serf or indentured servant or slave - free) yeoman farmer democracy, instead we have urban slave to somebody throwing you a bone of a job, or welfare shame bankrupting the system situation, and the price of food has been kept very low, while property taxes on farms very high comparatively, with some exceptions, plus modern farming requires machinery that decays and it's overly expensive compared to income, and farmers are in perpetual debt. Growing your own food and surviving in absence of someone throwing your a job should be like a right, but it's complicated, because there is such a thing as economies of scale, and a large farm can afford efficient equipments like combines, and cooperatives of small farms, they are communists contraptions that don't work, everyone abuses the tragedy of the commons, such as a collectivized combine, everyone runs the crap out of it but does not pay for the maintenance, let the other guy take care of it, or pay for it instead. So we have the bulk of the population living in cities and begging for someone to give them a job, and food is a petty item on their list of expenses compared to housing, or landlord tenant cost, which even applies for homeowners paying mortgage, they are like indentured servants for 30 years, and the banks get the tallest sky scrapers downtown from this setup, while creating a tulip mania out of the housing market.

Comment Re:Apple effect (Score 5, Insightful) 137

And Disney is screwing everyone alright by lobbying for the copyright extension from 2000 to 2020, new stuff entering into public domain frozen and suspended for 20 years, and the last automatically public domain material is stuck at 1923, for 20 years, and I can sit here twirl my thumbs waiting for that. Because of Mickey Mouse, I can't freely read scientific stuff published in 1924, like organic chemistry things, or even vacuum tube things. Fuck Disney. If it were up to Disney and the bloodsuckers like them, intellectual property management firms, they'd modify copyright law to have perpetual copyright, or practically perpetual. But the fact is, that the principle still stands, that copyright is only temporary, and eventually everything enters the public domain, even if Disney has succeeded in lobbying to pervert the laws to make copyright last practically forever, or almost forever. The original copyright term in the US was 14 years, renewable to 28 years total. Eventually we'll have copyright that lasts "only" 1325 years, and then I will really need a lot of patient thumb twirling before something finally enters public domain. As long as we keep the principle, that intellectual property is ultimately public domain, and private only temporarily, it's all good.

Comment Re:Nitrogen effects (Score 1) 182

Not really. I really liked the job itself, other than making lawn mowing equipment. It's like I'm all against forced grass cutting, and they make me earn my money by making grass cutting equipment. I was simply late 1 min at a time until I pointed out on attendance. Obnoxious. It's better than having to earn your daily bread by being a Nazi gas chamber operator, but it's somewhat along the same topic. It's kind of a nice job, all you have to do is press the button, and get paid a whole lot of money for it, but other people suffer in case of the gas chamber, or other bugs in case of the lawnmowers. I mean I don't really mind grass cutting if people want to do it, as long as they don't do it to an excess. And especially not allowing someone to have their land "au naturel" and letting the native bugs and and "weed" flowers exist like they have for 600 million years, and cutting their grass by force through city ordinance, and charging them for it and threatening with foreclosure and messing up their credits if they don't pay, that's an outright crime and abuse of power by government. Native weed and native bugs are beautiful. What's not beautiful is the ugly city employees attacking them with lawn mowing equipment against the owner's wishes, and leaving a devastation behind, and they send you a bill for it too. It's like I'll rape your preteen daughter, then murder her before your eyes, then I send you a bill for my effort to do it.

Comment Re:Why even sign that piece of trash? (Score 1) 75

Because that's what these intellectual property hogging punks made him do. That's what they always do. They are not in the 50/50 let's share business, but in the we can throw anyone a bone and they should kiss our asses for it business. These punk are in the business of collecting ideas, buying them for a measly price, then relicensing it at a huge price, and make profit. Money makes the world go round, for them, it's their money at the expense of everyone else around them. That's life. It's like, if I have an idea, why should I sell it to them for $1, and agree that it's their intellectual property, when it's something I might want to do in the future, and then I'd be required to repurchase the rights to it for $1 billion. Stupid you if you sign anything over to these punks. The way to greet intellectual property management firms knocking on your door trying to "screw" you out of your liberty to think and act freely by bribing you with a dollar to turn those ideas into property, into their property, is with a shotgun barrel to their nose.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 200

OK. So you lower them. Or hang them from above, and below, and you pull it from below, to guide it into the hole. It's a little more complicated than pulling up. If you don't pull from below, and it dangles about at 1600C glowing white heat, it may be hard to aim the tip to lower directly into the hole, unless you have, say, a whole yard clearance on each side. And at such temperatures concrete may not be stable, but instead you might need boron, or graphite loaded with boron, but graphite might ignite if there is a meteorite fireball crash into the reactor, and there oxygen access to it, but boron is both high melting point, and it covers with a glassy oxide that boils at 1860C, unlike CO or CO2 that's a gas. High melting oxides like MgO or ZrO2 both are solid to near 2700C, but their borates glasses might melt low. Neither MgO or ZrO2 absorb neutrons well, but Hf is decent, and similar in properties to Zr. So the ideal neutron absorbing coffin material might be Hf which melts at 2200C, and whose oxide melts at 2700C. Tungsten also burns in air, absorbs neutrons decently, but its oxides are lower melting and more volatile. They get all this Hf anyway when they clean it out from the Zr structural materials. Btw, ThO2, thoria is the highest melting oxide, a ceramic, at 3300C, and its useful as a nuclear fuel rod in that state, as long as it don't crack (you may need like a thin low thermal transfer resistant and low neutron absorbing molybdenum crucible to hold it in, hanging in the reactor space. But hanging is possibly not the ideal state under high velocity argon gas, but tethered at both ends probably is, so pulling down, or even falling down in case of a catastrophy, is probably best. You're right. Suppose the whole thing melts, and it falls down and melts the containment coffin material too and alloys with it. It still a successful shutdown when the neutron absorbers get melt-alloyed. Instead of tethered by a string in the bottom, they could have a dummy section even made of different materials, halfway stuck into the coffin-hole, and only the top part of the rod participating in the fast neutron exchange reactions, then you flip the rods. Once half of it is stuck into the slot (still having a lot of clearance from each side, how high can you go? a whole yard on each side?), in case of a meteorite hit catastrophe the rest should be nicely guided. You could also have a neutron reflector cover over the holes with less clearance, but lower melting pt than the coffin material, say zr that melts at 1855 or so, compared to hf at 2200 and moly at 2600, so in case of a runaway that gets the rods stuck in that cover, and a meltdown from that, the cover melts and drops the rods at 1900C, which is still lower than the 2200 hf melting point, so your coffin does not melt right away. I should go back and clean up this blah blah, and make it sound more professional, but I'm not doing that.

Comment Re:affirmative (Score -1, Troll) 203

Fuck biotech. Fuck the glowing monkeys biotech creates. Here is a creative idea: make people phosphoresce every time they think naughty thoughts or get sexually aroused. Then I wanna see how black people are gonna hide in the dark, every time they think about booty they'd light up like a firefly.

Comment Re: 1st post (Score 1) 266

If the K2SO4/H2SO4 bulk absorbent is of high specific gravity, and stays low, you could float a vapor pressure hold down blanket on top of it, such as some highly sulfonated polymer that does not get charred by sulfuric, nor does it have vapor pressure, and it serves as an equilibration layer for moisture between the atmosphere and the bulk sulfuric, by passing water vapors through very fast, however holding back the higher molecular weight sulfuric acid, which has much lower diffusion coefficient through its pores. You would always get the moisture loaded sulfuric from the bottom of such pond, to take for distillation, never the sulfuric vapor withholding polymeric skin on top, so that skin does not have to be too resistant to thermal degradation, but it better be resistant to UV, which means probably polyaromatic polysufonated yet still liquid things, of low density, tight packing with low sulfuric permeability, if you can find anything like that.

Comment Re:Nope! (Score 1) 137

The government should not meddle in the finances of anyone other than asking for a tax for military protection, roads, and support of the elederly. Yes, the welfare state is there for the elederly not for young people abusing it and breeding out of control on it. If you're young and you have to be on welfare, oh well, but all I'm asking is not to pop a million kids. How can you tell somebody not to have kids. It's not fair. Well, have two kids, or something like that. I know it's not fair telling somebody to watch how many kids they have, but it's also not fair coming from them, like inner city black folk, having 5-8+ kids starting at age 13, putting extra burden on back country or suburban white folk who can barely afford to raise one child and send him to college. We don't want anybody to starve, but it's not fair to have so many kids on welfare, and we can't like gas anybody extra, all we can do is bitch and make those people feel bad about it, which of course does not work anyway when they got thick skin on the face and bootay always on da mind.)
The government should not make my financial decisions for me, like forced gambling, forced insurance purchases. That is my domain. I'm in charge of managing my finances and trying to stay within my means, including how many kids not to have if I cannot afford them. I'm the one to decide whether a risk, an investment, a gamble forward looking into the future is worth it for me, based on price. If insurance is available as an option but I'm not forced to buy any, that's awesome, better than not having insurance available as an option. But force purchases from private parties irregardless of price, instilled into law, is absolute bullshit. Like the heartland born and raised terrorist, Timothy McVeigh cited the poem Invictus at his execution (and later terrorists like 9/11 and Marathon were there to draw the attention away from the home grown Unabomber and Oklahoma bombers):

Out of the night that covers me,
  Black as the pit from pole to pole,
  I thank whatever gods may be
  For my unconquerable soul.

  In the fell clutch of circumstance
  I have not winced nor cried aloud.
  Under the bludgeonings of chance
  My head is bloody, but unbowed.

  Beyond this place of wrath and tears
  Looms but the horror of the shade,
  And yet the menace of the years
  Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

  It matters not how strait the gate,
  How charged with punishments the scroll,
  I am the master of my fate,
  I am the captain of my soul.

Not the fucking government. In fact they should purge everyone's credit record who's ever had a bankruptcy, and transfer that stamp over to the government: bankrupt for making bad financial decisions, the government is, not the individual, who is forced through laws to gamble with insurance irregardless of price.

Comment Re:Nope! (Score 1) 137

Insurance companies are nothing but scam artists screwing people out of their hard earned money by giving them bullshit contracts. And now mandatory car insurance minimum limits have been increased by law, due to successful lobbying by these fucking bloodsuckers. Now they have a story of how, lookie look, we can make life easier and nicer for everyone, and the world a more fair place, by tracking people's driving habits via their smart phones, so the ones that don't speed don't have to bear the cost burden of those who are high risk. Yay! what a fairer and better world! It's like them nazi guards in the gas chamber business installing elevators leading to pit, so people don't have to overexert themselves walking, plus they can haul them down there faster. Both the company and the customers win! And look at the pretty, gorgeously decorated handrails inside them elevators, to make them feel better! Yay! As you do anything you can to make the world a better place, except finding a different, honest source of income instead of being a bloodsucking scumbag, to put your God given daily bread on the table. Nazi gas chamber operators suck the living life out of you by gassing you with quick acting and nice Zyklon B. Insurance companies suck the living life out of you by forcing you to purchase their overpriced bullshit policies through law, true, it's a slower death, through not being able to afford to take care of a family, instead of instant death by Zyklon B, but the end result is the same.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 200

And you have to plan big - no unmoderated fast neutron fuel breeder reactor is gonna be as small to reach critical mass as a moderated neutron reactor. Which leaves things like military ships and submarines out of this kind of game, and keeps them with small size, portable moderated reactors, but that's not a big deal when the fuel is so cheap it's not problem to waste 99.5% of it.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 200

Oh yeah, and if liquid metal corrosion on structural walls only leaves gases as a high temperature option, Argon has loq cross section (unlike Kr, Xe), does not moderate, it's noncorrosive, so use it at 3000psi/1600C heated by white-hot glowing fuel rod banks, going through a turbine down the liquid Ar in vacuum, and then injected back, diesel style, to a high pressure and temperature, as a liquid spray. Hang rods that can be yanked out into a fully shielding isotopically pure silicon made cement absorber cavity, all of them all at once if necessary, for fast shutdowns. Do not use stacked balls that shift easily, and are impossible to remove the fuel rods quickly from the reactor zone into safely shielded concrete coffins, for an advanced fast neutron fuel breeder gas reactor.

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