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Submission + - Australian Bureau of Meteorology accused of Criminally Adjusted Global Warming (breitbart.com)

marcgvky writes: The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has been caught red-handed manipulating temperature data to show "global warming" where none actually exists.

At Amberley, Queensland, for example, the data at a weather station showing 1 degree Celsius cooling per century was "homogenized" (adjusted) by the Bureau so that it instead showed a 2.5 degrees warming per century.

Comment Re:Python in 1968 (Score 1) 2

My wish is simple, that I had the foreknowledge to see that this once art form would become the lowest level in the IT universe. Programmers are the only people who can produce the product and they make is seem easy - therefore everyone who cannot program thinks it's easy and expect everything to be done in 20 minutes.

We were once the masters of the black arts of computing. Bending this strange hardware to our will with nothing more than a few commands (or a few thousand), and now we are nothing more than cattle being forced to rapidly spew out hack upon hack in order to push the next bullshit feature into a product that is held together with sticky tape and a bunch of #ifdefs. We are never given time to craft a response to the problem given to us, it's all just hack it up and we'll fix it next time. It's always next time. When will next time finally become this time?

If I knew how shit it would be, I would have thrown away my c64 and my VZ-300 and played in the garden with friends.

Submission + - A Physicist Says He Can Tornado-Proof the Midwest with 1,000-Foot Walls 1

meghan elizabeth writes: University of Drexel physicist Rongjia Tao has a utopian proposal to build three massive, 1,000-foot high, 165-foot thick walls around the American Midwest, in order to keep the tornadoes out.

Building three unfathomably massive anti-tornado walls would count as the infrastructure project of the decade, if not the century. It would be also be exceedingly expensive. So is Tao serious? Absolutely.

Submission + - A Laser Message from Space (nasa.gov)

stephendavion writes: Anyone who remembers dialup internet can sympathize with the plight of NASA mission controllers. Waiting for images to arrive from deep space, slowly downloading line by line, can be a little like the World Wide Web of the 1990s. Patience is required.

A laser on the International Space Station (ISS) could change all that. On June 5th, 2014, the ISS passed over the Table Mountain Observatory in Wrightwood, California, and beamed an HD video to researchers waiting below. Unlike normal data transmissions, which are encoded in radio waves, this one came to Earth on a beam of light.

"It was incredible to see this magnificent beam of light arriving from our tiny payload on the space station," says Matt Abrahamson, who manages the Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Submission + - Slashdot Popups Make Site Unreadable

An anonymous reader writes: You may remember how when you loaded up the Slashdot main page you could scroll down and read the articles at your leisure? Well thank the FSM those days are over. Here at Slashdot we like to provide the experience of constantly taking the focus away from the page your looking at to attempt to get you to download yet another video player you don't even need to look at more advertisements you don't want to see. You Beta believe we are constantly looking for intrusive ways to improve a site that has historically been about reading and commenting on articles by getting in the way of that as much as possible to the point the page refreshes itself every 1.5 seconds in order to ensure you haven't closed any popups or read any of the articles. Oh yeah, and also fuck you, because why not? We're getting paid either way its not like we see a big picture in driving you away or anything.

Comment But was Earth the Earth before the collision? (Score 1) 2

If two planets collided which resulted in the Earth and the Moon, could it be theorised that both planets would have been pretty much fscked and the resulting formations contain bits of both planets?

Scientists say that most of the Moon is made mostly from the same material the Earth is made from, perhaps this material is simply what you get when you smash two planets together and the rock found was simply a piece of Theia that had not been completely destroyed during the collision. I'm sure there are pieces of the original Earth to be found as well.

Interesting stuff.

Submission + - The sudden policy change in Truecrypt explained (ath0.com)

X10 writes: I use Truecrypt, but recently someone pointed me to the sourceforge page of Truecrypt that says it's out of business. I found the message weird, but now there's an explanation: Truecrypt has received a letter from the NSA.

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