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Comment Unfortunate (Score 4, Interesting) 181

The Tory government policies are very unfortunate, pigheadedly ignoring basic math and reasoning. Backdoors do not work.

Several issues come to mind. Where is the City in this? I can't imagine all the financial infrastructure in the UK will be happy about weaker controls over security. What would Lloyds or Coutts say regarding government mandated backdoors?

UK has set a stronger policy of government support of the private sector with cybersecurity as well. They would be giving that up. NCSC and other governmental organizations and regulators have been remarkably effective at promoting a new path forward for the British economy. This places all their good work in jeopardy.

I must expect Labour will make hay of this as well. The Tories will be destroying good jobs. Britain cannot afford many more tech positions or firms leaving for the US or Canada.

Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 1) 100

There likely are specific laws, likely related to holocaust and Armenian genocide denial and such, that would allow a group like the Sikhs to sue a US firm that aids and abets such calumnies.

Considering the 1980s attack on the Sikh ethnic group by Hindis was a well organized and deliberate attempt at genocide, I would suggest that they have a good case.

More personally - Zuckerberg you goddamn moral coward, if Facebook doesn't support groups like this, it serves no useful purpose other than data mining and privacy undermining.

Comment Too damn complicated (Score 4, Insightful) 113

It's too damn complicated for level 1 techs, let alone end users and the general public, to attempt to opt of surveillance, or even intelligently express their dissatisfaction with government and corporate policies.

Politicians don't care and corporations do. These policies will persist until people's lives are strongly negatively affected. Will it require significant damage as a result of foreign powers hacking into the industrial grid? Probably. God knows we aren't in the streets protesting TSA security theater, and its difficult to get more privacy invasive than seeing folks naked.

Comment Adobe (Score 2) 307

Adobe Reader causes me more problems than any other component, be it hardware, software, user, regulation, or program. This piece of software is such a POS, riddled with backdoors, bugs, "features", bad updates and other crashy nonsense that it makes me want to buy shares of Adobe so that I can burn them & then piss on the ashes.

Comment Re:Subscription to what? (Score 1) 210

To having Communists read your stuff.

Seriously, I was buying Lenovo before now. I did not get burned on Superfish. But I'm done with Lenovo. If this is what they try get away with without effort at hiding, then what they are they spending effort on hiding? I don't need the PRC in my network also, I have the NSA for that.

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