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Comment Re:Don't fight it (Score 1) 720

You need to pay closer attention to the above comment. If gaming is important to you, your fiance knew this before she became your wife. If she demands that you change now, you need to ask yourself what are you willing to give up.

For example, let's say you have a dog. You've fond of your dog. You marry, and then the wife demands you put the dog outside. Or give it away.

It's only a difference in degree. Your choices matter as well. If gaming is central to your happiness, then the rig belongs in the living room. If your new wife doesn't like it, then maybe she doesn't.

Comment Re:Duh ... (Score 5, Insightful) 219

Ten years ago I would have said you were a crank. Five years ago I would have ignored the comment. But this country has gone seriously down hill over the past decade and a half.

Corporate fraud and malfeasance is a major issue. Even things corporations do legally should be of paramount concern to the people of the US. There needs to be a disassembly (not continued over-regulation, which are two completely separate things) of the finance structure in the US, starting with the repeal of GLBA and the reinstatement of Glass-Steigel.

Comment Re:Story I heard as a kid (Score 4, Insightful) 100

My degree is in economics. What you are proposing is a zero-sum game. This is not how life works.

If you can get more grain out of a field, that will enable you to use that grain for other purposes. Cattle, chickens, etc. Your food choices increase. You can put some of the field into lumber at the same overall bushel production. Heck, you work less hard for the same number of calories. You can get a job in manufacturing perhaps. Basically, the increase in calorie production means an overall improved quality of life for both the individual farmer and the community as a whole.

Comment Story I heard as a kid (Score 4, Interesting) 100

My people were farmers. There was a story I was told as a kid.

A farmer went on a long journey. When he came back, he had a new corn seed. He planted it and had yields 50 bushels per acre higher he had last year and it was much higher than all his neighbors. His neighbors wanted to buy seed from the farmer. He refused to sell it to him.

The next year, the farmer's yield was only 35 bushels per acre better than his neighbors. Every year it decreased, until his yield per acre was back at the original amount.

The moral of the story is twofold. First, crops germinate.

Second, a rising tide raises all boats if you let it. Just because your neighbors also have more grain doesn't mean you'll have less. With more grain, you can raise more head of cattle, have more chickens, reduce the amount of grain and begin raising vegetables. Even if the price of grain declines, the amount you can do with that grain should offset the decline.

Comment Talk (Score 1) 307

If we can create a true AI, it will be a miracle on par of finding aliens. For the first time, our species will not be alone. We will have a partner that is capable of their own wants and desires. Progress should become astounding and the new philosophies and inventions manifold.

Comment Goddamnit (Score 2) 65

First that spaceship crashed into Soldier Field and now this.

If Chicago doesn't change parties, either libertarian, GOP, green, anything really, the city is never going to be relevant again. Too much corruption and stupid projects. We have terrible roads to get anywhere, awful schools, and a joke of a county hospital system.

Oh, but hey, shiny bean.

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