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Comment bunk (Score 0) 489

Hey, the issue with the police officer, to me that was MURDER, plain and simple. But, these "cell phone" recordings of incidents, usually start AFTER whatever altercation between the parties started. In other words, ONE SIDE of the situation is recorded, leaving the viewer, if they are going to be unbiased to wonder if something happened BEFORE the record button was pressed.

Comment Too expensive (Score 0) 145

We continuously have discussion on "big oil", big pharma" big (insert name) of anything that is capitalistic, but how come we never have a discussion about "big academia". College sports coaches making 6 or 7 figures, professors that do nothing but write papers, books and attend lectures. The cost of a traditional 4 year college is astronomical, compared to the outcome of its students, who are then saddled with 40-100 thousand dollars or more in student loan debt. As judge Smails said on caddyshack..."well, the world needs ditch diggers too". I've seen these person on the street interviews where the person would be lucky to cross the street & chew gum without being run over. Can't answer the most basic math or history questions, but, buy golly they can tell you the latest (c)rap song, or which hollyWEIRD nut is banging another hollyWEIRD nut. Most liberal arts indoctrination centers are just that. Instructing kids on how to sit down, shut up and OBEY your master, the government.

Comment Yawn (Score 0) 279

Cue the sky is falling crowd again. 10-50-100 years of climate data is worthless. The earth is how many millions of years old? Plus, I remember as a school age teenager in the early 70's, how everyone was talking about we were entering a new ice age, due to pollution, dumping crap in the water, smog, after getting rid of lead in gasoline, using energy saving appliances, lights, houses's warming up? If that is the case, then maybe we should go back to pollution and wasting energy, just to cool us down a little?

Comment Keep pushing the "living wage" (Score 0) 257

crap, and you'll find MORE automation in any business. What's so hard for people to figure out? A business is in business, to MAKE A PROFIT. If wages are forced up on people with little to no skills, the prices of the goods sold has to go up, in order to maintain a profitable business. If people no longer buy your products, or go to a competitor, then what good is a "living wage" going to do if the business closes its door? Low/no skilled workers are just that, they have NO SKILLS....but...but...but....I'm in my 30's/40's/50's and that is the only job I am qualified to do. That's my fault? Perhaps you need to look in the mirror, past your tattoos, piercings, forked tongue, purple hair and evaluate your life as to why, you are an adult, and have absolutely NO JOB skills. Life is hard, you make out of it what you put into it. If your youth was spent playing video games, smoking dope & partying all the time, then don't come crying to me about not having a job other than "burger flipper". The world needs ditch diggers to you know. The sooner the youth, and some adults figure out the big bad world doesn't OWE you a d*mn thing, the better off we all will be.

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