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Comment Re:iOS is toys, OS X is Unix. Learn the difference (Score 1) 360

How many ways does your car offer to do something? Or your TV?

Choice is not necessarily a good thing. Read The Paradox of Choice. Some choices are worth having, most are not. Extra UI always comes at a cost, and repeating functionality with various different UI methods is adding extra UI. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it's not. OSX strikes a good balance. "As many way's as possible" isn't a balance at all, and is a recipe for UI hell.

Comment Re:iOS is toys, OS X is Unix. Learn the difference (Score 1) 360

Even things as simple as being able to right click on a folder and open in a new window aren't there. The UI forces me to open a new window in a standard place such as the 'Documents' folder and navigate again, and there is just no other way that I can find.

Right click on a folder on OSX gives you "open in a new tab". With the alt modifier, you get "open in new window". 5 seconds of experimentation just found me that option that I've never wanted. Not much of a power user are you?

Comment Re:iOS is toys, OS X is Unix. Learn the difference (Score 1) 360

Huh? Are we talking about the same window manager which steals your input focus with modal windows? The one where I'm typing at a terminal and just when I'm about to hit return some warning message pops up and I don't even get a chance to read the message because the timing was just right for me to notice it flashing and think "fuck, what the hell I've done now again"?

No we're not. You've not actually used a Mac have you.

Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

Sure it is... No one had smart phones, then everyone did. Smart phones existed for years and years before they took off. Then they passed a point where the price/performance became useful, and within just a few years the majority of phones are now smart phones.

There's no such tipping point. Technology adoption looks like the the following chart. It's been demonstrated time and time again.

People may mention particular models as breakthroughs, but if you look at the sales of those models you'll see that they too ramp up as part of the sinusoidal curve. Look at the iPhone - it's seen as a breakthrough smartphone, but previous Nokia, Pocket PC and PalmOS smartphones brought the initial growth, and iPhones initial sales are nothing compared to iPhones later sales. They are still growing year on year. No tipping point happened, just the normal technology adoption curve.

For EVs we're still in the innovators segment of the curve. They'll keep ramping up till one day you realise that most people now have them. No particular breakthrough, functionality level or price required. Just continual improvement.

Comment Re:Perhaps half of us are (Score 1) 266

They didn't know what they were doing then, they still don't now what they were doing now, and the Greece people are suffering for it. I'd blame them for electing idiots, but it seems they didn't have much choice.

What?! Ha! Yanis Varoufakis is the most economically qualified finance minister in Europe. Probably in the world.

And choice? The Greeks have just given an overwhelming vote of confidence to their government in the referendum, giving an overwhelming no to accepting the creditors offer.

And class warfare? That's what the creditors were attempting by making the poor pay, whilst insisting on keeping tax concessions for the rich. That's both stupid and evil.

Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

"I'm simply pointing out why EVs aren't taking off. They are expensive, limited in range, and generally not very appealing to most buyers."

Says the guy who likes helicopters. ;-)

Sure, they'll sell a few, and they are, but that is all they'll sell. The uptake rate won't go anywhere until the price comes down $10K and the range triples.

That's not how product adoption curves work. They are typically sigmoidal. Everyone's entry-point is different. It takes a different level of functionality, price, and perception of individuality/ubiquity for every person. All this says is that you're preconceived notion of the point you'll start thinking of it is X. Although you probably can't predict even your own entry point.

People talk about price and range all the time. My own particular bar to entry is far bigger. I live in an apartment, and I don't have off-road parking. I can't own one until either I move somewhere more conducive, or recharging stations have expended to the individual street level. Which means although I'm enthusiastic about the technology I'll probably be a fairly late adopter.

Long term though the outcome is clear. Everyone will have EVs, with fossil fuel powered cars being museum pieces. They just need to keep chipping away at the things that prevent people moving on.

Comment Re:The reason is more simple (Score 1) 688

You leased an eGolf for $440 a month, the taxpayers are paying $220 a month of your payment, leaving you with $200 left.
Clearly that can't happen for anything but a very small fraction of the new car buyers or that tax incentive will go away in a big hurry.

Well it could. But once a significant amount of people have taken up the offer, there's no point to the incentive any more. It'll have done it's job so it'll probably be withdrawn.
Best to take advantage of the offer whilst it's there!

Comment Re:A word you made up? (Score 1) 108

Are you suggesting that trademarks should extend not only to an actual trademarked name, but to all conceivable misspellings or abbreviated versions, etc.?

No I'm not. I'm saying that all the clues point to cybersquatter:
AC question, lack of desire to put anything there that would take any time to do, worried about bandwidth costs of having a site that anyone would visit, trademark misspelling.

It walks like a cybersquatter and it quacks like a cybersquatter.

Comment Re:The short answer is nothing (Score 1) 108

No, that's the man bites dog story.

The typical case is that it's a cybersquatter who's either registered thousands of domains in the hope of some of them paying off. Or worse: that's got a script looking for expired domains and snatches them up, in the hope that some schmuck who accidentally let a domain expire pays to get it back.

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