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Comment Re:Start menu usage dropped in lieu of what? (Score 1) 269

The problem is that searching now requires hunting for a hidden menu, which rarely appears even when you know where to point (especially in a remote session). Then, when you have it, you have to click again to change where you search, then type what you are looking for. I've gone old school-- I've relearned all the hot keys (Win+F for search) and treat Windows Server 2012 like it's a DOS app, because the GUI is unusable.

Comment Re:Fine. Legislate for externalities. (Score 1) 488

If you have a battery bank, you are either off-grid or you have a very, very expensive hybrid system. It is horribly expensive to be grid-tied AND off-grid; that is, with the ability to run off the panels and/or batteries alone. It costs almost as much as having two entirely separate systems-- totally off the scale. That's an area I'd like to see improve.

Comment Re:Depending on local ordinances... (Score 1) 488

"Progressives" are the worst reactionaries around. They'll impose regulations like this under the guise of Depression-era ideas of "modernization" that were aimed at enlightening the poor, ignorant hicks in the backwoods. Meanwhile, we've moved past that, but you just try to take back your liberty and see what happens.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 488

In the USA the road taxes on diesel fuel are higher than on gasoline-- and our adoption of diesel passenger cars is very low-- so de facto we have higher taxes on the heavier vehicles. Of course, toll roads also charge by axle. Won't be a big change in the status quo.

Alternatively, one could just realize that many government fees are not about proportionately recovering costs, but influencing certain behaviors that have a variety of costs and benefits elsewhere.

I don't like government trying to modify human behavior, other than to keep humans from harming other humans.

Comment Re:highly damaging to linux on the server (Score 1) 329

Except that Windows probably has just as many holes only you dont know about them because they aren't public or because Microsoft has decided not to invest the engineering resources to fix them or because Microsoft has fixed them in a patch but the actual security flaw is still unknown publicly.

An unprovable assertion.

Comment Re:It's the heat that kills LEDs/CFLs (Score 1) 602

LEDs don't throw off more heat than CFLs. That would violate the laws of thermodynamics. It's just that the LEDs themselves are sensitive to the heat generated by their support components, so they must be protected. For CFLs, the light-generating part is not a solid-state component, so it doesn't need protection. The LED and CFL ballasts both generate much (or most) of the heat.

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