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Comment Re:not the point (Score 2) 375

This feature goes back to at least Windows NT 3.5 in 1994, and perhaps even Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The summary also implies that it always needs to be enabled, which it does not as it is the default when joined to a domain (and I think it is also the default on Enterprise and Server editions).

Comment Re:not the point (Score 1) 375

Security features and policies are two different things. If you can solve a vulnerability with a feature, you do it. Policies are for things that don't have a technological solution, like social engineering. People should lock their workstations, but they don't always. Instead of remarking on how lazy or dumb they are, Microsoft created a solution 22 years ago.

Also, policy doesn't fix this scenario with a shared computer: a malicious employee, instead of logging off after his shift, runs a fake logon screen malware to collect credentials from other users. Those other users may be privileged or, even if unprivileged, have their identities be used as cover in later attacks.

Comment Re:Translation ... (Score 3, Informative) 392

No-knock warrants are an anti-liberty product of the Drug War. Police know how to secure a building so the only way out is through them, but the suspects can easily dispose of "evidence" (illicit drugs) in the toilet. Since it was impractical to ban toilets, the courts decided to let them barge in and assault everyone they saw.

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