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Comment Re:Unregulated currency (Score 1) 704

Funny thing is that Bitcoin was never designed to be kept in exchanges in the first place.

People being stupid is a risk that can not be mitigated. We can only move between ruining the entire society to back-up the decisions they have, or letting them suffer the consequences of their acts (and hope that they learn something, or just eat popcorn - choose your team).

Yep, personally I prefer that people be backed-up up to some level of stupidity (what means I'm a socialist), but current levels are crazy hight. Bitcoin people are going with it in a much more sane way than the recent US bank failures.

Comment Re:Why not badging of the doors ? (Score 1) 130

Half a second is a bit too little time for:

"Where's my badge? Oh it's on my neck", take it out of the neck (because I don't have the standard height those doors assume), badge it, "Sorry, Dave, I can't allow you to go in", "Hey, is anybody here allowed in?", "Wait, who was it reserved for anyway?", "Oh, Joe's reserved it until 4 PM. Where's him?", "Seems to be in a meeting, I'm calling him"...

Comment Re:My method (Score 2) 195

Your office must be interesting.

Why don't you adopt a b-tree? That way you'll be able to delete. Yet, the best is running several sets of horizontal wires, and attaching each receipt on them (with strings, 1 receipt to many wires) based on the data you want to index...

Or maybe you should start organizing the receipts in blocks in a cabinet, with only directions attached to the wires. But then you'll have an extra lookup... And don't forget to write what you'll add to the cabinet before you do so, somebody might call you and you may forget what you were doing.

Comment Re:That's "strange weird" not "strange flavor" (Score 3, Interesting) 91

I can't wait until the entire English vocabulary has a different meaning in subatomic physics. Things were better when the names were made-up.

Well, now on topic, we'd expect that any dark matter candidate is barely there at all, wouldn't we? The only problem (for me, certainly, no the theory) is that I don't understand how something with only 7kEv * c^2 of mass won't be seen already. Even if it shares no property with normal matter, I'd expect it to appear from bare energy + momentum available at accelerators*... Or are people just classifying them as normal neutrinos?

* I mean, would it be 10^-29 times as probable as a normal neutrino? Even if so, wouldn't people have seen a bunch of them?

Comment Re:Those wondering why 53.53 (Score 1) 164

You know what people will notice even faster than returning localhost? Returning NXDOMAIN. That'll make it obvious for everybody, from the netwrok admin to the end user, that something is wrong. As an added bonus, that'll make completely clear what's wrong, instead of sending people into a useless debuging saga, and hoping they google the value you expect.

Of course, not issuing the new TLDs wouldn't create the problem to start with... But then, somebody alredy answered that "why" up there.

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