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Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

It is very illegal for a merchant to store your credit card number for more than the 5 seconds it takes to authorize the transaction, unless they implement fairly strong protection to make sure nobody can steal those numbers later. But even if they do this, it is still very illegal for them to try to share those card numbers and what they purchased, which would be necessary for different merchants to "track" your purchases.

You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the topic and I'd like to expand upon it. I've worked with several payment processors and been involved with many systems which handle credit card data and PCI compliance has very a specific definition (expanded, see also) about what card holder data is. Your first and last name, billing address, expiration, last 4 and the card type are not card holder data. Plenty there to "track" legally without touching the PAN (Primary Account Number). That said, I have no desire to see CurrentC implemented.

This doesn't even really touch companies like Acxiom. Here's a little scoop on the whole data broker thing for those unfamiliar with the scope of collection.

Comment Re: Dominion & Munchkin (Score 1) 382

What? I must've missed where I claimed all of these games were "German style". I listed some games in one comment and in another comment mentioned that I liked German style games. These are not in conflict. Also, Settlers of Catan and Pandemic qualify and Catan is explicitly mentioned in what I linked, take a look under the history section again.

The Settlers of Catan, first published in 1995, paved the way for the genre in the United States and outside Europe.[citation needed] It was neither the first "German game" nor the first such game to find an audience outside Germany, but it became much more popular than any of its predecessors.

What are some games you like playing?

Comment Re:Dominion & Munchkin (Score 1) 382

It's a completely different style of play, and it is much more focused on play and having fun, than winning at all costs. And it means one person doesn't always win the game, and everyone else decides they have better things to do.

Indeed! I'm a big fan of German style games specifically to avoid Monopoly like situations.

Comment Dominion & Munchkin (Score 2) 382

Dominion! This is an excellent card based game. Not difficult to pick up, a warmup game clears up things quickly, and as a bonus they've got an official electronic version online at built using html and js, and there is a chrome extension too. You can play without signing up or logging in and against bots or other players not to mention the entire base game is free. You are not hindered with the "base game" and there are several expansions which add additional cards to the game. The game itself uses 10 cards at a time which you can randomly draw to keep things interesting or if you prefer you can build decks. Dominion shines with 3+ players and maxes out at 8. Games last anywhere from 10-45 minutes. I'm actually working on an IRC port of this since everything is better on IRC >.>

Munchkin is another great party game.

Comment Re:Trillion-dollar boo-boo (Score 1) 252

on a par with second world countries (which is what Russia really is these days)

The Second World refers to the former Socialist, industrial states (formally the Eastern Bloc), mostly the territory and the influence of the Soviet Union. Following World War II, there were nineteen communist states, and after the fall of the Soviet Union, only five socialist states remained: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam. Along with "First World" and "Third World", the term was used to divide the states of Earth into three broad categories. In other words, the concept of "Second World" was a construct of the Cold War and the term has largely fallen out of use since the revolutions of 1989, though it is still used to describe countries that are in between poverty and prosperity, many of which are now capitalist states. Subsequently, the actual meaning of the terms "First World", "Second World" and "Third World" changed from being based on political ideology to an economic definition.[1] The three world theory has been criticized as crude and relativity outdated for its nominal ordering (1, 2, 3) and sociologists have coined the term "developed", "developing", and "underdeveloped".

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