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Comment Re:They wanted to release this years ago... (Score 1) 125

Facebook wanted to work out facebook*.onion, so they only had to sha-1 'facebook' and then store that state. After that, feed 40 sha-1 bits to the sha-1 function to generate a bunch of different hashes, keeping the ones that match.

That doesn't make any sense at all, if they can choose "facebook" I can choose "facebookcorewwwi" and feed it 0 bits to get my hash. It is the other way around, you must generate a public key and SHA-1 hash that, cut to 80 bits and convert to base32 and that'll be your service descriptor. Since each letter = 5 bits they basically brute force created 2^40 = public keys to find one that hashed to facebook*. There are tools for this, the estimate for a single 1.5 GHz processor choosing 8 letters is about ~25 days. Note that spoofing a full address would take millions of years the same way.

Comment Re:Consumer education (Score 2) 168

Personally I think the picture is becoming increasingly simple: if data is collected, there is a good chance it will be disseminated and cross-referenced with whatever else is known about you, or that can be statistically inferred from what is known.

There was a time when I thought that encryption, and layers of computer security features, had given individuals measures to strongly protect information, so long as they didn't do something dumb. Now I don't think so. It is simply not possible to implement and use a system of any scale without making mistakes. You might as well pin your hopes on making ten free-throws in a row. Therefore, once you share information beyond yourself, there is a good chance it will go further than you wanted. Your privacy lies solely in being one of many, and not being individually targeted with greater resources than you have to defend yourself.

There are no perfect crimes. Information wants to be free. Etc.

Comment Re:Silly (Score 1) 87

No, because your laptop doesn't authenticate base systems either. It will try to connect to any AP that has an SSID that it recognises and (if it expects DHCP on that network, which is usually the default) send a DHCP query. And, if that AP is malicious, then you'll get the exploit code delivered to your DHCP client.

Comment Re:cell phones and notepads (Score 1) 415

Personally, I keep my appointment book with paper and pencil. I can access it anywhere, at any time, whether or not I remembered to bring a charger, whether I'm on a plane or in a meeting

I keep my calendar on an ownCloud server that I can access from any web browser and is automatically sync'd with my phone, tablet, and laptop in the background, so any one of those devices can beep and give me reminders of appointments, and I'll notice whichever is closer to me. It also integrates with Tracere on the phone that automatically silences the ringer when I'm in a meeting.

But your way sounds good too...

Comment Re:How big a fuss is it, really? (Score 1) 415

I'm a big fan of Skagen watches. There's been a trend in men's watches to make them bigger and bigger (presumably so the wearer can say 'we are men, for we can lift big watches!' on a regular basis). I want a watch that's light and convenient and I've not found anything better. The thinnest ones that they make aren't water resistant and are light enough that you can barely feel them. I have one with a titanium mesh strap, which is marginally thicker and lighter, but I can still forget that I'm wearing a watch. The new smartwatches are just a continuation of the 'let's make watches big' trend. If I want to carry something that bulky around, I'll put it in my pocket, with my phone...

Comment Re:Silly (Score 1) 87

If you have a DHCP client attaching to unknown servers, shame on you

Huh? First of all, DHCP has no authentication. If I pop up on your trusted network and answer DHCP broadcast queries faster than the router, then your DHCP client will trust me. Second, you realise that that's how most operating systems are configured to work out of the box? Plug in network cable (or join WiFi network), send DHCP broadcast packet, trust the response.

Comment Re:Am I paranoid? (Score 2) 87

I doubt that they're inserted intentionally. If you insert an intentional backdoor, then there's a chance that it can be traced back to you. Pretty much any nontrivial program contains bugs, and if the program is written in C then a good fraction of those are exploitable. If you've got the resources to insert intentional vulnerabilities into open source code, then you've got the resources for the lower-risk strategy of auditing and fuzzing the code to finding some existing ones to exploit.

Comment Re: Use the technology on a chromebook (Score 1) 66

To address each of your points in turn:

8GB is RAM was the minimum I was buying 4 years ago. Back then, it was because it was the sweet spot in price per GB. Unfortunately, in some machines it was the most that the board could support and so is now the thing making me ponder replacing the motherboards. Specifically, on my NAS box, because increasing the disks will increase the size of the deduplication tables, meaning that I'll need to increase the size of the RAM to get tolerable performance, meaning I'll need to replace the motherboard and CPU to be able to accommodate more RAM, meaning that I'll end up just keeping the case and optical drive - everything else is upgraded.

Swap out the hard disk for an SSD? The only machine I've bought in the past 6 years that wasn't SSD-only has been my NAS. The laptop I've just replaced had a 256GB SSD and it was replaced with one that has a 1TB SSD. Buying hard disks hasn't made sense for years unless you need a lot of storage that you rarely access (i.e. NAS / SAN uses), and even then adding an SSD for L2ARC makes sense (as long as you have enough RAM).

Upgrade the video card? I've not done anything that taxes the GPU in my old laptop, but then I'm not a gamer.

Not wanting to upgrade the CPU? You claim two bottlenecks. The first is disk to RAM. My laptop's SSD can do over 300MB/s sustained transfer and over 60MB/s on small random files. With a reasonable amount of RAM, the only limiting factor is the SSD write speed, because all of the working set lives in RAM. If you think that RAM to cache bandwidth is a bottleneck, then you're running some very unusual workloads. If you're doing the sorts of things where a 6-10 year old CPU is still fine, then you probably don't need to upgrade the machine at all: my mother was quite happily using a desktop of that sort of vintage, with no upgrades, until she replaced it with a laptop last year.

For reference, the machines I use when I need a bit more processing power than my laptop have dual (ZFS, mirrored) 3TB disks, 512GB SSDs split between log and cache device and 256GB of RAM. The large log devices speed up write performance, because you're almost always doing sustained linear writes to the spinning rust. The 256GB of RAM means that you very rarely even hit the SSD for loading files. They have 24 cores, and I can very easily saturate them all. If you gave me a 48 core machine, I'd use that instead, but currently the extra performance isn't worth the cost (doubling the number of cores roughly halves the time it takes for various things, but the linear gain is much smaller - going from one hour to half an hour was a big win, so was to quarter of an hour. Going from three minutes to one and a half minutes isn't that exciting).

Comment Re:Good idea beyond the "renewable" fad (Score 4, Insightful) 332

Wind is neither very expensive nor environmentally damaging.

You didn't bother to provide a source but I will: New wind and solar plants generate cheaper low-carbon electricity than the latest nuclear reactors, a study shows, indicating they will lead a global push for green energy. There are lot of different factors that make this claim debatable, but even if wind is still somewhat more than nuclear, it's not "very expensive" which was the point.

Comment Re:LBGT marketing? (Score 1) 764

Wait, so you suggested to someone who was straight to play a gay part? Tolerance does not mean forced acceptance. I am pro-gay rights, but I find gay porn disgusting. That does not make me a homophobe.

It's an actress. Nobody asked her to be gay. They asked her to act being a gay person. Wearing clothes.

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
