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Comment Socialist here (Score 1) 385

And let me say that the reason we're opposed to libertarians is because they fall into two camps, ineffective idealists and phoneies out to make a quick buck. There's just no way a weak, decentralized govt can stand up against a modern corporation. Socialists are pro big govt because what's the worst that could happen? It just doesn't matter to us if the jackboot in our v necks is public or private, so we'll take our chances with the govt and try to hang onto it..

Comment And I wish (Score 1) 385

that folks would STFU about the constitution. It was not written for you. It was written for wealthy landowners. That's why we have a Senate (of which Mr Rand is part). It's to balance out all that popularism and keep the poors from voting themselves land and food. Don't believe me? Google it, and then go read "A People's History of the United States". Pretty much everything you were taught in grade school was bull shit.

And your sig annoys me. Denmark, Germany, France. All of them seem to be getting along just fine without a police state. Meanwhile illustrious libertarians Like Rand Paul can't even pull off an effective (or real) filibuster to stop a law they're ideology says they should be violently opposed to. Christ, the things that get modded up on /. these days...

Comment I'm single (Score 1) 1094

no kids either (I'm on /. after all). I don't get a mortgage credit. It doesn't come close to my standard deduction. And there's more and more of me. Birth rates are dropping (after all, they don't pay me enough to start a family...)

I bought a house because I could, and when the economy crashed and the 1% started stealing homes from under folks apartment rent shot through the roof.

Comment If you're barely making $15 (Score 1) 1094

then your fiends and family are probably making less. Odds are you couldn't give two shits about this "devaluing" your salary. OTOH it INCREASES the value of your salary because now instead of being trapped in a shitty job because if you left you'd have to start all over you now have the option to jumping ship and a credible threat to your boss to demand raises with.

Comment Yeah, you can survive (Score 2) 1094

if you are very, very lucky. If _anything_ goes wrong your whole life collapses like a house of cards.

Oh, and Jobs won't migrate away. This is the first thing everyone who perpetuates the race to the bottom (tm) likes to quote. It doesn't happen because California is a _nice_ place to live and the rich like having services. But don't take my word for it, go look at Kansas' unemployment. It's twice the national average after all their "free market" reforms.

Comment Meh (Score 1) 110

if you're going to go that route you also have to take aim at the underlining cause of drug abuse (poverty). Let's face it, when we talk about the war on drugs hurting people for whom it's a medical condition we mean poor people. If you're even upper middle class and you're busted for drugs you can get into a treatment program in no time. It's the poors that go to jail for using.

But the thing is, what do you do with the massive underclass we have? They're uneducated and likely to stay that way because their schools are underfunded. If you try to raise taxes to pay for better schools even a .5% sales tax raise gets voted into oblivion. Then there's jobs, or the lack thereof. Without education they only thing they're suited for is factory work, but that's all in China. Then there's fast food, but after 30 years of wage stagnation + inflation it doesn't pay enough to keep one adult alive let alone a family.

So what then? We don't want to pay 'em, we won't give 'em birth control until they die out ( a good 30% of our country is opposed on religious grounds ). We cordon them office and they wallow in their own misery. Every now and then a few spill over and the cops come down on them like a ton of bricks and we all dance around like the church woman from SNL acting like this doesn't happen every day...

Comment It depends on how you measure failure (Score 3, Insightful) 110

It's been a massive success at keeping the lower classes in their place. Here in Arizona we've got multi-million dollar homes right next to slums. You can't do that without a good solid pretext to go in and bust heads whenever the poors spill over. Drugs are great for that. If you're poor chances are good you're taking some form of drugs to cope with the effects of poverty. If nothing else it's the closest to medical care you can get. Now, think about what happens when a few of those poors wander into the wealthy neighborhoods. Maybe they're there to use a park, or take a kid to one of the nicer schools. But odds are good one of 'em has a joint or two. And with our drug laws being what they are you're pretty much guilty by association. If you get a chance look up _why_ marijuana is illegal some time (hint: Migrant farm workers smoked it).

Then there's our whole private prison thing. As always, follow the money.

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