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Comment Cars got made (Score 3, Insightful) 323

and continue to get made well in Germany with Union Labor. Also, I'm fed up with the guys putting parts on at the assembly line getting blamed for for shitty American Cars. They just tightened the bolts people. Yes, it's hard, mind numbing work; but at the end of the day it was management going to engineering to say "Make a car _this_ cheap that we can sell for _this_ much that created shitty American Cars. Engineers just do what they're told, and Management wasn't unionized.

Comment What happens if you just make 'em work (Score 3, Interesting) 110

Nellie keeps doing her job and the Apprentice gets their work. If the Apprentice can't keep up you fire them for incompetence and suddenly they have $20k in tuition bills for what they've used so far (gotta make sure if they get lazy they pay it all back, after all we can't give stuff away for free). Suddenly the dynamics change. The Student will work 60, 70, 80 hours a week because if he doesn't perform they're on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars plus no degree. It's kinda like what they do with H1-Bs. It puts the employer in a tremendous position of power which history tells us they'll abuse.

Comment We're not a parliamentary gov't... (Score 1) 186

we're a Republic. The principle reason we are not is that the wealthy landowners built our gov't not to spread freedom but to protect their land. They didn't even want a central gov't but feared without one they wouldn't have the strength to keep their land from being sized by the peasantry.

Now, if this were Canada you might have a point...

Comment You might be right (Score 1) 186

that there will be more jobs, but I'm left questioning if there will be any _good_ jobs. Also, while there is not a fixed pool of labor supply and demand still apply, and increasing the supply reduces the value of labor; lowering wages in the process.

There are also other impacts your not considering. The workers here are visas can be sent back at any time for any reason (with a black mark on their career to boot). They border on indentured servants. I know several that put in 50, 60 even 70 hours every week. The position they're in means they have no choice. These further reduces the amount of labor needing to get done. If I've got 2 guys working 60 hours a week I can skip hiring that third guy I really need...

If American workers were as cheap as visa holders the companies wouldn't bother with the visa holders. These aren't PHDs, they're PHP programmers...

Comment Any chance they implemented the 'let' keyword? (Score 1) 67

I've always been a little bugged by how much trouble it is to write JavaScript in Chrome, particularily in an extension ( like my sig says, I write Firefox extensions, and I've been playing with Chrome lately). I woulda thought Chrome would be up on all the new JavaScript hotness...

Comment Where the hell did you get your CS Degree? (Score 1) 226

I want one. I dropped out when my life went to hell after some bad choices. I've rebounded and I'm making good money like your boot camp graduate. But a real CS degree is hard frickin' work after year 1. Discrete math is kinda tough, and ask any graduate about "Compilers" and "Operating Systems" sometime. 12 hours a day 7 days a week doesn't even get you started with those classes.

Comment It's good enough for the assembly line (Score 1) 226

The top of the line guys need to care about tightly coupling classes. There's a _tonne_ of rank and file coding that can be done quick and dirty. Right now those jobs pay upwards to $80k/year; sometimes more. The goal here is to cut that in half in 10 years. An admirable goal if you're part of the investor class...

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