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Comment Science wins (eventually) (Score 1) 256

These people don't care if science wins. They just need to stall it long enough to make a stack o money and retire rich. In the long run, they don't really give a fuck what science does. That is why we are where we are now. There is no cost to outright lying to further your own ends. Similarly, they don't really care what happens to the next generation of people who live on Earth. They are dead, it isn't their problem.

Comment Software patents are fucking stupid (Score 1) 203

You don't understand their claims. At all.

You are correct, and Jesus fucking Christ, why should he have to understand the cluster fuck of a situation this is? Copyright law should be pretty simple.

This is what we get when we let a bunch of fucking lawyers start doing stupid shit like copyrighting code in the first place. Code is math and algorithms, period. You cannot copyright math. Additionally, why don't you have to release source code to secure a copyright? If you don't, then it is a trade secret that you are getting copyright protection for. The whole point of the system is creating something of value (not idiocy like one click purchase, that's the covered by the 'obvious to a professional' part of the deal), and then sharing the details with the public in exchange for a short term monopoly.

If we keep going down this road, more and more really stupid shit like this will happen. Ban ALL software patents and end this madness.

Comment Health insurance industry is pure bloat (Score 1) 382

The price of health care in markets where insurance is involved will always be higher than those without, because the money to pay for for a profit insurance industry has to come from somewhere. Go look up the annual revenue generated by insurance, that is coming out of your pocket as someone who consumes healthcare.

Republicans politicians don't hate national healthcare because it is socialism, big government, or even because it is named after our first black president. They are against it because if everything is paid for by taxpayers, the billion dollar insurance industry will not survive. They get a lot money from the health insurance lobby. Call them corrupt, evil, whatever you like, but they aren't dumb.

Comment Visionary or Paranoid Nutjob...? (Score 1) 60

Visionary? Perhaps. Or perhaps he was just slightly paranoid and obsessive about imagined attempts to control him. The truth is rarely black or white, but nuanced shades of grey. Just look at the quote listed in the summary:

'...bitcoin exchanges that have draconian rules about KYC, AML, passports, freezes on accounts and laws about reporting 'suspicious activity' to the local secret police.'

For those who aren't versed in financial acronyms, KYC is 'Know you customer', AML is 'Anti-money laundering'. While he is decrying financial organizations trying to pry about personal information, and restricting how money is used, those same rules are stopping drug cartels, sex-traffickers, international fraud rings, illicit arms dealers, and a whole slew of other really terrible people from being able to hide their profits from the people who are trying to stop them, the 'local secret police'. His views seem a little short sighted and selfish to me.

Yeah, privacy and freedom are important, but there is a trade off that needs to be made to have a society that functions. Some degree of freedom and privacy needs to be sacrificed in the name of order. The only true freedom is Anarchy, and that only lasts until someone figures out that they can murder anyone who doesn't do what they are told.

Comment Ma? Is that you, Ms. Bell? (Score 1) 107

Its almost like providers are deliberately trying not to compete or let other player into the markets that might drive prices down. Perhaps someone should investigate that...

Say, wasn't there some sort of big lawsuit a few years back where a big phone company got broken up because they were too big and uncompetative?

Comment Trump, the model American Fascist (Score 4, Insightful) 421

They're coming for you and you're not going to be safe in your gated communities. Vote. And Vote for whoever has the best chance of taking down Trump and company. Or the violence is going to get worse. A lot worse.

Well, it was the instability of Germany in the 1920s that allowed the Nazi party to come to power. The communists has just overthrown the Czar in Russia, there was massive inflation and economic instability, mass unemployment, and the fascists were having weekly street riots with the communists. The Nazis stepped in, and offered to mop up the filthy communists, Jews and foreigners who were causing 'problems', and the German people ate it up.

Fascism is about national strength, militarism, xenophobia, and authoritarian solutions. Some of the first attacks Trump made when he came to power were on scientific programs, and he wants to start having military parades. In the 1920s the Nazis had their own newspapers and loved to attack any news that wasn't their own, sometimes go so far as to break into offices and smash other people's presses. The parallels between now and the 1920s are disturbingly similar.

Go read about the early history of the Nazi party, from 1920 to 1933, and think about what is happening now.

Comment A stupid and pointless debate.... (Score 2) 535

....For 2 reasons.

1) By being able to operate a vehicle orders of magnitude faster and with far more information than a human, the chance that the car will ever even get into a situation were this decision would have to be made is very, very unlikely.

2) If it gets into this situation where stopping entirely w/o injuring anyone is off the table, then the car will have so little time to react that making a decision to kill one group or the other and acting on it is a pointless exercise.

Also, there are possible new twists that people haven't even considered that will likely make this argument completely moot. Since the cars will have a far better understanding of their immediate vicinity, you can build in external air bags that can fire moments before any impact to further protect occupants and pedestrians. Perhaps you will want cars to be programed to steer directly at unavoidable pedestrians in order to center them in an air bag pillow.

The trolley problem is an interesting exerciser for ethics 101 students, but far to simplistic and contrived to be worth of real debate or consideration.

Comment Ban humans now (Score 0) 286

That's probably what he is afraid of: people still drive horses and carts for fun, but they are relegated to minor roads

Good. Better still ban humans from driving entirely I don't care if you like diving, this is a safety thing. You don't get to choose to enjoy driving when your errors cost people their lives. Once computers can drive better than people (which has happened already or will happen very soon), laws should be passed to force the issue.

An analogy: "I sure like shooting guns in densely packed urban areas. Oh sure, I don't want to actually hurt anyone, and I try hard not to shoot at people. But every now and then an accident happens. Oops."

How long would you put up with nonsense like that?

Comment TicketMaster, some kinda cheezy he-man villian? (Score 1) 143

I wonder what would happen if the Sherman Anti-trust Act was aimed at Ticketmaster. They have a virtual monopoly on their business model.

Nothing. Because they control a large swath of the market, that doesn't make them a monopoly. You can (and many have) started their own ticket selling business. It is only when they use their market dominance to run you out of business that you have a case. Until the start doing something like blacklisting artists that use your service, you got nothing on them legally. There aren't any rules against winning the game, only cheating to win.

Comment Trivial to fix (Score 2) 278

These are fine ways to fix the problem, but completely unnecessary. The phone company could fix this problem if they wanted to, but they make money from letting it persist. The one way to fix the problem once and for all, is to make it unprofitable for the phone company to facilitate this behavior. Just slap a 10 million a day fine on the phone company for each day there is a complaint registered, and the problem will 'fix' itself inside a week.

Its the fuckers running things. They don't give a shit about customers if it means they make a few million more each year.

Comment Speaking of Success.... (Score 1) 513

Meh, I am fine with this. My kids will be taught how to address an audience and be forced to confront the minor fears all kids have. And they will turn out to be better rounded people as a result. I fully expect that they will make more money and command more popularity than other kids too, because charismatic people do well in life. If other people don't want to prepare their kids for success, it isn't my problem.

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