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Submission + - Why Not Replace SSL Certificates With PGP Keys? 9

vik writes: The whole SSL process has been infiltrated by the NSA, GCSB and other n'er-do-wells. If governments want a man-in-the-middle certificate they simply issue a secret gagging order to the CA to make them issue one. Consequently "certified" SSL certificates can no longer be trusted. Ironically self-issued certificates are more secure, but not easily verified.

However, PGP/GPG keys can be trusted and independently verified. They are as secure as we can get for now. Why not replace the broken SSL CA system with GPG/PGP encryption keys? Make the NSA-infiltrated stuff obsolete, and rely on a real-world web of trust?

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 3, Interesting) 429

Since forever. And one more thing. While we're on the subject of trolls, why do modern trolls utterly suck? In the 90's, trolling was high art. Slashdot trolls in particular were geniuses in the craft, weaving perfectly proportioned delicately scented masterpieces of intellectual turds and dropping them in perfectly chosen locations. Now, trolling has degenerated to the point that the word itself is misused to mean anyone who post something anyone doesn't like. Any random idiot can now be considered a troll. It's a fucking travesty. Trolling is NOT just annoying. It's careful, deliberate artwork. What happened to it?

GPUs Helping To Lower CT Scan Radiation 77

Gwmaw writes with news out of the University of California, San Diego, on the use of GPUs to process CT scan data. Faster processing of noisy data allows doctors to lower the total radiation dose needed for a scan. "A new approach to processing X-ray data could lower by a factor of ten or more the amount of radiation patients receive during cone beam CT scans... With only 20 to 40 total number of X-ray projections and 0.1 mAs per projection, the team achieved images clear enough for image-guided radiation therapy. The reconstruction time ranged from 77 to 130 seconds on an NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU card, depending on the number of projections — an estimated 100 times faster than similar iterative reconstruction approaches... Compared to the currently widely used scanning protocol of about 360 projections with 0.4 mAs per projection, [the researcher] says the new processing method resulted in 36 to 72 times less radiation exposure for patients."

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