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Submission + - Tesla driver locked out of car until he buys new battery (

smooth wombat writes: Imagine being locked out of your car because a) your battery died and b) you don't have a physical key. Now imagine having to pay $26,000 to replace your battery so you can unlock your car. That is the situation a Canadian recently faced when he couldn't get into his 2013 Tesla. His particular model has a fault where liquid leaks onto the battery and over time this will render the car useless.

The motorist explained that he wasn’t the only one who had suffered the dead car fate, as he has been in contact with other Tesla owners whose vehicles had suffered the same fate.

“Tesla’s trying to sweep it under the rug,” he claimed. “They won’t give them any explanation of why their battery died.”

“I’ll never buy another Tesla again,” he added. “That’s the long way of me saying stay the f**k away from Teslas. They’re brutal cars, brutal manufacturing, and even worse, they’re a 10-year-old company.”

The TikToker revealed that he eventually managed to sell off his car, but the new owner was planning to dismantle it.

“That’s going to be the end of my Tesla journey. It’s out of my life. Keep it out of yours,” he concluded.

Comment Re: As they (at least FORTRAN) should (Score 2) 69

Don't forget that modern Fortran also is quite good at handling multithreading and is able to do that with large matrices 'under the cover' with no or little effort from the programmer.

Not every compiler, but enough of them.

Add to it that modern Fortran is easy to understand and write as well as making it a lot harder to write code that has security flaws like 'use after free' cases and similar compared to C.

Submission + - Google Domains became Squarespace today (

shortyadamk writes: Google Domains sent their clients this email today, "Today your domain,, migrated from Google Domains to Squarespace Domains.

Your WHOIS contact details and billing information (if applicable) were migrated to Squarespace. Your DNS configuration remains unchanged.

Your migrated domain will continue to work with Google Services such as Google Search Console. To support this, your account now has a domain verification record â" one corresponding to each Google account that currently has access to the domain."

Submission + - "Unprecedented" Google Cloud event wipes out customer account and its backups ( 1

swm writes: Buried under the news from Google I/O this week is one of Google Cloud's biggest blunders ever: Google accidentally deleted a giant customer account for no reason. UniSuper, an Australian pension fund that manages $135 billion worth of funds and has 647,000 members, had its entire account wiped out at Google Cloud, including all its backups that were stored on the service. UniSuper thankfully had some backups with a different provider and was able to recover its data, but according to UniSuper's incident log, downtime started May 2, and a full restoration of services didn't happen until May 15.

Comment Re:Computer Crime (Score 1) 78

That's also why many services do have the "non-refundable" clause since if someone hacks the system to get more credits or there's a bug they can't really do much more with it than run more laundry cycles or lose it completely. Some services also have a "use before" clause after which time you lose all credits.

After all many of those systems are created by the cheapest provider that's only doing the minimum effort needed.

So if there are just a few doing this and not everyone then it's not worth fixing. But if everyone does it then it's fixed. Expect students to find bugs in the system.

Submission + - Winamp goes open source ( 1

BrianFagioli writes: Winamp, the iconic music player that defined a generation, is opening its source code, inviting developers worldwide to contribute to its evolution. This could mean a new era for the beloved software, fostering global collaboration to enhance and innovate its features.

On September 24, 2024, Winamp's source code will become available to developers globally. This move will enable the entire community to participate in its development, allowing experts and enthusiasts to bring their ideas and passion to the table. By opening its code, Winamp aims to build on its rich legacy, transforming from a simple music player into a digital culture icon.

Submission + - Robert Dennard, Inventor of DRAM, Dies at 91

necro81 writes: Robert Dennard was working at IBM in the 1960s when he invented a way to store one bit using a single transistor and capacitor. The technology became dynamic random access memory (DRAM), which when implemented using the emerging technology of silicon integrated circuits, helped catapult computing by leaps and bounds. The first commercial DRAM chips in the late 1960s held just 1024 bits; today's DDR5 modules hold hundreds of billions.

Dr. Robert H. Dennard passed away last month at age 91. (alternate link)

In the 1970s he helped guide technology roadmaps for the ever-shrinking feature size of lithography, enabling the early years of Moore's Law. He wrote a seminal paper in 1974 relating feature size and power consumption that is now referred to as Dennard Scaling. His technological contributions earned him numerous awards, and accolades from the National Academy of Engineering, IEEE, and the National Inventor's Hall of Fame.

Comment Re:Is there something in the water in Seattle? (Score 3, Interesting) 65

When you are the dominant player in the field then you can do whatever you like - for a while. But there are limits and if the corporate and government world decides that you are getting too expensive then you are starting to fall down.

Broadcom is now chewing up VMWare and people are seriously looking into alternatives for virtualization.

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