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Comment Re:Are protestors all lazy or just hired goons? (Score 3, Insightful) 246

"Well the moment the cameras outside are gone? So are they."

Why waste your time parading to an empty street? Why shouldn't protestors play the PR game just as much corporations? It's all about getting your message out. Just ask the Koch brothers and their hired goons.

Comment Re:Ruby and string/symbols (Score 1) 729

I can say that I use Ruby because of the way it implements regular expressions. They are really easy to use, no need to import a library or compile your regex. Just put some stuff between a couple of slashes and you're off and running.

Since most of what I end up using a scripting language for is parsing text I use Ruby instead of Python.

Comment Re:What's after? (Score 1) 87

I thought the idea of big data was that looking at ALL the data obviated the need to sample the data and all the attendant issues that come with that. Ferreting out bits and pieces of the big data set is a step backward from the idea of big data. Real numbers people can jump in here and set me straight.

However, my biggest hope for what is after big data is no one ever again having the title "Data Scientist."

Comment Re:100km (Score 1) 44

If you do actually Google "where does space start" you'll get a popular definition of 100km, so yes, quite a bit short.

I'm also not sure yet about the claim that they had the previous record. If you visit you'll see that in 2006 the late great Steve Fossett has a claim to a little higher than the Perlan claim. The Perlan claim doesn't even show up on the site.

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