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Comment Get smarter (Score 1) 72

Different rooms tend to be at different temps, especially if these are on different floors of your place. Where is the smart system that can read different rooms, and is settable (from your phone) from the temp in the room that you are in vs. where the thermostat is? This would take some implementation of HW beyond just a thermostat but would add huge value if an engineering team could pull it off.

I think this would be great for apartments for example where different roommates want different temps. And everyone has an office story of too hot in one area and too cold in another.

Comment Re:AI is just Wikipedia (Score 1) 26

Bad data aggregation thing will get worse IMO. A recent example for me was for an Apple product: the weight of the item was listed on Apple (but sounded wrong to me.) I found the same info on amazon and another indie review site. I bought the item (weighed myself) and the weight wasn't even close.

An experienced person would sense that the info couldn't be right, but not an AI whatever. I ended up keeping the iPad case, but every time I pick it up and feel the weight of it I get mad - a physical reminder of trusting the internet with everything folly . . .

Comment Re:Manual = Illusion of control (Score 1) 370

For manual driving, "connected" is mis-interpreted here.

By connected, manual drivers really mean that they are more connected to the current driving situation. You need to really pay attention to traffic and anticipate what gear to shift to. Will traffic come to complete stop or slow then speed up quickly? Will you break using break pedal, or just use the downshift? You must read the traffic around you carefully. In an automatic, you don't pay as much attention.

I think this is something that isn't just nostalgia, it is how we (oldsters) learned to think behind the wheel.

Comment AR is what is needed, not VR (Score 2) 140

Apple wants to position this tech as AR because it has pass thru video, but Vision Pro doesn't deliver as usable consumer AR(I am going by thorough Verge review BTW.)

I had Google Glass back in the day, and I thought this would be the right direction for AR. You interacted with your local environment with your own vision (and other senses) which felt natural. They were light weight, wearable, and although "glasshole" comments were the rage, think how out-of-touch you will look with the Vision Pro on, and even weirder with those fake eyes up front.

The Glass screen, up and to the right (right eye only) would give you meta-data on the real-world scene in front of you. Would have been awesome if it could do facial recognition on whom you were talking to and put up their name and brief bio. Or put up simple directions for the appliance your about to use, or helpful hints on the SW you are using. Huge bonus, the screen could be focused for far-sighted eyes without needing reading-glasses (I think this alone would give this tech a big and growing market.) Problem was that battery life sucked. Support sucked. Google had something but fumbled it.

Comment Chrome is better on iPad (Score 1) 89

I just upgraded to a new iPad with iOS 17.x. Using safari, I started seeing a number of store websites not behaving correctly, such as not displaying images, not loading items to carts, etc. I loaded up chrome for iOS, and sites are working correctly on chrome. Seems that Chrome project managers are paying more attention than Apple PMs as far as iPad integration is concerned.

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