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Comment Non Sequitor (Score 5, Insightful) 334

I'm not disappointed at all. Drones are so much better than actually invading Pakistan, and reduces the number of kids that get killed in war.

I never got the hate for drones in the first place. Why would you want to launch a ground invasion instead, which means MORE kids getting killed?

Sure, if you want to kill someone, you're right. I think the argument against drones is that if you push a button and someone dies on the other side of the Earth and you didn't have to go to war to do that ... well, fast forward two years and you're just sitting there hitting that button all day long. "The quarter solution" or whatever you want to call it is still resulting in deaths and, as we can see here, we're not 100% sure whose deaths that button is causing. Even if we study the targets really really hard.

And since Pakistan refuses to own their Al Queda problem, we have to take care of it for them.

No, no we don't. You might say "Al Queda hit us now we must hunt them to the ends of the Earth" but it doesn't mean that diplomacy and sovereignty just get flushed down the toilet. Those country borders will still persist despite all your shiny new self-appointed world police officer badges. Let me see if I can explain this to you: If David Koresh had set off bombs in a Beijing subway and then drones lit up Waco like the fourth of July and most of the deaths were Branch Davidians, how would you personally feel about that? Likewise, if Al Queda is our problem and we do that, we start to get more problems. Now, that said, it's completely true that Pakistan's leadership has privately condoned these strikes while publicly lambasting the US but that's a whole different problem.

Also, we must always assume that war = killing kids. The fact that people think kids shouldn't be killed in war basically gives people more of an incentive to go to war in the first place. When Bush invaded Iraq, the public should have asked "OK, how many kids are we expected to kill?" Because all war means killing kids. There has never been a war without killing kids.

The worst people are the ones that romanticize war, by saying war is clean and happy and everyone shakes hands at the end. War is the worst, most horrible thing, and we need to make sure people understand that, or they'll continue to promote war.

Yep, think of the children -- that's why we should use drone strikes, right? Look, war means death. Death doesn't discriminate and neither does war. If you're hung up on it being okay to take a life the second that male turns 18, you're pretty much morally helpless anyway. War is bad. Drone strikes are bad. There's enough bad in there for them both to be bad. This isn't some false dichotomy where it's one or the other. It's only one or the other if you're hellbent on killing people.

News flash: you can argue against drone strikes and also be opposed to war at the same time. It does not logically follow that since you're against drone strikes, you're pro war and pro killing children. That's the most unsound and absurd flow of logic I've seen in quite some time.

Comment Re:They should be doing the opposite (Score 1) 309

Yes, it's ultimately the producer that provides it in one format. And if patent law were structured sanely, so that the patent fees were paid by the producer - and not the consumer, that'd be fine.

They're paid by the software producer. Now, sure, they pass that cost on to the consumer, but complaining about that is like complaining about capitalism in general. "Why should I have to pay extra for my food because the farmer has to buy seed and fertilizer?"

It sounds like you're making a pseudo-libertarian argument for letting the market dictate formats and platforms. But patent law operates in opposition to that. In a market dominated by one or two players, a state-granted monopoly on file formats locks any upstarts out of that market.

Except it's (i) only a state-granted monopoly on a single file format, and those upstarts are free to make any other file format they want (see, e.g. Ogg, MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc., etc.); and (ii) it's not even a monopoly that locks people out. It's a standard, so it can't be used for an injunction - they just have to pay a reasonable royalty.

Compatibility with existing content is vital.

Hence AIFF and WAV, formats that have been around for decades and are free and clear of any patent protection. Full compatibility, hooray!

Oh, wait, that's not good enough - you want access to the latest and greatest perceptual audio coding systems, but don't want to pay even a small royalty for it... So pirate it. That's what everyone else does, and they're not going to go after an individual for a single copy.

But, wait, that's not what you want either... You want to become a commercial distributor, making thousands or even tens or hundreds of thousands in revenue, a new "upstart" in the marketplace, but you don't want to have to pay your suppliers. Yeah, I can't sympathize. Sorry.

Comment No, This Is Important for People to See (Score 5, Insightful) 256

Wait. A person who made dubious claims that had no scientific backing to them was actually lying? What next? Water is wet?!!

I think pretty much everyone but the nutjob, true believers in psuedo-science knew all along that this woman was lying.

So you're saying everyone knew she was lying about her charity donations as well? Or was it only the charities that knew that? From the article:

The 26-year-old's popular recipe app, which costs $3.79, has been downloaded 300,000 times and is being developed as one of the first apps for the soon-to-be-released Apple Watch. Her debut cook book The Whole Pantry, published by Penguin in Australia last year, will soon hit shelves in the United States and Britain.

So you're saying the 300,000 downloads are by people that knew they were downloading the app architected by a liar? And they were paying $3.79 to Apple and this liar for a recipe app that contain recipes that someone lied about helping her cure cancer? And you're saying that everyone at Apple that featured her app on the Apple Watch knew they were showing a snake oil app on their brand new shiny device? And that the people at Penguin did all their fact checking on any additional information this cookbook might contain about Belle Gibson's alleged cancer survival? And that everybody involved in these events know society's been parading around a fucking liar and rewarding her with cash money while she basically capitalizes on a horrendous disease that afflicts millions of people worldwide ... that she never had?

No, this is not the same as "water is wet" and it needs to be shown that holistic medicine is temporarily propped up on a bed of anecdotal lies ... anybody who accepts it as the sole cure for their ailment is putting their health in the hands of such charlatans and quacks.

Comment Re:Please don't link Newsmax... (Score 2, Insightful) 686

So you're saying that old people like Snowden and Millenials hate his guts?

Your summary dismissal of facts based on the source not being politically correct enough shows that you are very enlightened and tolerant.

During WWII, did your grandpappie tell his bosses to not trust that E=mc^2 crap because the guy who thought it up wasn't an Aryan pure blood?

Comment Re:AdBlock Edge. uBlock. AdBlock Latitude. (Score 1) 286

Hmm, that's really weird. I'm currently using 36.0.4 on Linux Mint, and everything's mostly fine. It does seem to have a memory leak in it, so I seem to need to kill it and restart it every week or two, but it is normal for me to just leave it open all the time (on a laptop which gets suspended every night) with a couple dozen tabs in two windows. So not perfect, as I had said before, but not any worse than I've had with most browsers over the years. And FF is really good about remembering all my open tabs so I'm always right back where I was when I restart it. (And unlike stupid Chromium, it waits until you actually look at a tab before loading it, instead of trying to reload every single tab all at once when you restart and restore.)

Comment Re:It's my choice to kill my kid! (Score 3, Insightful) 616

Did you not read my post? It isn't just anti-vaxxers, there's other people who are susceptible to these diseases: people who can't take the vaccine (allergic or immune-compromised), and also the unlucky 1-2% who *did* get the vaccine, and it simply didn't work for them.

Also, we're talking about kids here; the anti-vaxxers' kids don't deserve to catch diseases. If it were just anti-vax parents catching diseases themselves because of their stupid choice to not vaccinate, then yeah, who cares? Hoist by their own petard and all that. But this isn't the case; it's innocent people, mainly kids (both theirs and other peoples'), who are suffering because of these idiots.

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 1) 622

Many of the vehicles that anyone looking at them would classify as full size SUVs use unibody construction, especially at the higher end.

Then the OP's statement about them is correct. They're gas guzzlers and symbols of conspicuous consumption. At least the CUVs actually get pretty decent fuel economy (they get about the same economy now as regular cars got 10 years ago, mid-high 20s). As for crash statistics, how many of these:
* Lexus RX 350 4WD midsized luxury SUV
* Mercedes-Benz GL-Class 4WD large luxury SUV
* Volvo XC90 4WD midsized luxury SUV
* Audi A4 4WD luxury midsized car

are actually on the road? Of course the fatality rate is going to be small or zero on something where so few people drive them, compared to things like the Versa and Civic where everyone and his brother has one. These statistics aren't adjusted for the relative sales rates.

And what's with this one, anyway?
* Chevrolet Silverado 1500 crew cab 4WD pickup truck, 79 deaths

Obviously, a big huge vehicle isn't necessarily any safer, unfortunately for Chevy drivers.

Comment Re:It's my choice to kill my kid! (Score 5, Insightful) 616

That's total BS. There's always some small portion of the population who can't handle the vaccine (like the egg-allergic guy above), or for whom the vaccine just plain doesn't work. They do just fine in school. Being allergic to eggs is not a major problem for a schoolkid, and doesn't make them more susceptible to other diseases. None of this was a problem in years past, thanks to herd immunity: with ~97% of the kids immunized, the disease just never popped up in civilized society, and everything was great. We almost forgot about measles until recently because of the effectiveness of these immunizations, even though not 100% of kids were immunized. But now, with all the idiotic anti-vaxxers, measles is back.

Comment Re:Cripple Linux? (Score 0) 174

It's also $40 cheaper, which translates into a savings of > 25% of the device price.

You want Ubuntu on the "non-crippled" version? Good news: If you are willing to pay the additional $40, you ought to be able to install Ubuntu because the same hardware (minus some RAM/storage) has already been setup to run Ubuntu.

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 1) 622

You have a few good points here, but the gay vs. straight thing is totally wrong. It's the right wing fracturing society on that issue, because they refuse to treat gays as equals. What's happening is they're finally sick of being treated as second-class citizens and are demanding equal rights (as they should), and the religious conservatives are having a cow over it. Then they run around and scream about the "gay agenda", which I guess is like the "negro agenda" back before the Civil Rights Act. Can't have those minorities demanding equal rights and treatment, now can we?

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