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Comment love my kindle (Score 1) 2

My kindle is really my preferred way to read a book now.

The android app is pretty nice too. When I read on my nexus it gives me an estimate, based on current page turning speed I assume, of how many minutes it will take to finish the chapter. That is really awesome. But the nexus is thicker, heavier and has shorter battery life than the kindle.

Mine has lasted me quite a while. My kids have had issues with theirs but our experience has been the same as yours. Amazon service has been outstanding and we've had no problem getting replacements. And for a family it is ideal. Everyone is connected to my account. When we buy a book from Amazon (or email it in from Calibre) then everyone can read it.

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 4

I've never played any of the Blizzard games other than StarCraft.

I watched another guy play World of Warcraft once and realized if I started I'd be without a family, job or home in no time so I've never gone anywhere near it as a player. It pushes too many of my buttons.

Comment Re:Stalled out (Score 1) 4

Yeah - I don't let my son watch me play. It's a "the kids are asleep and the wife is busy" game for me. My daughters aren't interested so that makes it easier.

User Journal

Journal Journal: SC2 on the MBP 4

When StarCraft II came out I bought it. Unfortunately I didn't play for too long. My machine could barely run it. As I progressed through the campaign it became increasingly laggy as the scenarios became more complex. There were also some fundamental changes to gameplay that I didn't care for. I never liked the missions where I didn't build a base but instead followed a path, picking up a few units here and there. There were these along with missions that were very time oriented and you have

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Journal Journal: Systemd, Plymouth, KDM, weirdness

Very recently my Fedora machine stopped booting to the graphic login. It would be humming along, I'd see my little "f" appear, then I'd drop back to a text list of boot up events and it would just sit there. I could hop over to another tty and log in and then startx and log into KDE.

I've been busy so I didn't have time to try and figure it out. Today I finally could do a little research. I found stuff like this

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Journal Journal: Aw man 1

Wont say what site or where - but I'm working on migrating something that was hosted in one of our offices to a shared hosting environment.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Emergency Alerts 2

I am currently using a Moto G as my primary phone for a bit. I brought it with me to Moscow. As soon as I got here I started getting "Emergency Alerts" like crazy. I think I had 40 or so the first afternoon.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Good evening, everyone everywhere. 2

This is the Voice of Freedom broadcasting from somewhere in Magyarország.

I'm exhausted - should have never gotten the CBS NCAA tourney feed working at home. Slept 2 hours this morning. Fly to Moscow Wed a.m. dark and early. Life is hectic and I just keep looking at April 6th and telling myself I just have to make it that far.

I'm being melodramatic but this next couple weeks will be rough. Last week was superb - I'll post a write up later.


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