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Comment Re:Is a Democracy really truly better? (Score 1) 88

In that case, you would fit right in in the old Soviet Union or North Korea. All totalitarian regimes have mandatory voting. What they don't have is a choice in WHO to vote for.

You would also fit in quite well in Australia, which (to reference the OP) has done quite well in the pandemic thank you, has mandatory voting, and is a democracy. I think that Australia's example blows up the arguments of every post in this thread.

Comment Re:What about Star Citizen (Score 1) 141

Millions in crowdfunding and years later yet still no release :)

I played it today. Last week I played it with a big group of friends. That's not exactly no release.

Hundreds of hours of fun just larking around so far. Can't wait for the actual release though so I guess you're right about that.

Comment Re:Ahh man (Score 4, Funny) 75

With the demo, I made a rocket that orbited the Mun and returned to Kerbin for a safe landing.

I had to put the damn game down and walk away...

Yep. Same story here, except I managed an entire manned (Kerbaled?) Duna sample return mission before walking away.

My marriage only just survived.


Comment Not just death (Score 1) 208

Its not just death that is the problem. My ex-wife is in a coma, not dead. Helping the kids access her data involved an EC2 cloud of GPUs. Please people, leave your password around so your loved-ones can obtain it even without a death certificate or will, because there are some situations that are even more complicated than simple old death.

Your safety deposit box schemes all mostly fail on this point alone.


Comment Re:Wow. (Score 4, Insightful) 999

The rest of the civilized world makes this shit work. You don't think America can do it better? Why do you hate America?

America has brainwashed itself. I lived in Texas for a few years and have seen it first-hand. Its called cognitive dissonance I think. A 'patriot' seems to be someone who can simultaneously believe that the consitution is perfect, America is the greatest nation, and that they need to be armed in case they need to shoot it out with their own government.



Comment Re:Thank goodness (Score 2) 999

Simple... Trust and experiance. We do not trust our government to get it right. This comes from a lot of experiance of them getting it wrong.

Whoa, let's get this right. You don't trust your government (which wa established under your sacred consitution) yet you accept that universal health care can work under other governments (in Australia's case, a monarchy) because we've worked out that actually, yeah, the failures in trust we see from health care are much less worse than what we'd see if we adopted the American system.

Did the tea-party just admit they they fought the wrong battle back in the day?



Comment Re:God needed? (Score 2) 337

I'll give it a shot - my theology degree doesn't get used here much. Calling the unknowable first-cause 'God' is all fine and good from a philosophical standpoint, but the God of most religions is usually much more personally involved in their creation than that so you're not really talking about the same sort of 'God' that modern religions are talking about. Religion as we know it today (apart from Evangelical America) descends from transcendent ideas of God, and replaced the previous dominant model a couple of thousand years ago in most places.

Calling the things we don't understand "God" hasn't been widely popular since the stone age, and almost no-one does it anymore. (At least, no-one who is being taken seriously by theology journals. If you live in North America YMMV.)


Submission + - Ask Slashdot: What is the best hard-copy backup of my digital identity? 1

Megaport writes: 'Digital identity' can mean whatever set of unique digital artifacts happen to be most precious to you, or the keys to those things. In my case, it probably comes down to all my ssh & gpg keys and password safes. What is the best way to get a printout or other physical representation of that data in a medium that is inexpensive and inconspicuous?

My current idea is to pass-phrase encrypt and ASCII armor all my keys and safes, then sign the package using each of the keys it contains. I've collected these through 20 years of working in the industry with a lot of people who would be easily able to recognize and verify them from among their own crypto-collection, so my feeling is that this could also be useful for establishing myself in a digital environment through ad-hoc webs of trust.

Put the whole thing onto a QR code, print it out cards, stickers and t-shirts which I take everywhere and also leave in my trail behind me. My digital identity would be secure of everything this side of a rubber hose for the pass-phrase. Is this a reasonable security trade-off?

Please slashdot, tell me how paranoid I need to be. Anyway, I can't think of anyone better to ask whose name doesn't start with 'Bruce'.

WordPress To Accept Bitcoins 205

angry tapir writes "WordPress has said it will accept payment in bitcoins, opening up the blogging platform to payments from users in countries not supported by PayPal or credit card companies. WordPress is free, open-source software, but the company Automattic offers paid-for features such as blog designs, custom domains, hosting partnerships and anti-spam measures."

Comment I dumped them (Score 1) 279

Because I had so many domains with them I needed to call the support phone number to get them to produce a csv with all the auth codes, and surprisingly they answered quickly and did what I asked. They were very polite.

When I said that SOPA was my reason for transferring, the call center guy asked whether it was GoDaddy's initial position or their later decisions that made me want to transfer. I told him that their initial stance was enough for me to leave, and that I've been a customer since their first year of operation.

If the crowd is to have any power at all, we need to punish the corporations that we can effect.


Comment GoogleApps domains compatibility (Score 2) 162

I hope they don't roll up picasa and blogger until *after* they've fixed Google+ integration with GoogleApps hosted domains.

Google have acknowledged that Google+ can't be used with email addresses hosted in GoogleApp domains but there is no word on when or if this will be fixed. Moving other products into Google+ will just reduce the number of google services that I can access, and I'm a paying google customer!


Comment Re:Homeschool? (Score 4, Informative) 364

Those kids will grow up to be out of touch with reality, thinking they're the center of their tiny universe while being hopeless at everything other than their field of speciality.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I homeschooled my kids and they have a larger and more diverse circle of friends than you can possibly imagine. Unlike school kids, their friends are also from a wider variety of ages because my children didn't experience the age-range apartheid that you would consider 'normal' where the majority of the children you would interact with each day were within 12 months of your own age. My daughter's 16th birthday party had more than 70 kids and 30 adults on the guest list - and these really are close friends who she has spent more quality time with growing up than anything you get out in the school yard between classes.

I'm a software engineer, but for university the kids have gone into fields as widely different as biotech, justice/law, arts/language and design. One of them went and lived in Beijing for a year to immerse herself in the culture/language when she turned 18. Another has travelled to Japan, China and the USA regularly since they were 17 years old. At 13 years old, one of the kids went and stayed with a friend's family in the USA for three months - even saved up the airfare on her own by doing babysitting around the neighborhood.

I guess that I wouldn't agree with the same homeschooling that you don't agree with - but unfortunately for you the reality of what the vast majority of homeschoolers are doing has nothing to do with your narrow prejudiced ideas. For every homeschooling parent who is keeping their kids in the basement, I'll show you 10 school kids who are wasting their lives and potential without any help from their parents at all.

It's your call.


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