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Comment Re:I live in Arizona, and it's a pain (Score 1) 613

We don't celebrate DST in Tucson, but all my distant suppliers etc. do, so I have to adjust my mental clock to deal with their different offsets.

I'm the opposite: *I* don't use DST, and I have to spend most of the year reminding myself that "those idiots" think it's an hour later than it is.

Comment Re:Tourism (Score 2) 112


There was once a time that traveling across the ocean in any kind of vessel was a rather dangerous thing... it is now rather common and safe, as is air travel today, something that was far more risky ages ago.

Technology, methods and understanding of the systems involved increase over time... and one day a trip into a sub orbital space will be just as safe as a road trip or flight to the other side of the country (or planet). ... next up, orbital flight and beyond.

Comment Background material: (Score 5, Informative) 152

Short Version: Stan Lee has had nothing to do with SLM for over a decade - since his former friend and co-founder fled to South America to avoid federal securities fraud prosecution.

SLM is currently a few leeches who have nothing to do with the comics industry are trying to sink their claws into the profits of the creative class.

I understand that creative people need money to work, and the entities that front that money are due a return on their investment.

That's not what's going on here.

Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 1) 1007

It's not university sponsored, it's simply being held in a university facility. Not really any different than allowing political groups to meet, or some student group to show films. It doesn't mean the university endorses the content.

Of coruse, the could have easily rented another venue in Oklahoma, but they like to use university facilities to create the {il,de}lusion among the True Believers that their views have some legitimacy.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 2) 583

I don't think people like Elon musk worry about being out of a job.

Industrial robots didn't unbolt themselves from the factory floors and go and kill the people that wanted to turn them off.

Because they couldn't. Because they couldn't have their own wills at all.

Mr. Musk is advising us to NOT create the kind of robots that could.


Lava Flow In Hawaii Gains Speed, Triggers Methane Explosions 64

An anonymous reader writes Officials say molten lava from a Hawaii volcano has been flowing steadily in an area where residents have been warned they might have to evacuate their homes. Dozens of residents in the flow path have been told to complete all necessary preparations by Tuesday for a possible evacuation. From the article: "Janet Babb, a geologist and spokeswoman for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, said methane explosions also have been going off. She said decomposing vegetation produces methane gas that can travel subsurface beyond the lava front in different directions, accumulating in pockets that can ignite. She said it was a bit unnerving to hear all the blasts on Saturday."

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