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Comment Re: (Score 1) 138

Once upon a time, tens of thousands? of geeks used /. GP has a 4 digit UID - probably remembers.

Once upon a time, a server might have a hard time dealing with a whole lotta users hitting it all at the same time. Now a pi could probably do the job.

Once upon a time, a /. user might have looked up the site.

nslookup and whois seems to show that this is cloudflare hosted. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the /. effect - unless they moved the server. Seems more likely it was a misconfiguration.

Comment Re:Is the language more important than the process (Score 1) 258

OK - I did my ada coding in college in about '89. I bailed on college for ObjC - whose syntax I will always think of as

[some_instance do_thing_with: another_thing, and_something_else: whatever]

I sadly left ObjC for java around 2000 and happily left java for ruby around '10? So I'm pretty far out of the loop. Complex dot syntax for ObjC? Blech.

Thanks for the response!

Comment Re:Openstep and now Cocoa for Mac OS and iOS (Score 1) 155

... The one place Openstep didn't run was the PowerPC processor used in Macs...

In public at that time. But later --

"Rhapsody represented a new and exploratory strategy for Apple, more than an operating system, and runs on x86-based PCs and on Power Macintosh."

Comment Re:you could argue... (Score 4, Informative) 155

' of those early Unix desktops "is still alive"...'
no, it's not. NextStep was not "Unix" and Mach/BSD was not a desktop.

Actually, OpenStep was licensed UNIX. So, legally it was UNIX. But that's just legal pedantry. NS and OS were unix in all the ways that mattered. As is MacOS. They ran all the unix tools (some version or another). They did TCP/IP. Hell, they even ran X11 if you wanted to.

My father once asked me if linux was unix. Almost the same answer - legally it was not, but in every way that mattered it was. What's more, it was going to win (the unix wars).

In a sad way, MacOS and linux are the tied losers of the desktop world. I don't even know offhand what "legally branded UNIX" there is any more. Does Oracle sell some flavor of branded UNIX? You can argue that linux is more unix than MacOS - and that's fine - I'm not going to argue it. But I use MacOS because I like unix and I don't like windows and I do like having a nice desktop experience.

Comment Bury new releases (Score 1) 93

"On a storefront that goes to some lengths to bury new releases, and even buries pages where you can deliberately list new releases."

Steam front page:
Secondary heading: "Your Store"
Subheading includes: "New Releases Queue"

Secondary heading: "New & Noteworthy"
Subheading includes "New Releases"

This is just a crap article.

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